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Working together for a better village. Steve Rhodes & Phil Norris Burton Business Club 13 th September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Working together for a better village. Steve Rhodes & Phil Norris Burton Business Club 13 th September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working together for a better village

2 Steve Rhodes & Phil Norris Burton Business Club 13 th September 2011

3 Working together for a better village

4 TEP Aims A community group of resident volunteers who’s aims are: To restore the former Mill Fleam; To develop renewable energy solutions and provide energy related and environmental advice to support the community of Tutbury; To generate revenues from the generation of hydroelectricity for community benefit; To work towards the establishment of a Low Carbon Community; To work in partnership with local government agencies, businesses and the community; To enhance educational, environmental and financial opportunities for community benefit;

5 Working together for a better village Tutbury Eco Power Organisation TEP (IPS: Dove Valley Eco Power Ltd) Hydro Project Low Carbon Community Photovoltaic Project

6 Working together for a better village Hydro-Electric Project Install an hydro- electric generation plant on the Tutbury Weir. Generate and sell electricity. Use revenue for local, environmental good causes.

7 Working together for a better village Hydro Site New Hydro Site

8 Working together for a better village Reverse Archimedean Screw Video of installation at Torrs-Hydro during commissioning

9 Working together for a better village Co-operatively owned hydro scheme – for the Benefit of the Community Size of Scheme - 75kW Generating - 320,000 kWh/year Enough for equivalent of 75-100 houses Saving approx 100 tonnes of CO2/year Surplus profits – back into Community Estimated Cost >£500,000 Estimated Revenue £66,961 less debt repayment and overheads Financed by: Grants £100,000 Target Share Offer £300,000 + Bank Loan £100,000 + All Figures are TBC

10 Working together for a better village Who? Local Volunteer Project Team: –Project Managers, Engineers, Accountant, Lecturer, Manager, Community Leaders and Volunteers In partnership with: –Staffs County Council, ESBC, Tutbury Parish Council, RA, Civic Society, T&D HA, EA, WFEG, DVCP, CPRE, Education Agencies, NTU, SWM, MEA, SharEnergy, Midlands Co- op, Community Shares Scheme and more.

11 Working together for a better village How? Programme Plan Negotiate Land Lease Register IPS Identify Design Partner Finalise design EIA Financial Model Planning Permission EA Abstraction Licence DNO Network Rail Raise Funds, Share Offer etc And much more

12 Working together for a better village The Way Ahead For Hydro

13 Working together for a better village Low Carbon Community Trained three Energy Advisors Manned stands at Environment Events Energy Reduction Programme using 30* Energy Monitors Purchased a TI Camera Will report on how best to reduce energy usage locally to reduce collative carbon footprint Continue to advise on energy reduction Future: Tutbury Environmental Fair.

14 Working together for a better village Photovoltaic Project Qualified into 2 nd round of Energy Share Challenge If successful will be granted £100,000 Used to install PV onto Public and Community Buildings in Tutbury Generate income of approx £10,000 to reduce fuel poverty and other environmentally friendly schemes Also raising funds and reducing energy bills for partaking organisations.

15 Working together for a better village What You Can Do For Us Become a Supporter – spread the word! Become a Sponsor – be a real stakeholder Be a Volunteer – contribute your time Provide business services for the Projects Replicate this model in your own community And ………►

16 Working together for a better village Please Support Us

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