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Quadrennial 2011 Oil and Gas State Assessed & Personal Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Quadrennial 2011 Oil and Gas State Assessed & Personal Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quadrennial 2011 Oil and Gas State Assessed & Personal Property

2 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Oil and Gas CRS 39-10-106

3 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Unit Operator Responsibilities The unit operator shall collect from the owners of the fractional interests and remit to the treasurer the tax levied against the entire unit.

4 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Unit Operator Collects Taxes The unit operator may deduct from royalty payments made to any fractional interest owner the estimated amount of the tax to be paid by such fractional interest owner

5 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Unit Operator Responsibility Failure of the unit operator to remit to the treasurer the tax levied against the entire unit shall make the unit operator liable for such tax.

6 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Unit Operator Escrow The unit operator shall open an account in A federally insured bank Located in the state of Colorado Requires two signatures  One shall be the signature of the treasurer

7 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Escrow Account Ownership - Such account shall be owned by the owners of fractional interests in the unit - But the unit operator shall be responsible for managing such account

8 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer When Funds Are to be Deposited The moneys shall be deposited in such account within 30 days from the date the unit operator receives payment for the sale of any oil or gas from such lease.

9 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Treasurer May Waive Escrow Requirement Waive the requirement of placing the tax in such account or fund as required in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3.5) and allow the unit operator to file a statement with the treasurer declaring that a sufficient amount of moneys or other assets is available to ensure the payment of the tax if:

10 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Waiver Conditions The unit operator has made timely payment of the tax the previous 3 property tax years The unit operator has been in operation in the county for less than 3 property tax years and has made timely payment of the tax to the treasurer during such period of time; or The unit operator has been in operation in the county for less than 1 property tax year.

11 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Plugged and Abandoned Wells Upon completion all moneys remaining after full payment of all ad valorem taxes due on the unit shall be distributed to the owners of fractional interests in the unit based upon each owner's proportional contribution to the moneys remaining in the account

12 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Remedies and Restrictions May utilize all lawful collection and enforcement remedies against the owner of any fractional interest to collect the tax owed by such owner But an owner shall not be subject to penalty or interest upon the tax owed unless he fails to remit such tax within 20 days after notification of the default of the first purchaser or unit operator

13 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Notice by Registered Mail The treasurer shall send a notice by registered mail to the first purchaser of the amount of such delinquent taxes and the name of the unit operator owing such delinquent tax

14 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer First Purchaser The first purchaser shall withhold payments to the unit operator owing the taxes of any of the proceeds of the sale of any oil and gas. The first purchaser shall remit such withheld payments to the treasurer until the amount of such taxes and penalties are paid in full.

15 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer If First Purchaser Failures to Remit The first purchaser shall remain liable for the amount of tax owed The treasurer may utilize lawful collection and enforcement remedies and procedures against any first purchaser  Scott Mason's first rule of business law

16 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Withheld But Not Remitted The tax liability of the owner of any fractional interest in such unit whose proportionate share of tax was withheld from royalty payments by the unit operator but not remitted to the treasurer shall be deemed satisfied to the extent of the amount withheld, and such owner shall not be subject to any collection and enforcement remedies and procedures provided by law.

17 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Big Time Felony Any unit operator or first purchaser who has collected the tax from the fractional interest owners pursuant to the provisions of this section but has failed to remit such tax collected commits embezzlement, as defined in sections 18-4-401 and 18-4- 403, C.R.S.

18 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer In Kind Use and Inaccurate Data The unit operator shall not be liable for any tax levied against any production taken in kind from the property for which the fractional interest owner taking production in kind provided inaccurate information regarding net taxable revenues to be used for tax reporting.

19 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Notice First Purchaser The treasurer shall send a notice by registered mail to the first purchaser of the name of the unit operator owing such tax and the amount the first purchaser shall withhold from any of the unit operator's proceeds of the sale of any oil and gas from such lease.

20 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer After Noticing First Purchaser After receiving such notice, the first purchaser shall withhold payments to the unit operator of any of the proceeds of the sale of any oil and gas from such lease.

21 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Remit to Treasurer The first purchaser shall remit payments to the treasurer until the tax is paid in full

22 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer First Purchaser Remains Liable If the first purchaser fails to collect the tax or the first purchaser fails to transfer the tax to the treasurer pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (4.5), the first purchaser shall remain liable for the amount of tax owed

23 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Proceed Against First Purchaser The treasurer may proceed against any first purchaser to collect the amount of taxes owed.

24 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer State Assessed The State has determined that it has greater expertise than the local Assessor in assessing the value of certain types of property – Railroads – Utilities – Cell Towers

25 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer State Assessed Collections Remedies are the same as Personal Property

26 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Personal Property Any business asset that is used to make a profit CRS 39-10-110 to 113

27 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Personal Property Take partial payments Monitor all auction houses for sales of businesses in your jurisdiction Issuing distraint warrants Organize list from largest to smallest

28 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Payment Plans The payment plan shall specify: The amount due – tax levied – interest – penalties – fees The amount of each payment; and payment due dates

29 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Maximum Payment Plan Shall be paid in full no later than 24 months from the date the owner of the personal property enters into a written payment plan

30 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Payment Plan Termination The treasurer may terminate the payment plan if the owner of the personal property fails to abide by the terms and conditions of the plan.

31 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Collection Actions After October 1st the treasurer shall enforce collection of delinquent taxes on personal property by: – Commencing a court action or – Employing a collection agency or – Distraining, seizing, and selling the property

32 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Distraint Warrant A distraint warrant shall be served by the sheriff or a commissioned deputy or, at the discretion of the sheriff, by a private server of process hired for the purpose

33 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Cost of Warrant Service Any cost incurred as a result of hiring a private server of process shall be paid by the sheriff's office, and the cost shall not exceed the amount specified in section 30- 1-104 (1) (a), C.R.S.

34 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Property Leaves the County When personal property is moved to another county in the state, the treasurer of the county levying the tax may issue a certificate to the treasurer of the county to which the property has been moved

35 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Seized Property Procedure The treasurer shall: – Make a list of property – Deliver a copy to the owner and to any lienholder of record – Change the locks – Plus a statement of the amount demanded – Notice of the time and place of the sale

36 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Must Conduct Sale No later than 180 days after the seizure of any personal property

37 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Notification Notice containing a description of the property The reason its being offered for sale The time and place of the sale in a newspaper published in the county

38 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer 10 Days From Publication The sale shall not be more than 10 days from the date the notice is first published The sale may be adjourned for any reason In no event shall the sale be postponed for more than 30 days from the date the notice is first published

39 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Minimum Bid Includes the taxes, delinquent interest, and costs of making the seizure and advertising the sale

40 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Failure to Make Min. Bid If the amount bid at the sale is not equal to the minimum price, the treasurer shall declare the property purchased by the county at the fixed minimum price It shall be sold within 150 days by the BOCC

41 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Treasurer May Direct the Auction To: Sheriff or A professional auction firm

42 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Certificates of Purchase A certificate of sale shall be issued to each purchaser which shall be prima facie evidence of the right of the treasurer to make such sale and conclusive evidence of the regularity of the proceedings in conducting the sale

43 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Surplus Proceeds Any surplus sale proceeds over and above the taxes, delinquent interest, and costs of making the seizure and advertising the sale shall be paid over to the owner and a written account of the sale furnished him

44 John Lefebvre - Weld County Treasurer Be Considerate of Others City State IRS Chain of Title

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