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Pair Work A/B.  사실 묘사하기 in Core Conversation 2  Can you tell who that chubby baby is? ☞ 이 포동포동한 아기는 누구야 ?  He’s so tall and slim now. ☞ 지금은 매우 키가 크고.

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Presentation on theme: "Pair Work A/B.  사실 묘사하기 in Core Conversation 2  Can you tell who that chubby baby is? ☞ 이 포동포동한 아기는 누구야 ?  He’s so tall and slim now. ☞ 지금은 매우 키가 크고."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pair Work A/B

2  사실 묘사하기 in Core Conversation 2  Can you tell who that chubby baby is? ☞ 이 포동포동한 아기는 누구야 ?  He’s so tall and slim now. ☞ 지금은 매우 키가 크고 호리호리 하잖아.

3  Describe Ho-sung briefly  He is …  wearing a cap  wearing glasses  wearing a T-shirt  wearing a shorts  Etc…

4  Students will be able to describe family in the picture with appropriate expressions.  Students will be able to exchange some information comparing between two family’s appearance.  Students will be able to write a paragraph of describing their looking.

5  적절한 표현을 사용하여 그림 속의 가족을 묘사 할 수 있다.  두 가족 구성원들의 외모를 비교하는 정보를 교 환할 수 있다  자신의 외모를 묘사하는 한 단락의 글을 쓸 수 있다.


7 hair lengt h short, long color dark, blond, gray, red curl straight, curly fac e color white, yellow, black shap e oval, round, square

8  He is tall.  He is small.

9 He is overweight. He is thin/slim.

10 He wears a T-shirt. He wears a suit.

11 He wears a shirt. She wears a jacket.

12  She wears a skirt.

13 She wears a long-sleeved dress.She wears a short-sleeved dress.She wears a sleeveless dress.

14  Mustache : The hair which grows on upper lip  Beard : The hair which grows on the chin  Whisker : the long stiff hair



17  In my picture the brother is tall and thin  The mother and sister are both short and chubby  The father is wearing a striped shirt and a dark tie

18  Picture of a family at home  The father is wearing a T-shirt  He has short, curly hair (and some gray hair)  The mother is in the center of the photo  Her hair is black and long  She is wearing a white T-shirt and a denim jacket

19  The boy appears to be a teenager  He has short, dark hair  He is wearing a striped shirt  The girl is wearing a T-shirt too  She has long, dark, straight hair  She is wearing it in a pony tail


21  Picture of a family at the beach  The father is carrying an ice chest  He has light hair  He is wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and shorts  The boy has dark hair  He is wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt

22  His mother seems to have light hair  She is wearing a sleeveless dress with a light shirt over it  She is wearing sunglasses  The girl is holding her mother’s hand  She is wearing an one-piece dress

23  Note some differences between your picture and your partner’s picture

24  Picture A’s father is wearing a darker T-shirt  A’s mother has black hair but B’s mother has light hair  A’s brother is older  A’s sister is looking into the camera and B’s is looking down

25  Describe yourself and your partner

26  Short and curly hair  Just Big face  Tall and Chubby  Always negative  Wears dark shirt  But loves you students  Long and Straight hair (but tie her hair back)  Small and oval face  Tall and Slender  Always positive  Wears  But loves you students

27  He is…  His hair is…  He is wearing…  He has…

28  그림 속의 가족을 묘사 하기 - 외모 ( 키, 헤어스타일 ), 의복 ( 상의, 하의, 소매 ), 행동 ( 소지품, 시선 ) 에 따른 묘사  두 가족 구성원들의 외모를 비교 - 단순 비교 및 비교급 (-er) 을 사용  자신의 외모를 묘사

29  Circle Talk (p.49)  사실 묘사하기에 관한 표현을 활용하여 대화할 수 있다.  구직자와 면접관 사이의 역할극을 할 수 있다.  인터뷰를 통해 얻은 정보에 대해 짧은 글을 쓸 수 있다.

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