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Controversial Issues. Illegal Immigration  Should illegal immigrants who are currently living and working in this state be granted legal status?  Should.

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Presentation on theme: "Controversial Issues. Illegal Immigration  Should illegal immigrants who are currently living and working in this state be granted legal status?  Should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controversial Issues

2 Illegal Immigration  Should illegal immigrants who are currently living and working in this state be granted legal status?  Should children of illegal immigrants be given automatic citizenship if they are born in the United States? born in the United States?

3 Illegal Immigration Should the children of illegal immigrants who came here with their parents be granted the right to apply for financial aid and student loans, just like other students?

4 Environmental Issues Should people boycott SUV’s and other large vehicles in favor or hybrid vehicles and smaller cars that get better gas mileage? Should we raise taxes on items like soda, candy, and cigarettes to help raise much- needed money for our state services?

5 Right to Die Should California Law allow a terminally ill person to commit suicide with a doctor’s assistance? Should next-of-kin be given the right to end life-support for a family member who has been declared to be medically brain dead or in a vegetative state?

6 Violence in the Media  Are video games harmful to the developing minds of young children?

7 Medical Ethics  Should people have the right to sell their organs for cash? (a kidney, an eye, etc.)  Does all research involving primate experimentation require strong moral justification?

8 Language  Should the word “God” be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance?  Should school districts continue to offer Bilingual programs (Spanish, Mandarin, etc) or should the sole focus be on children learning English?

9 Civil Rights  Should homosexuals be granted the right to legal marriage?  Should homosexuals be allowed to adopt children through public/state adoption agencies?

10 Affirmative Action  Should colleges and universities make special allowances for students based on ethnicity and income?  Should the state continue to fund college programs like EOPS? (EOPS offers counseling, free textbooks, grants and loans to qualifying minority students)

11 Education  Should public high schools teach students about birth control in health classes?  Should public high schools teach abstinence-only in Sex Ed classes?  Should all public high school students be required to take an exit exam? Should we eliminate teacher tenure?

12 Education  Should all public school teachers be evaluated based on their students’ test scores?  Should public school students be required to wear uniforms?  Do public schools have the right to give random drug tests to any/all students?

13 Steps to Writing the Paper  Choose a compelling topic—one that you really care about.  List potential subjects EDUCATION ANIMAL WELFARE MEDIARELIGION


15 Create a debatable question:  Should we raise the driving age to 18?  Is home-schooling a good alternative to public schools?

16 Research Your Question:  Is home-schooling a good alternative to public schools? YESNO Flexible schedule Still follows curriculum Field opportunities Research opportunities Can focus on interests Parents can be very good teachers Most people aren’t self-disciplined Parents aren’t always well-trained Children need a break from parents Not enough social interaction Can’t study well at home Students won’t learn the same materials Won’t be prepared for college

17 Choose a position. Write your thesis.  Is home-schooling a good alternative to public schools? Thesis: In most cases, home-schooling is NOT a good alternative to public school: parents often don’t make the best teachers, students often lack self-discipline, and standards are not consistent.

18 Write the Outline  I. INTRODUCTION --background on topic --Question/ Thesis BODY II. --First Reason --Evidence --Evidence--Counterargument--Rebuttal

19 III.--Second Reason --Evidence --Evidence--Counter-argument--Rebuttal IV.--Third Reason --Evidence--Counterargument--Rebuttal

20  Conclusion --additional example? --restate main reasons --final thought/ quote WORKS CITED PAGE

21 What is a Counterargument? Example: Most students are not disciplined enough to study at home. Most students would be distracted at home. Granted, some rare students would do well at home, but the MAJORITY of students need structure and a school setting. [This statement acknowledges that some students might in fact do very well in a home setting]

22 Counterarguments:  EXAMPLE: While it is true that many parents would be well-qualified teachers, many parents would not do well as their own child’s teacher. Children don’t always listen toparents the same way they listen to a stranger. Also, sometimes the presence of a principal helps to keep kids focused.

23 So what is a counterargument again? --A counterargument anticipates your opponents’ objections and includes them in your paper. --A counterargument means taking the offensive. --A counterargument acknowledges the strengths of the other side. --Not doing so makes you look like biased or unaware.

24 Argument Essay: *3-4 pages in length *3 sources minimum for evidence *Writing should incorporate appropriate tone, appeals, and examples *Citations must be listed on a “Works Cited” page as well within the body of the essay. *Due, Draft #1 April 12

25 Should GCC Ban Smoking on Campus? (practice)  List the pros and cons  Decide on your position  Write your thesis statement. Include three reasons within your thesis.  Write your essay in 5 paragraphs.  Each body paragraph should include your reason, evidence, analysis of the evidence, counterargument, and rebuttal.

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