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Circulatory system Review. Fill in the blank Atherosclerosis is the result of fatty deposits called ________a____________ on the inner walls of the ______b____________.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory system Review. Fill in the blank Atherosclerosis is the result of fatty deposits called ________a____________ on the inner walls of the ______b____________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory system Review

2 Fill in the blank Atherosclerosis is the result of fatty deposits called ________a____________ on the inner walls of the ______b____________. Answer: a.Plaque b.arteries

3 Fill in the blank ________a_________ are elastic and stretch in order to withstand high pressure of blood being pumped from the _______b_________. Answer: a.Arteries b.heart

4 Fill in the blank Myocardial infarction occurs when ___________ and can lead to heart failure. Answer: Blood supply is blocked to the heart

5 Fill in the blank The elasticity of the arteries ____________ the farther away from the heart. Answer: decreases

6 Fill in the blank A ______________________ is the result of a defective heart valve. Answer: Heart murmur

7 Fill in the blank ________________ are small branches of arteries that lead into the organs and tissues. Answer: arterioles

8 Fill in the blank The heart beat is controlled by the _____________________ but regulated by the ______________________. Answer: Sinatrial node

9 Fill in the blank ______________ connect arterial and venous circulation. Answer: capillaries

10 Fill in the blank The _____a______ side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs while the _____b_____ side pumps oxygenated blood to the body. Answer: right left

11 Fill in the blank The exchange of ___________________ occurs at the capillary level. Answer: Oxygen and carbon dioxide

12 Fill in the blank The _________________ valve connects the right atrium to the right ventricle. Answer: tricuspid

13 Fill in the blank ________________ prevent back flow of blood in the veins. Answer: valves

14 Fill in the blank Blood enters the heart via ______a_________ and _______b__________. Answer: a.inferior vena cava b.superior vena cava

15 Fill in the blank The exchange of fluid, nutrients, and gasses depends on ________a_______ and _________b___________. Answer: a.Solute concentration b.Hydrostatic pressure

16 Fill in the blank When the ____a______ side of the heart is in systole, the ____b______ side of the heart is in diastole. Answer: a.Superior b.inferior

17 Fill in the blank The fluid that leaks out of the circulatory system is returned via the _______________. Answer: Lymphatic system

18 Fill in the blank ______a_____ refers to contractions while ______b_____ refers to the hearts relaxation. Answer: systole diastole

19 Fill in the blank The double layered sac that surrounds the heart is called ___________________. Answer: pericardium

20 Fill in the blank Platelets, leukocytes, lymphocytes and phagocytes are ______a_______ components of the _____b_______. Answer: a.Cellular b.blood

21 Label heart #1

22 #1 Superior vena cava

23 Label Heart #2

24 #2 inferior vena cava

25 Label Heart #3

26 #3 aorta

27 Label Heart #4

28 #4 Left atrium

29 #5

30 #5 left ventricle

31 #6

32 #6 right atrium

33 #7

34 #7 right ventricle

35 #8

36 #8 left and right pulmonary veins leading from pulmonary trunk to the lungs

37 #9

38 #9 right and left pulmonary arteries leading to the left atrium from the lungs

39 #10 Valve?

40 #10 Pulmonary valve

41 #11 Valve?

42 #11 bicuspid or mitral valve

43 #12 Valve?

44 #12 tricuspid valve

45 #13

46 #13 separating the right and left ventricles is the interventricular septum

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