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Harrisonburg City Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Operational and School Nutrition Budgets February 17th, 2015 Presented by Scott Kizner, Ph.D. Investing.

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Presentation on theme: "Harrisonburg City Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Operational and School Nutrition Budgets February 17th, 2015 Presented by Scott Kizner, Ph.D. Investing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harrisonburg City Public Schools FY2016 Proposed Operational and School Nutrition Budgets February 17th, 2015 Presented by Scott Kizner, Ph.D. Investing in the Future of Harrisonburg City Harrisonburg City Schools…A place where learning has no limits and together we work for the success of all.

2 LEARNING We believe learning is the heart and soul of what we do and that all students will learn. EQUITY We believe each and every student has gifts and talents that will be recognized, valued, nurtured, and celebrated. EXCELLENCE We believe in setting high expectations for students and adults in attitude, behavior, progress, and achievement. TOGETHER We believe in meaningful collaboration with each other, parents, students, and the community. FORWARD We believe in continuous improvement through innovation, taking risks, solving problems, and a sense of humor. Our Budget is Aligned with Our Mission and Core Beliefs 2

3 3 Budget Goals Goal 1 Promote outstanding achievement, high standards and expectations for learning Goal 2 Promote the best practices to recruit, retain and engage our workforce Goal 3 Promote the involvement and enhance the professional development for all staff Goal 4 Promote student personal growth so that each can become a responsible contributing citizen Goal 5 Promote community support and involvement in the schools Goal 6 Promote organizational efficiency and protection of assets

4 4 Equity and excellence drives our daily decisions Budget is flexible to meet unanticipated or new priority needs High expectations for learning and investing in personnel are essential for continuous improvement Not everything can be funded and not everything can be funded at current levels New needs require us to “abandon” some past priorities Our enrollment continues to increase (2-4%) Diverse needs of our students are a driving budget focus Key Points

5 5 Greatest AMO gains are expected for English Language Learners (ELL), Economically Disadvantaged and Students with Disabilities Harrisonburg City Public Schools ELL and Economically Disadvantaged student population is significantly higher than the state average ELL State Average = 10.07%; ELL HCPS average = 34.16% F/R Lunch State Average = 40.04%; F/R Lunch HCPS average = 71.12% College and Career Readiness is an expectation for ALL students The “Whole Child” is our focus Key Points

6 6 Teachers and staff receiving state and national awards On-time graduation has improved to above the state requirement Harrisonburg High School listed as one of the best high schools for advanced placement instruction and results Harrisonburg High School ranked 26 out of the best high schools in Virginia according to Niche Rankings Winner of the Wells Fargo Scholastic Cup four years in a row Expansion of STEM instruction and fine arts academies Accomplishments

7 7 Expansion of college and university partnerships Continuation of Blue Ridge Scholars Degree program Expansion of dual language programs Career experience program implemented at HHS Expansion of CTE HS courses including Teach for Tomorrow Parent and community learning workshops Expansion and upgrades of instructional technology So many more…. Accomplishments

8 8 Growth and facility limitations Accelerated AMO requirements “Newcomer” eligible students have increased significantly Prepare students for k school readiness Older students entering our schools with no or very few credits Attracting and retaining exceptional staff to meet the diverse needs of our students Health insurance and VRS increases Funding revenue uncertainties New mandates and laws Future Challenges

9 K-12 Membership As of January 30, 2015 SchoolsTotalF/R LunchLEP HHS1,491954388 Skyline767552199 THMS805483153 Keister476267195 Smithland538372242 Spotswood434381274 Stone Spring336215128 Waterman453344222 TOTALS5,3003,5681,801 9

10 Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation (includes Pre-K) 10

11 Class Size Reduction Requirements Qualifying School Percentage of Students Approved for Free Lunch Required Grades K-3 Schoolwide Ratio Required Maximum Individual Class Size 30% but less than 45%19 to 124 45% but less than 55%18 to 123 55% but less than 65%17 to 122 65% but less than 70%16 to 121 70% but less than 75%15 to 120 75% or more14 to 119 Source: Item 132 C. 10. d. of Chapter 874, 2010 Acts of Assembly. 11

