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1 Development a Portable Device for Multi-Channel Impedance Measurement in Dielectrophoresis-chip Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Ping-Yang Liao.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Development a Portable Device for Multi-Channel Impedance Measurement in Dielectrophoresis-chip Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Ping-Yang Liao."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Development a Portable Device for Multi-Channel Impedance Measurement in Dielectrophoresis-chip Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Ping-Yang Liao Adviser : Dr. Yi-Chun Du Date : 2014/11/19 Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

2 2 Outline Introduction Purposes Material and Methods Results Future Works References Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

3 3 Introduction Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

4 Program Outline 4 Integrated Immunoassay Chip System based on Impendence Sensing and DEP Manipulation of Nanoprobes Detection chip and Fluid Signal analyze Biological material

5 Introduction According to the statistics from Department of Health, disease diagnosis nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis has been ranked in the 8th or 10th among the top 10 causes of death from 2002 to 2008. 5

6 Introduction End stage renal disease (ESRD) incidence and prevalence in Taiwan are both 1st in the world. The number of dialysis patients is increasing every year in Taiwan. This issue causes enormous health care spending and has become the top expenditures in the record of National Health Insurance. 6

7 Background Kidney damage will effect albumin increased. “Microalbuminuria”is important to index. (<300mg/L) Clinic detecting –Semi-quantitative method –Urine test for 24 hour 7

8  Detect Albumin 0 < 30mg/L (Microalbuminuria ) > 30mg/L & < 300mg/L > 300mg/L Background 8

9 9 Purposes Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

10 Aging Society Local hospital or home –Inexpensive –Short time measurement –Easy ues –Early invent and early treat 10

11 Handhold System Design Higher Noise Tolerance (SNR ↑) High detection range and multi-channel design Automatically analysis Lower Power Consumptions (Battery) 11

12 12 Material and Methods Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

13 Dielectrophoresis force(DEP) Dielectrophoresis is a phenomenon in which a force is exerted on a dielectric particle when it is subjected to a non-uniform electric field. All particles exhibit dielectrophoretic activity in the presence of electric fields. 13

14 Dielectrophoresis force(DEP) The strength of the force depends strongly on the medium and particles' electrical properties, on the particles' shape and size, as well as on the frequency of the electric field. Fields of a particular frequency can manipulate particles with great selectivity. 14

15 Direct Digital Synthesis(DDS) Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) is a type of frequency synthesizer used for creating arbitrary waveforms from a single, fixed- frequency reference clock. Frequency 1KHz~1MHz 15

16 Voltage Control Current Source( VCCS) The source delivers the current as per the voltage of the dependent element. I = f b (V x ) Range 1KHz~1MHz 16

17 17 Results & Future Works Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

18 Results 18 Resistance(kΩ) Our system measured( kΩ) |Error|(%) 100103.1023.105 220228.613.913 330320.7792.794 490476.7552.703 680688.8121.295 820831.421.392 1000956.114.389 Capacitor (pF) Our system measured(pF) |Error|(%) 1 0.959 4.129 4.7 4.877 3.775 10 10.366 3.658 22 22.276 1.256 3332.481 1.574 47 48.124 2.391 6865.506 3.667

19 19 References Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

20 References S. Kun, B. Ristic, RA. Peura, RM. Dunn, “Real-time extraction of tissue impedance model parameters for electrical impedance spectrometer,” Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., vol. 37, pp. 428-432, 1999. J. G. Webster, Electrical Impedance Tomography, Adam Hilger, IOP, New York, USA, 1990. F. Seoane, J. Ferreira, J. J. Sanch´ez and R. Brag´os, “An analog front-end enables electrical impedance spectroscopy system on-chip for biomedical applications,” Physiol. Meas., vol. 29, pp. S267–S278, 2008. D. C. Walker, B. H. Brown, R. H. Smallwood, D. R. Hose and D. M. Jones, “ Modelled current distribution in cervical squamous tissue,” Physiol. Meas., vol. 23, pp. 159–168, 2002. R. H. Smallwood, A. Keshtkar, B. A. Wilkinson, J. A. Lee, and F. C. Hamdy, “Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the urinary bladder the effect of inflammation and edema on identification of malignancy,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, vol. 21, pp. 708–710, 2002. C. A. Gonz´alez-Correa, B. H. Brown, R. H. Smallwood, D. C. Walker and K. D. Bardhan, ”Electrical bioimpedance readings increase with higher pressure applied to the measuring probe,” Physiol. Meas., vol. 26, pp. S39–S47, 2005. J. L. Damez, S. Clerjon, S. Abouelkaram, J. Lepetit, “Dielectric behavior of beef meat in the 1–1500 kHz range: Simulation with the Fricke/Cole–Cole model,” Meat Sci., vol. 77, pp. 512-519, 2007. 20

21 21 Thanks For Your Attention Integrated Biomedical System Laboratory

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