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The Collision of Cultures Chapter 1. THE 3 GROUPS 1. Native Americans  Came over 22,000 years ago from Asia 2. West Africans  Came over in the 1500s.

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1 The Collision of Cultures Chapter 1

2 THE 3 GROUPS 1. Native Americans  Came over 22,000 years ago from Asia 2. West Africans  Came over in the 1500s as slaves 3. Europeans  Vikings: came to the Americas around 1000 AD  The rest: began to come over during the late 1400s

3 Native Americans circa 1492 In North America:  Lived all over the present-day United States  CA area, NW Coast, SW, and East Woodlands Trade  Built great trading networks across the land  Free market Land use  Hunted, gathered, and cultivated  They did not trade land, but shared it Foreshadowing: Europeans believed in private land ownership  this is one area they will clash

4 Native Americans circa 1492 Religion  Most all Native Americans believed the natural world was filled with spirits Many believed in a “Great Spirit” Social organization  Basic unit among Native Americans was FAMILY  Kinship: strong family bonds Allowed for large tribes that lasted a long time  Elders instructed the young  the young honored the elders  Formed social order through division of labor

5 West Africa circa 1492 Trade  Connects Africa with the rest of the world  Sahara Highway Connected West Africa to North Africa, which was connected with Europe and Asia  Islam spread from North Africa to West Africa, but did not catch on until the late 1400s Portuguese arrive (1470s)  Traded with West Africans on the coast  2 effects: 1. Direct European-W. African traded got them closer to Europeans 2. Portuguese began trading W. African slaves to Europe

6 West Africa circa 1492 How did the slave trade start?  1480s  Portuguese had large sugar cane plantations on islands off the West African coast They needed a lot of labor for cheap; the idea caught on with the rest of Europe REMEMBER…slavery/slave trade had already been around for centuries

7 West Africa circa 1492 Religion  Believed nature was filled with spirits  Believed political leaders were chosen based on a higher authority  Most believed in a single creator Clashed with Christians and Muslims over this because they didn’t want to give up spirit worship Social organization  Kinship formed basic aspects of life  Traced everything through lineage – line of common descent Land use  Hunted, gathered, and cultivated  Believed in collective ownership of land

8 Europeans circa 1492 Europeans are just getting out of the Dark Age  Population increasing after the Black Death  Monarchs strengthen, nobles and papacy weaken due to the Crusades’ losses Trade and exploration  Middle class flourishes because trade is increasing (people now have a taste for Asian goods)  Monarchs want to become more wealthy and powerful, so they sponsor exploration to new lands

9 Europeans circa 1492 Social organization  Hierarchy – organized according to rank Monarchs  nobles  middle class  peasants  Extended families were not as important to Europeans than to Native Americans & West Africans Nuclear family – mother, father, and children Worked divided based on gender Religion  Christianity dominates life  People (especially peasants) are encouraged to suffer in this life for heaven in the next  Monarchs wanted to spread Christianity around the world with their explorations

10 Transatlantic Encounters Columbus’ 1 st encounters  He landed in the Caribbean, but assumed in was the West Indies of Asia  The 3 main things he wanted were gold, land, and to spread religion  Colonization – establishment of distant settlements controlled by a parent country (Spain)  He was able to take 3 more voyages MAIN GOALS OF EUROPEAN EXPLORATION:  1. GAIN WEALTH  2. SPREAD CHRISTIANITY

11 Impact on Native Americans Native Americans’ land, possessions, and lives taken Tried to fight back, and failed Most died of diseases brought by Europeans

12 Impact on West Africans Native Americans couldn’t survive disease, and Europeans needed labor By the end of the slave trade, 12 million Africans were taken from Africa

13 Impact on Europeans Monarchs gained land and gold The Columbian Exchange provided more food and goods for Europeans  MEANING?...people lived longer and the population increased National rivalries  Countries in Europe (THE MAIN 4: Spain, Portugal, France, England) fighting to gain the most new land and wealth  Treaty of Tordesillas – Spain got the West, Portugal got the East (created by the Pope)

14 European Settlement in North America Failed Attempts to Colonize N.A. Vikings Roanoke Island Jamestown

15 European Settlement in North America VikingsVikings? Came over to Greenland, then to North America circa 1000 A.D. Leif Ericsson, aka Leif the Lucky, discovered what is thought to be parts of New England

16 European Settlement in North America Roanoke Island (1584) The “Lost Colony”

17 European Settlement in North America What happened? 1587  Sir Walter Raleigh organized an expedition of 150 people to go to Virginia (led by Governor John White) Settled on Roanoke Island (NC); conquered the hostile natives & befriended the “friendly” natives Gov. White returned to England; 3 years later went back and found nothing “Friendly” natives had taken over

18 European Settlement in North America Jamestown The “Starving Time”

19 European Settlement in North America Jamestown Virginia Spoon Bread 2 cups water 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, room temperature 3/4 cup milk (do not use low-fat or nonfat) 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 3/4 teaspoon pepper 3 large eggs, separated

20 European Settlement in North America Jamestown  Later survived and became the first permanent English settlement in N.A.

21 European Settlement in North America Why did each of these settlements fail?  #1 reason: they were not prepared What made other settlements succeed? 4 groups that worked the best: The Spanish Jamestown New England Middle Colonies

22 Spain and Portugal

23 Spanish, English, Dutch, and French

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