12 12 Grade Enrollment Projection (Based on 2014 Fall Enrollment Counts) 2014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-20Change Kindergarten448468 50147348133 Grade 14664414614674964682 Grade 245146744446647050049 Grade 345945347345147147617 Grade 442645545046544546539 Grade 542143646145347245130 Grade 639642644347446248286 Grade 739941144145549047778 Grade 8385396409440453488103 Grade 946645347249352454276 Grade 10390455446460483514124 Grade 11311352397394408425114 Grade 12353354411473459479126 Total K-125,3715,5685,7745,9936,1066,248877 Demographics Research Group - University of Virginia - - 434.982.5698

13 13

14 14 Expansion of high school STEM offerings Expansion Middle School AVID programs Expansion of elementary dual immersion programs Middle School dual language program Expansion of instructional technology programs Expansion of digital reading program at Spotswood Community partnerships for after school programming Development of a comprehensive high school apprenticeship, internship, and mentoring program Creating additional leadership experiences for staff University and Foundation support for professional development New Opportunities for 2015-2016

15 15 Budgeted ADM for FY16 is 5,400. VA DOE currently funding on 9/30/14 adjusted ADM of 5,255 (current budget built on 5115 ADM) Assumes 2% salary increases for all employees and an additional 1% increase for instructional assistants $767,520 Additional payroll taxes and VRS contributions associated with proposed salary increase $154,407 State revenues are based on the Governor’s budget proposal, dated 12/17/14, but may be higher based on General Assembly action Revenues reflect a $1,945,369 increase in State revenues based on increased ADM Budget Notes

16 16 Assumes 12% health insurance increase and insurance adjustment: $930,689 Assumes health design changes to employer contributions for health insurance premiums: $77,000 Assumes a.35 reduction in VRS contributions for professional staff members totaling ($18,357) Original new non-personnel requests totaled $2,374,575 Assumes an addition of $1,090,812 in non-personal funds Budget Notes

17 17 Original new personnel requests totaled $2,227,860 for 41 new FTE and extended contracts Assumes an increase of 12 new positions and reduction of 5 current staff for a net total of 7 new positions totaling $528,108. Budget Notes

18 18 Assumes an additional $1,386,783 in the City appropriation. Assumes an additional $198,000 in local recovered costs from E-Rate reimbursement. The budget development process compares expenditures and revenues to the approved 2014- 2015 budget, which does not include supplemental appropriations. Budget Notes

19 19 Health Insurance Plan Comparisons Plan 3-Hired on or After July 1, 2015 Total Cost % Cost for Employer Cost for EmployeeEmployer Cost Employee Only$511.9790%$51.20$460.77 Employee & One Minor$749.3568%$237.37$511.98 Employee & Children$1,068.7765%$374.07$694.70 Empoyee & Spouse$1,122.3762%$426.50$695.87 Family$1,578.0456%$694.34$883.70 Plan 2-Hired on or After July 1, 2012 Total Cost % Cost for Employer Cost for EmployeeEmployer Cost Employee Only$511.97100%$0.00$511.97 Employee & One Minor$749.3568%$237.37$511.97 Employee & Children$1,068.7748%$556.80$511.97 Empoyee & Spouse$1,122.3746%$610.40$511.97 Family$1,578.0432%$1,066.06$511.97 Plan 1-Hired prior to July 1, 2012 Total Cost % Cost for Employer Cost for EmployeeEmployer Cost Employee Only$511.9770%$153.59$358.38 Employee & One Minor$749.3570%$224.81$524.55 Employee & Children$1,068.7770%$320.63$748.14 Empoyee & Spouse$1,122.3770%$336.71$785.66 Family$1,578.0470%$473.41$1,104.63

