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EATING DISORDERS. RISKS EXTREME eating behavior that can cause illness and death. 1.Stem from negative body image. 2.Sports 3.Social/Emotional.

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Presentation on theme: "EATING DISORDERS. RISKS EXTREME eating behavior that can cause illness and death. 1.Stem from negative body image. 2.Sports 3.Social/Emotional."— Presentation transcript:


2 RISKS EXTREME eating behavior that can cause illness and death. 1.Stem from negative body image. 2.Sports 3.Social/Emotional

3 ANOREXIA Starving yourself to death due to fear of becoming obese. 1.Psychological and emotional. 2.Want to be excepted. 3.Develops in teenage, younger women, some males.

4 ANOREXIA RISKS 1.Stop menstruation due to loss of body fat. 2.Low bone density. 3.Low blood pressure. 4.Low body temperature. 5.Organs shut down. 6.Low iron.

5 BULIMIA Binge eating then purging right after. 1.Poor Body Image 2.Poor Self Esteem 3.Trauma/Abuse 4.Sports

6 BULIMIA SIGNS/RISKS 1.Lack of control when eating. 2.Secretly eating. 3.Consuming large quantities. 4. Using bathroom after eating. 5. Constantly working out. 6. Using laxative, diet pills, diuretics. 1.Weight Gain 2.Weakness/Dizziness 3.Tooth Decay 4.Ab. Pain. 5.Sore Throat 6.Swollen Cheeks 7.Ruptured stomach, esophagus. 8. Loss of menstrual cycles.


8 EXERCISE BULIMIA -Exercising constantly to lose weight/stay thin. 1. Missing work, parties, or other appointments to workout. 2. Working out while sick or injured. 3.Hours and hours of Workouts. 4. Workout after eating a lot.

9 EXERCISE BULIMIA SIGNS/SYMPTOMS 1.Injuries 2.Dangerously low body fat. 3.Fatigue 4.Dehydration 5.Osteoporosis 6.Reproductive problems 7.Heart Problems 8.Irritable

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