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Governor’s 2 nd Annual Health Care Summit Uninsured Improving Access to Health Care Coverage.

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1 Governor’s 2 nd Annual Health Care Summit Uninsured Improving Access to Health Care Coverage

2 September 25, 2003Governor’s 2 nd Annual Health Care Summit Uninsured Session Highlights  Moderator: Kelly Moorse, DPHHS  Panelists –Tanya Ask, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MT –Joan Henneberry, National Governors’ Assn. –Steve Seninger, The University of Montana

3 September 25, 2003Governor’s 2 nd Annual Health Care Summit Uninsured Session Highlights  Identify additional funding: federal, state, private –Promote partnerships for the provision of at least limited benefits (i.e. New West and Blue Care) –Evaluate alternative models which reduce costs or free up other dollars (i.e.-VA pricing for Rx) –Fully fund MT CHIP program in order to maximize federal match –Explore waiver opportunities (look to Oregon, Utah, Arkansas etc.)

4 September 25, 2003Governor’s 2 nd Annual Health Care Summit  Continue expansion of and maximize CHCs -create opportunities to collaborate with hospitals and communities to provide a continuum of care  Improve education re: value of preventative health care - Identify ways to improve and increase health literacy to & with consumer - One stop shopping that coordinates information & resources available/eligibility - Include information about what insurance includes/does not (i.e. does the plan offer Rx; does Rx meet consumer needs) Uninsured Session Highlights

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