20 20 Comparison of Personnel Requests - Tier 1 to Tier 6 New positions (includes benefits): Tier 1 Tier 6 HHS - Guidance Counselor1.0 64,3130.532,157 HHS -.5 STEM Chemistry and Earth Science Teacher0.5 32,1570.532,157 HHS - English Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 HHS - Math Teacher1.0 64,313 HHS - CTE Teacher (broadcasting, leadership, career coach)1.0 64,313 HHS - Graduate Assistant for Athletics1.0 15,000 HHS - ESOL Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 SKMS - Dual Language Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 SKMS - 5th Grade Teacher1.0 64,313Transfer from THMS SKMS - Developmental Reading Teachers2.0 128,626 SKMS - Reading Specialist1.0 64,313 SKMS - Guidance Counselor1.0 64,3130.532,157 SKMS - PE Teacher1.0 64,313 SKMS - Spanish Teacher1.0 64,313 SKMS - 7&8 Grade Science Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 SKMS - 7th Grade English Teacher1.0 64,313Transfer from THMS SKMS - 7th Grade Math Teacher1.0 64,313Transfer from THMS SKMS - ESL Teacher1.0 64,313 SKMS - 4 Instructional Assistants4.0 100,9481.025,237 THMS - Alternative Education Teacher1.0 64,313 1.0 64,313 THMS - Alternative Education Instructional Assistant1.0 25,237 SMES - 3rd Grade Teacher1.0 64,313 SSES - 2nd Grade Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 SSES -.5 Arts Coach0.5 32,157 WES - ESOL Teacher1.0 64,3131.064,313 SPED - BCBA Teacher1.0 64,313 SPED - Transition/Job Coach1.0 45,000 SPED - Psychologist1.0 80,000 SPED - Coordinator1.0 100,000 SPED - Elementary Behavioral Program Teacher1.0 64,313 SPED - Elementary Behavioral Program Assistant1.0 25,237 SPED - Community Services Board Counselors2.0 50,0001.025,000 Div - Move History Coordinator to Full Time1.0 30,690 Div - Accounts Payable & HR Specialist1.0 55,000 Div - Computer Technician1.0 64,3130.532,157 Div - Literacy Specialist1.0 64,3131.064,313 Div - Move Fine Arts Coordinator to Full Time1.0 28,609 Totals 41 2,227,860 12 693,369

21 1.5 high school teaching positions 1 shared guidance counselor position 2 ESL teaching positions 2 middle school teaching positions 1 alternative education teacher 1 middle school teaching assistant 1 elementary grade-level teacher 1 community services board counselor.5 division-wide computer technician 1 division-wide reading specialist Not replacing 5 FTE resignations/retirements Overall net gain of 7 FTE new positions Personnel Requests - 12 FTE(Tier 6) 21

22 Capital Additions/Replacements (furniture, trailers)85,000 Student Transportation Costs 108,630 Increases for insurance and legal fees 45,000 Utility cost increases 60,750 Technology expansion/replacement 350,000 Instruction and after school opportunities90,000 Additional costs for maintenance18,000 Professional development10,000 Band Instruments9,000 Division assessment5,000 Alternative education costs16,000 Non-Personnel Increases – Tier 6 22

23 Summer school programming16,000 Athletic programs13,000 Social/emotional outreach29,000 Division-wide support17,235 Instructional programming46,690 School based requests45,147 Shenandoah Valley Regional Program for SPED250,000 There were decreases in MTC ($30,000) and textbooks ($55,700). Non-Personnel Increases – Tier 6 23

24 Health insurance increases930,689 Health insurance plan adjustments77,000 2% pay increase747,735 Additional 1% increase for TA’s19,785 Increased VRS and FICA154,407 New positions (12)693,369 Personnel reductions/savings (5 positions)(165,261) Less employer contribution to VRS(18,357) Non-personnel requests1,090,812 TOTAL BUDGET INCREASE3,530,179 Budget Increases – Tier 6 24

25 Tier 1Tier 6 Current Budget63,097,788 Health Insurance Increases424,985930,689 Health Insurance plan adjustments246,51877,000 Salary Increase 3% to 2%1,116,023747,735 Additional 1% salary increase for TA’s19,785 Increased VRS and FICA230,457154,407 New Positions/Extended Contracts2,227,860693,369 Personnel Reductions(165,261) Less employer contributions to VRS -.35%(18,357) Non-Personnel Requests2,374,5751,090,812 TOTAL69,554,37366,627,967 25 Budget Process (Tier 1 to Tier 6) 25

26 Function Approved FY15 Proposed FY16 Dollar Change Percent Change % of Total Instruction48,749,93651,315,5512,565,6155.26%77.02% Admin, Attend, Health 3,665,4313,821,654156,2234.26%5.74% Pupil Trans.3,253,2493,404,998151,7494.66%5.11% Operation & Maint4,811,4185,038,886227,4684.73%7.56% Technology2,617,7543,046,878429,12416.39%4.57% 63,097,78866,627,9673,530,1795.59%100.00% 26 Expenditures by Function – Tier 6 26

