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Unit 2 THE CONSTITUTION Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School.

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1 Unit 2 THE CONSTITUTION Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School




5 2.1 Ideas & Philosophies behind our Constitution Our Constitutional House

6 2.1 What Ideas/Principles represent the “foundation” of our constitutional house?

7 1c Jefferson’s Philosophy of Government Too Late


9 2.2 The Articles of Confederation – Our first Attempt at a constitution b. What kind of Government? o Confederacy – States retain their Sovereignty (power) o Weak national government o Unicameral congress – equal representation

10 Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School c. Weaknesses (national government)? Could not … o Enforce laws o Tax o Enforce a standard currency o Regulate interstate commerce 2.2 The Articles of Confederation –

11 2.3 Born of Compromise "I have often looked at [the image] behind the president without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting. But now I... know that it is a rising...sun." The “Architects” Philadelphia 1787 – Independence Hall Revise and only revise Scrapped the Articles Strong Central Government

12 3c Dispute over representation o Virginia Plan = Bicameral Congress, States represented base on Population Vs o New Jersey Plan = Unicameral, State represented equally 3d The Great Compromise o Settled the dispute between the large states and the small states o The Compromise proposed a Bicameral Congress the states represented in the House based on population and the states represented equally in the Senate – this is the basis of our government today Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School Great Compromise PREZI 2.3 Born of Compromise

13 3e Compromises Cont. o The Three-Fifths Compromise The Three-Fifths Compromise o The Slave Trade Compromise Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School 2.3 Born of Compromise

14 2.3 Born of Compromise - Ratification 3f Ratification o 9/13 states o Federalists v. Antifederalists 3g The Federalist Papers o 85 Essays defending the Constitution o Importance today?

15 o 3h According to Alexander Hamilton, why was it so important to ratify the Constitution? o What was at stake during the debate over Ratification? “It has been reserved to the people of this country, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.” o What do you think Hamilton is saying? Hamilton, The Federalist, No. 1 Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School 2.3 Born of Compromise - Ratification

16 2.4 Structure of the Constitution – The Framework 4c How does the Constitution set up a framework of government? o Framework of a house = Basic structure o Constitution = basic structure of government Does not spell out details o Consequence? Interpretation … … Debate

17 4a Structure… Preamble Articles o Sections Paragraphs o Clauses = o Important phrases o Examples … Elastic clause Establishment clause Amendments 2.4 Structure of the Constitution – The Floor Plan

18 “Rules” For the Game of Politics Rules 2.5 Core Principles Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself” James Madison, Federalist #51

19 Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School Rules for the Game of Government 2.5a Core Principles o Four Core Principles… Separation of Powers Checks & Balances Federalism Constitutional Supremacy

20 Separation of Powers (SHR) Separation of Powers Checks & Balances 2.5a Core Principles

21 Federalism Constitutional Supremacy 2.5a Core Principles

22 (1) Interpreting the Constitution 2.5c Flexible by Design

23 (2) The Amendment Process o Propose o Ratify o Possible but difficult to amend 27 / 11th When 2/3rds of o States call for a Constitutional Convention or o Congress propose an amendment When 3/4ths of o State Legislatures approve or o State Ratifying Conventions approve 2.5c Flexible by Design

24 2.5 Flexible by Design

25 2.5b Checks & Balances Checks & Balances create a government that is very inefficient. What were the Framers ultimately trying to accomplish? Checks & Balances 2.5b Federalism & Constitutional Supremacy Federalism divides the power between the states and the national government. But what happens when a state law and a national law contradict each other? Federalism

26 2.5 Case Study Brown v. Board of Education Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School Plessy v. Ferguson

27 Teams Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School PROPOSITIONS: The United States SHOULD take military action against ISIS The United States SHOULD put “boots on the ground” in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS

28 TEAMS How important is political compromise? What if you were asked to compromise on an issue you feel strongly about? What if the compromise goes against your beliefs? Scenario: o You are part of a small group of Senators with a strong belief that the federal government cannot keep up spending at current levels. Your group represents the key votes on a bill that will increase the debt. You are being pressured by your party leaders to compromise on the bill. If you compromise, the debt will continue to increase. If you do not compromise, the government will shut down at midnight. Billions of dollars in economic revenue may lost. o Do you compromise and vote for the bill? -OR- o Do you stand on principle and vote against the bill even though it will lead to a shutdown? Decide in you team what you will do. Be sure you can back up your decision Government & Citizenship Timpanogos High School

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