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“Unit 4 Revision” Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A. Fitness Components,

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2 “Unit 4 Revision” Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A. Fitness Components, muscles B. Fitness Assessment C. Fitness principles methods D. Chronic Adaptations E. Ethics & sport Final Jeopardy

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4 Question Answer A-100 QUESTION: Identify 6 fitness components ANSWER: Aerobic power, Anaerobic power, balance, coordination, speed, strength, reaction time, flexibility, LME, power, body composition

5 Question Answer A-200 QUESTION: Name and outline the 3 types of stretching? ANSWER:PNF, static & Ballistic

6 Question Answer A-300 QUESTION: Identify 3 methods used to analyse physical activity ANSWER: simple observation, observation with statistical data, observation with videotaping and statistical data (skill frequency, movement patterns, intensity charts, W:R ratio).

7 Question Answer A-400 QUESTION: Identify and discuss the types of muscle contractions ANSWER: Isotonic- muscle length changes through ROM. Isometric- no change in length of muscle. Isokinetic- develops maximal velocity, specialised equipment

8 Question Answer A-500 QUESTION: Identify the 3 types of muscles & where they are found ANSWER: Smooth muscles-digestive tract, bladder, blood vessels. Cardiac- heart. Skeletal- attaches to & causes mvt of the skeleton

9 Question Answer QUESTION: Identify fitness testing rationale ANSWER: Identify specific attributes, strength & weaknesses, monitoring progress, providing motivation & incentive B-100

10 Question Answer B-200 QUESTION: What is the criteria for selecting fitness tests ANSWER: Relevance & specificity, validity & reliability, interpretable & comparable results.

11 Question Answer B-300 QUESTION: What would an athlete do before a pre-test? ANSWER: not consumed food 2hrs before exercise, avoid heavy exercise the day before, fully informed of what is expected, wear appropriate clothing & footwear, etc

12 Question Answer B-400 QUESTION: Identify 4 fitness tests for LME ANSWERS: timed sit ups, curl ups test, timed push ups, modified pull ups, flexed arm hang, max dip test

13 Question Answer B-500 QUESTION: Identify 3 fitness components & a fitness test for each ANSWER: agility – illinois test, flexibility- sit & reach, body composition- body mass index, strength- hand grip dynamometer, etc

14 Question Answer C-100 QUESTION: Discuss duration, frequency, intensity, specificity & overload ANSWER: Duration- length of training, Frequency- the number of training sessions per week, intensity- exertion level, specificity- specific to sport, overload- increase workload

15 Question Answer C-200 QUESTION: How would an athlete use progressive overload in their training? ANSWER: start slowly, once comfortable slowly add changes- increase duration, intensity, reps/sets etc. increase one aspect at a time, no more than 10%

16 Question Answer C-300 QUESTION: What is de-training & retraining ANSWER: De-training- athletes loss of fitness when they cease training. Retraining- recommencement of training

17 Question Answer C-400 QUESTION: Identify 4 training methods ANSWER: resistance training, flexibility, interval, continuous, aerobic classes, fartlek, plyometrics, circuit, fit ball & pilates

18 Question Answer C-500 QUESTION: Discuss work to rest ratio in relation to an activity ANSWER: how much work is completed in proportion to how much rest is completed

19 Question Answer D-100 QUESTION: Identify the term chronic adaptation ANSWER: the body’s long term muscular, skeletal, circulatory & respiratory responses that develop over a period of time (minimum 6 weeks)

20 Question Answer D-200 QUESTION: Identify 2 chronic adaptations of the respiratory system ANSWER: Increased lung ventilation, increased VO2 max, increased alveolar- capillary surface area, decreased O2 cost of ventilatory muscles, increased tidal volume and decreased minute venitilation

21 Question Answer D-300 QUESTION: Identify 3 chronic adaptations to the circulatory system ANSWER: cardiac hypertrophy, increased capillarisation, increased SV, lower resting HR, lower HR during sub maximal workloads, improved HR recovery, lower blood pressure, Increased a-vo2 diff

22 Question Answer D-400 QUESTION: Discuss muscle hypertrophy & atrophy ANSWER: Muscle gains more size through training for hypertrophy & loose size when not training (atrophy)

23 Question Answer D-500 QUESTION: What is increased capillarisation of the heart & how does it increases performance ANSWER: increase in capillary density & blood flow to the heart. Increased supply of blood flow & oxygen allows the heart to beat more strongly & efficiently during exercise & rest

24 Question Answer E-100 QUESTION: True or False- Are intravenous drips legal or illegal in sports? ANSWER: Legal

25 Question Answer E-200 QUESTION: Identify 3 illegal practices or performance enhancing drugs ANSWER: anabolic steroids, hormones & related substances- EPO, HGH, Insulin growth, diuretics, stimulants, narcotics, cannabis, beta blockers, blood doping, etc

26 Question Answer E-300 QUESTION: List 5 reasons for why athletes take drugs? ANSWER: Coaches, Peers, Family, Spectators/crowd, Media, Administrators/promoters, social factors, financial & material rewards, national/political/ideological

27 Question Answer E-400 QUESTION: What is EPO and what does it do? ANSWER: injections over time, naturally occuring hormone in the body, difficult to determine if artificial. Increases red blood cell production, thus oxygen carrying capacity to muscles for endurance sports

28 Question Answer E-500 QUESTION: What are beta blockers and what sports would you use them? ANSWER: illegally used to reduce body tremor & reduce heart rate - help stop the hands from shaking while competing in shooting, archery, billiards, gymnastics, etc

29 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: What do you need to do to ensure you get the best result in the final exam? ANSWER: Study and make time to come and see me for help.

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