27 27 Expenditures by Function – Tier 6 27

28 28 FY 2015 Appropriated63,097,788 FY 2016 Original Request (Tier 1)69,554,373 Increase6,456,585 Percent Increase10.23% FY 2015 Appropriated63,097,788 FY 2016 Requested (Tier 6)66,627,967 Increase$3,530,179 Percent Increase5.59% Expenditure Process 28

29 29 Expenditure Increases – Tier 6 29

30 Source Approved FY15 Proposed FY16 Dollar Change Percent Change Percent of Total State29,779,01131,724,4071,945,3966.53%47.61% Federal2,795,242 00.00%4.20% Recovered Costs1,686,6751,884,675198,00011.74%2.83% City Approp.28,836,86030,223,6431,386,7834.81%45.36% 63,097,78866,627,9673,286,1795.59%100.00% 30 Revenues by Source – Tier 6 30

31 31 Revenues by Source – Tier 6 31

32 History of Local Composite Index 32

33 Budgeted Appropriations (percentage of total budget) 33

34 Federal Revenues History (Percentage of Total Appropriated Budget) 34

35 Budgeted K-12 Local Per Pupil Expenditure 35

36 Budgeted K-12 State Per Pupil Expenditure 36

37 Budgeted City Appropriation (percentage of total budget) 37

38 Budgeted City Appropriation (dollars) 38

39 State Per Pupil K-12 Funding Still Well Below FY09 Peak (All State Appropriated Funds) 39 Includes GF, lottery profits, miscellaneous NGF, and state appropriated federal stimulus funds Source:

40 Inflation-Adjusted State Per Pupil K-12 Funding Indicates Even Larger Declines in State Aid (2007 $ -- All State Appropriated Funds) 40 Includes GF, lottery profits, miscellaneous NGF, and state appropriated federal stimulus funds adjusted by the CPI.

41 State Standards of Quality Funding Do Not Reflect True Costs of K-12 System State does not pay for all Board of Education approved standards; overemphasizes the lower values in the more numerous, smaller/rural school divisions in calculating prevailing costs; does not reflect real- time salary costs in re-benchmarking; and localities often go beyond state mandates to meet SOL and SOA requirements. All localities spent $6.84 billion for school division operations in FY 2013, or $3.55 billion (108%) above RLE. All localities provided 56 percent of state-local funding for K-12. All school divisions exceeded RLE in FY 13. ◦Divisions at or Below 25% 12 ◦Divisions Exceeding 25% to 75% 51 ◦Divisions Exceeding 76% to 100% 31 ◦Divisions Exceeding 100% 42 41

42 2014-2015 Teacher Salary Scales (Surrounding Areas) Division Beginning SalaryTop Salary Years to Top for New Hire Augusta County39,20061,79438 years Charlottesville44,16067,50129 years Frederick County40,00069,55038 years Harrisonburg41,81163,16130 years Page County37,94659,57337 years Rockingham County41,30060,00935 years Shenandoah County40,00061,86940 years Staunton39,79258,96136 years Warren County40,65567,87640 years Waynesboro39,23260,25235 years Winchester40,50072,25038 years 42

43 Teachers – Years of Experience 43

44 44 FY 2016 Proposed School Nutrition Budget Presented by Scott R. Kizner, Ph.D.

45 45 Assumes a 10 cents per meal lunch price increase. Data reflects increase in revenues from federal sources due to increased number of students receiving free or reduced meals. Assumes a 2% pay increase for all employees as well as an additional 1% increase for nutrition assistants. Budget Notes

46 46 FY 2015 Approved FY 2016 Proposed State75,00078,000 Federal2,617,0002,777,300 Meal Receipts and Rebates577,593615,234 TOTAL3,269,5933,470,534 Revenues by Source

47 47 FY 2015 Approved FY 2016 Proposed Food Service3,254,5933,449,034 Technology15,00021,500 TOTAL3,269,5933,470,534 Expenditures by Function

48 48 FY 2014 Approved FY 2015 Proposed Personnel895,298996,915 Employee Svcs (benefits)425,395499,219 Purchased Services60,00075,000 Other Charges8,90010,900 Food and Supplies1,815,0001,820,500 Capital Outlay65,00068,000 TOTAL3,269,5933,470,534 Expenditures by Object

49 49

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