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ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN IS UNIVERSAL Air pollution Water pollution Poor education provision Water shortages Deforestation Guerrillas and drugs Desertification.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN IS UNIVERSAL Air pollution Water pollution Poor education provision Water shortages Deforestation Guerrillas and drugs Desertification."— Presentation transcript:


2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN IS UNIVERSAL Air pollution Water pollution Poor education provision Water shortages Deforestation Guerrillas and drugs Desertification Pollution from agrochemicals Desertification Social problems Air pollution and water Soil contamination Deforestation Air pollution Contamination of water Social problems Erosion Destruction of habitats Social problems Desertification Biodiversity loss Water pollution Deforestation Erosion Desertification Water pollution Political problems Deforestation Biodiversity loss Water pollution Social problems Solid waste management Water pollution Erosion Rural exodus Land degradation Desertification Land degradation Desertification Air pollution and water Social problems Erosion Water shortages Deforestation Social problems Desertification Pollution from agrochemicals Violence Against Women Soil contamination


4 “Currently, consumers impose their life principles on their purchasing habits. We bring purpose to our performance.” Indra Nooyi

5 PERFORMANCE WITH PURPOSE IF IT'S GOOD FOR ALL, IT IS GOOD FOR BUSINESS Protect the Earth's natural resources Motivate people to live in a more healthy manner Invest in our people Offer superior performance, financially sustainable. Respect the human right to water through global efficiency in our operations, preserving water resources and allowing access to drinking water. Water Reduce Carbon Footprint from our operations Climate Change Respect and use natural resources responsibly in the communities we serve. Community Rethink the way we grow, we generate, create, pack and deliver our products to minimize our impact on earth. Soil and Packaging


7 OUR MODEL TO DO BUSINESS BUSINESS CODE Environmental Policy, H&S Policy, Human Rights Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, Agro Sustainability Policy, Packaging Sustainability Policy

8 OUR MODEL TO DO BUSINESS BUSINESS CODE Environmental Policy, H&S Policy, Human Rights Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, Agro Sustainability Policy, Packaging Sustainability Policy

9 1.Sustainability Program per group of Suppliers 2.Specific Sustainability Programs : palm oil, sugar, wood products and others 3.ReCon Program for Suppliers 4.Credit program IFC Credit Corporation (funding institution) 5.Carbon Footprint with CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for Suppliers 1.Number of suppliers engaged and % of suppliers audited by SEDEX 2.Number of programs implemented with specific groups 3.Reductions Percentage based on hotlists of ReCon application 4.Number of suppliers which have joined the credit program, figures ​​for investments in renewable energy 5.Percentage of registered packaging suppliers in the CDP. Creation of an open channel with the supplier, sharing good environmental, social and economical practices. Influence the chain for the decrease of environmental impact. Reputation Benefits Benchmarking Implement the water and carbon footprint of direct suppliers. Implement RECON and join tools that promote the decrease of environmental impacts and improve productivity. Engage the Suppliers

10 Volume & Cost (high) Environmental Impact and Reputation (high) Energy and Fuel Seasoning and Machinery Wheat Flour(I) Film, Cocoa, Salt, Main Oil, WWTP, Waste Treatment Services, Third Party (maquilas), Co - Packers Fleet Agriculture, Water, Transportation, Film, Main Oil, Sugar, Tetrapack, POP, Milk (I) Cardboard Salt, Hoist Services (I) Surveillance Services and Dining room Replacement Cleaning Products, Waste Treatment Services (I) POP ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Environmental Services, CO2 emissions, Water use, energy, carbon, efluents and residues

11 Type / FlowAgro SuppliersMP IngredientsMP PackagingCo-packersMachines Third-Part and Contractors Selection of Suppliers  Questionnaire which considers the Suppliers Code of Conduct :  1. Environmental Policy 2. H&S Policy 3. Human Rights Policy 4. Suppliers’ Code of Conduct Contract  Clause of the Suppliers Code of Conduct  Goals and Objectives with the Agro Sustainability Policy  Clause of the Suppliers Code of Conduct Risk Assessment  Clause of the Suppliers Code of Conduct  Objectives and Goals with the H & S Policy and Number of Incidents Program Traceability Program for Sustainability SEDEX 1 RECON 3 SEDEX CDP 2 RECON SEDEX CDP RECON Sustainability Filter and CApex Work Safety- Dupont Audit Yes Audit Goal 2012 Traceability Program 100% of Potato Suppliers Contract: 100% of the ingredient Providers with the code of conduct 100% Sedex registration Contract: 100% of the Packaging Providers with the code of conduct 100% Sedex registration 100% CDP Participaction 15 Suppliers implement RECON in 2012 Contract: 100% of the Co- Packers Providers with the code of conduct 100% Sedex registration Codes 100% of providers with the code of conduct and knowledge of procedures for machines and equipment. Codes 100% of Contractors with the code of Conduct 2012 Action Plan

12 ReCon Implementation for Suppliers Pilot with packaging suppliers in Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil RECON Results 2011

13 ReCon Implementation for Suppliers Pilot with packaging suppliers in Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil Carbon Disclosure Project Journey with suppliers Incentive to sustainable attitudes in the production chain

14 1.Alignment of SACCAF stakeholders with PepsiCo Plan to Face Climate Change 2. Pilot Plant Implementation for the reuse of residual oil to produce biodiesel 3.Study of energy and fuel sources to replace fossil fuels in Plants and Fleets 4.Reduction of CO2 emissions by neutralization 5.Support for providers in adapting to climate change 6.Education activities and public awareness regarding environmental issues 7.Initiatives for access in areas of water scarcity 8.Energy and Water Positive Balance in projects 9.Agricultural Program on Climate Change 1.Number of people trained (attendance list) 2.Volume of fuel produced, performance analysis of targeted trucks and impact of biodiesel consumption 3.Percentage of fossil fuels replacement and performance analysis 4.Neutralized CO2 emissions 5.Monitoring the effectiveness of the models 6.Number of established partnerships and people impacted by the project 7.Number of people assisted and the increase of water availability 8.CO2 emissions, water consumption and quality 9.Number of people and operations impacted by the project, calculation of water and carbon footprints and environmental valuation report Support materials and physical space for training Partnerships with institutions for project development Partnerships for project development Unification of information on emissions for all operations Partnership with the Federal University of Ceará Partnerships with government agencies and non-governmental for diagnostics Partnerships with IFC and Trucost PLAN TO FACE CLIMATE CHANGE: Carbon Inventory, Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency and Scarcity

15 FACE CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE RIGHT WAY Program to Face Climate Change Stakeholder engagement with the company's purposes

16 Andreza Araujo SACCAF EHS Sustainability Manager THANKS!

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