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* Please come up to the front and get a fact sheet, then… * Please find your seat (name on sticky note)

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Presentation on theme: "* Please come up to the front and get a fact sheet, then… * Please find your seat (name on sticky note)"— Presentation transcript:

1 * Please come up to the front and get a fact sheet, then… * Please find your seat (name on sticky note)

2 Please take a textbook from the counter at the back of the room Please look over the book for any problems Record your name and book number and any problems on the sheet being passed around.

3 * Grew up in Philly and NJ * Went to Virginia Tech * Enjoy running and sports * Coach XC, Winter Track, Spring Track * Teach AP Stat and Applied Math * Graduated with degree in Math, minors in Spanish and Statistics

4 * AP level = college level Fast pace Work load (HW, reading book) Level of material * College class in a high school setting * Prepare for AP Exam - - MAY 5 th 2009! * COLLEGE EXPECTATIONS: * Do HW* Be prepared * Read book* Attendance * Ask questions

5 * Analyzing data * Making conclusions… both small and broad * Combination of Math and Writing

6 * Tough grading… picky! * WILL prepare you for the exam * Policies…. FACT SHEET

7 * 3 ring binder * Book * CALCULATOR: 83+, 84, or 84+ * Expectations we’ve talked about * Food * Cell phones * Dress code

8 * Absences * Lates * Cuts * Amount * Grading * Receiving credit * Late assignments

9 * Announced/unannounced * Calculators * Hats/sunglasses * Amount/type * Grading * Lateness

10 * Final Exam = 3 parts * MC exam, PA1, PA2 * PAs in class, MC on Exam days (late Jan.) * PAs = 15%, MC = 70% of Final Exam grade * Before school * After practices * 4 th block

11 * # pts. Earned / # pts. possible * HW, quizzes, tests, projects, etc. * Borderline grades (79.48%) * Normal grading scale (93% = A, 90% = A-, etc.) * MP1 = 40% * After practices * 4 th block

12 * TUESDAY MAY 5 th, 2009 * Review sessions at night * Strongly encouraged to take exam * College credit, saving $, etc. * Please write this down!

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