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ATEC’s Support to GWOT James J. Streilein, Ph.D. 20 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ATEC’s Support to GWOT James J. Streilein, Ph.D. 20 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATEC’s Support to GWOT James J. Streilein, Ph.D. 20 March 2009

2 2 Topics  Who we are  Rapid Acquisition Initiative  Rapid Acquisition Environment  Achieving Balance  Testing in Support of GWOT

3 3 Understand Who We Are Full Spectrum Testing & Evaluation (T&E)Full Spectrum Testing & Evaluation (T&E) –Only test organization in DoD to encompass all phases of T&E; developmental testing, operational testing & system evaluation Major ContributorMajor Contributor –T&E over 400 systems –1100 test events worked daily –ATEC Forward – Forward Operational Assessment Teams in Iraq & Afghanistan Large, complex organizationLarge, complex organization –10,000+ personnel (59 Ph.D.s) –26 Locations, 17 States, Control 1/3 Army’s Land area –Mostly reimbursable; competitive, efficient, operationally-focused –$5 Billion capital investment in facilities/instrumentation Impacted by BRACImpacted by BRAC

4 4 How We Fit MGS FMTV Independent Reporting Mandated by US Code, OMB, and OSD Independent Reporting Mandated by US Code, OMB, and OSD Legend T&E Policy and Oversight Assistant Secretary for AL&T Secretary of Defense TEO (T&E Executive) Secretary of the Army Chief of Staff Vice Chief of Staff Army Test and Evaluation Command MG Nadeau Developmental Test Command Mr. Johnson Army Evaluation Center Mr. Simmons Operational Test Command Mr. Amato DUSA Under Secretary of Defense (AT&L), Director Defense Systems/ DD Developmental T&E Director, OTE WIN-T MRAP FCS GWOT ER/MP UAS

5 5 Rapid Acquisition Initiatives In response to Army’s #1 priority GWOT-ATEC stood up process to quickly assess materiel being sent into Afghanistan & Iraq DTC Prepares Safety Release In parallel, AEC gathers all available data & compiles C&L Report (CLR) Capabilities & Limitation Reports (CLR) have 2 audiences –Users-”Consumer Reports” of the Army, how to use, what it really does, including support & training issues –Acquisition community-recommended additional testing, development improvements, support improvements (TTPs, training, ILS, etc) necessary

6 6 Rapid Acquisition Environment < 180 Days Requirements - Theater - JUONS - ONS - CMNS $ Threat CONOPS CONOPS MATDEV Schedule C&L Reports are addressed to the Warfighter to provide information for decisions (in coordination with the MATDEV) FieldedSystem T&E MATDEV – Material Developer JUONS – Joint Urgent Operational Needs Statement CMNS – Combat Mission Needs Statement CONOPS – Concept of Operations

7 7 RAPID EQUIPPING Existing Capabilities Focused Area(s) of Operation Recognized/Unrecognized Limitations Limited Production and Material Release for One Year TRADITIONAL ACQUISITION Full Capabilities All Anticipated Areas of Operation Minimize Limitations Full Rate Production and Material Release PAST Strong methodical testing Requires Time/Money CURRENT Two pronged Continue traditional testing Added rapid testing (C&L) FUTURE A different degree of “normalcy” Achieving Balance

8 8 Testing In Support of GWOT Capabilities Limitations Concept of Operations Training Logistics Safety Capabilities Limitations Concept of Operations Training Logistics Safety Safety Testing Limited Field Testing (Scoped to Theater of War) Safety Testing Limited Field Testing (Scoped to Theater of War) ZEUS CLASSIFIED Capabilities and Limitations Report Safety Confirmation T&E CONCEPT

9 9 9 Flash to Bang Iron Scrape - Army Rapid Equipping Force (REF) project being executed on a 100 day program schedule including Test & Evaluation with troops. Initial REF Request (for Asymmetric Warfare Group): 17 Nov ATEC System Team (AST) Formed: 24 Nov Out-Of-Cycle Test Resource Plan: 15 Dec T&E Concept approved: 17 Dec Funding distribution (including funding for supporting Unit): 12 Jan Developmental Testing: (Limited Automotive, Human Factors Engineering, Safety & Performance): 20 Jan - 13 Feb Safety Release: 4 Feb DT/OT conducted: 4-6 Feb Safety Confirmation (SC) and Capabilities & Limitations Report (CLR): (27 Feb) Iron Scrape - Army Rapid Equipping Force (REF) project being executed on a 100 day program schedule including Test & Evaluation with troops. Initial REF Request (for Asymmetric Warfare Group): 17 Nov ATEC System Team (AST) Formed: 24 Nov Out-Of-Cycle Test Resource Plan: 15 Dec T&E Concept approved: 17 Dec Funding distribution (including funding for supporting Unit): 12 Jan Developmental Testing: (Limited Automotive, Human Factors Engineering, Safety & Performance): 20 Jan - 13 Feb Safety Release: 4 Feb DT/OT conducted: 4-6 Feb Safety Confirmation (SC) and Capabilities & Limitations Report (CLR): (27 Feb) Ground Torch Ground Torch SSBDS (Standoff Suicide Bomb Detection System) SSBDS (Standoff Suicide Bomb Detection System) DVE FADS JERRV RG-31 (Drivers Vision Enhancement DVE FADS JERRV RG-31 (Drivers Vision Enhancement Forward Activity Detection System) Forward Activity Detection System) CVRJ Fixed Site (C-IED Vehicle Reactive Jammer) CVRJ Fixed Site (C-IED Vehicle Reactive Jammer) HART (Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance) HART (Heterogeneous Airborne Reconnaissance) Other Examples:


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