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MMTC Sales Process Map: (Draft 9/16/09)
Buying Process What HELP is available? Define needs/wants & requirements Evaluate options Select solutions and evaluate risk Resolve issues and finalize contracts Implement and evaluate success Sales Process Steps Plan Execute Implement Plan IM Analyze Develop Prove Negotiate Close Implement Sales Process Activities Conduct territory / account and/or opportunity planning Identify potential opportunity Conduct pre-call planning and research Participation and follow-up of Learn About & Seminars Develop Partner Relationships Lead Follow-up Identify potential beneficiary Establish trust and credibility Stimulate interest Identify perceived pain Conduct plant tour Confirm and prioritize pain Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admitted pain of Sponsor Create or reengineer vision for sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Negotiate access to power Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admit-ted pain of Power Create or reengineer vision for power sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Determine evaluation criteria Propose a plan of next steps Confirm dialogue and agree upon plan of next steps Begin execution of next steps Present preliminary solution Prove capabilities (Oper, Trans, Fin) Conduct review of proposal Issue proposal Ask for the business Receive verbal approval Prepare for final negotiations Reach final agreement Get necessary documents signed Implement solution Complete implementation approach Measure success criteria Identify potential new opportunities Obtain referrals Verifiable Outcomes Territory / Acct / Opportunity Plan developed Evaluations & Lead Tracking Lead Letter agreed upon Sponsor Letter agreed upon Evaluation Plan modified or agreed upon Verbal approval received Ts and Cs agreed upon Documents signed Implementation Plan completed Key Takeaways Definitions of Activities, Outcomes, Roles, sales tools and Probability will be provided later in the workshop, just highlight them for now Note that sales process includes activities outside of sales execution (planning & implementing) Sales aids are tools to help advance an opportunity (all sales aids are not used all the time) Transition Points Now that we’ve seen a sample of the workshop output, let’s review the benefits of a sales process Roles (examples) Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Sales Pre-sales Marketing Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Sales mgt. Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Services Sales Sales Tools T/A/O Plan Account Profile Pain Chain® Key Players List S.A. Prompter Value Proposition Reference Story Bus. Dev. Letter Bus. Dev. Prompter Waste Walk Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Sponsor Letter Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Power S. Letter Evaluation Plan Evaluation Plan Transition Letter Implement. Plan Value Analysis Success Criteria /A3 Negotiating Worksheet Get-Give List Implementation Plan Success Criteria A3 Reference Story Post project debrief Sales Management System 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 100% © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
MMTC Sales Process Map: (Draft 9/16/09)
Buying Process What HELP is available? Define needs/wants & requirements Evaluate options Select solutions and evaluate risk Resolve issues and finalize contracts Implement and evaluate success Sales Process Steps Plan Execute Implement Plan IM Analyze Develop Prove Negotiate Close Implement Sales Process Activities Conduct territory / account and/or opportunity planning Identify potential opportunity Conduct pre-call planning and research Participation and follow-up of Learn About & Seminars Develop Partner Relationships Lead Follow-up Identify potential beneficiary Establish trust and credibility Stimulate interest Identify perceived pain Conduct plant tour Confirm and prioritize pain Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admitted pain of Sponsor Create or reengineer vision for sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Negotiate access to power Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admit-ted pain of Power Create or reengineer vision for power sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Determine evaluation criteria Propose a plan of next steps Confirm dialogue and agree upon plan of next steps Begin execution of next steps Present preliminary solution Prove capabilities (Oper, Trans, Fin) Conduct review of proposal Issue proposal Ask for the business Receive verbal approval Prepare for final negotiations Reach final agreement Get necessary documents signed Implement solution Complete implementation approach Measure success criteria Identify potential new opportunities Obtain referrals Verifiable Outcomes Territory / Acct / Opportunity Plan developed Evaluations & Lead Tracking Lead Letter agreed upon Sponsor Letter agreed upon Evaluation Plan modified or agreed upon Verbal approval received Ts and Cs agreed upon Documents signed Implementation Plan completed Key Takeaways Definitions of Activities, Outcomes, Roles, sales tools and Probability will be provided later in the workshop, just highlight them for now Note that sales process includes activities outside of sales execution (planning & implementing) Sales aids are tools to help advance an opportunity (all sales aids are not used all the time) Transition Points Now that we’ve seen a sample of the workshop output, let’s review the benefits of a sales process Roles (examples) Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Sales Pre-sales Marketing Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Sales mgt. Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Services Sales Sales Tools T/A/O Plan Account Profile Pain Chain® Key Players List S.A. Prompter Value Proposition Reference Story Bus. Dev. Letter Bus. Dev. Prompter Waste Walk Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Sponsor Letter Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Power S. Letter Evaluation Plan Evaluation Plan Transition Letter Implement. Plan Value Analysis Success Criteria /A3 Negotiating Worksheet Get-Give List Implementation Plan Success Criteria A3 Reference Story Post project debrief Sales Management System 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 100% © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Account Pre-call Planning and Research What to Do with the Information
Identify key players Identify potential areas for critical business issues (pains) Match up key players with critical business issues (pains) Align your capabilities to each key player and potential pain Create an Initial Pain Chain® for the potential opportunity Target most likely Power Sponsor Determine your business development strategy leveraging the specific information gathered Develop or select appropriate stimulating interest Sales Tools to support the strategy Account-level activities Opportunity-level activities Purpose: To provide a list of activities for sellers to engage in spanning account-level and opportunity-level Key Instructor Notes: Read the bulleted list The terms “critical business issue” (or “pain”), “Pain Chain®” and “business development strategy” are emphasized. Let the participants know that you will provide clear definitions and examples of these terms within the following modules The last two bullets are not emphasized (not in bold) – this slide will be revisited in the “Stimulating Interest” Module Transition: “We will explore these activities in depth over the next few modules. Let’s start by focusing on pain…” © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Account Profile: Template
Company: Backyard Products – Monroe, MI Parent Company = Handy Home and Heartland Industries Added 140 jobs in However, the current workforce is approximately 100 EE’s throughout US. Offerings: Wooden Sheds, Play Sets, Gazebo’s & Assembly Services of Products Market analysis: Possible quality issues due to recall notices on web search for company. In 2006, they combined two companies into 1 facility located in Monroe to manufacture and assemble products. Financials: The VP of Operations on the phone with NKL stated the president mentioned they are bleeding money. Competition: Two major competitors – They either assembly of product or manufacture product, but not both, Executive profiles: The VP of Operations stated they are very process oriented. The president has a strong finance background from Norway. He has been with organization for approximately 3 years. Both Kirk (VP Op) and Laurna (Dir. Of Logistics) are APICS certified. Potential critical business issues: 30 branch offices throughout the US that do installations. – Biggest problem in branches is standardized work. Two people attend MMTC learn abouts, six sigma and quality. © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Business Development Prompters
Business Development Prompter: New Opportunity This is Tom Bastin with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but we have been working with machining organizations for the last 20 years. A common trend we are hearing lately from other owners is their frustration (difficulty) with low profits [resulting from high production costs. We have been able to help our customers address this issue. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Menu Approach (See Business Development Letter) This is Norma LaVallee with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but we have been working with Tool & Die Manufactures for the last 20 years. The top three issues or concerns we are hearing (lately) from other presidents are: (1) reduced sales , (2) increased foreign competition and (3) decreased market share . [We’ve helped companies like: (1) Franklin Fastners, (2) Atlas Tool and (3) Vicount Ind. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Referral Approach This is Mr. Bryan Beechnut with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but Tom Jones, VP of Manufacturing at Genesee Packaging suggested that I give you a call. We were able to help her/him address his difficulty with machine downtime and excess inventory resulting from poor planning, inventory management, forecasting. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Multiple Contact Approach This is Bob Lyscas with MMTC. You might recall my last contact via phone where we described how we have been working with Stamping organizations for the last 20 years. We cited a common trend with Production Managers is their frustration (difficulty) with press downtime resulting from long changeovers. We have been able to help our customers address this issue. Would you like to know how? Solution Selling® 2007 © Solution Selling, Inc. All rights reserved
Business Development Letter / e-mail: Template
Mr. Tooldie, Our company is in the business of helping our customers ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ (positioning statement using the “we help” theme). We have been working with Tool and Die companies since 1994. Our clients include: Franklin Fastners, Vicount Industries and Atlas Tool. Some of the chief concerns we hear from them include: Foreign Competition Lack of Sales and Shrinking Profit Margins. We have been able to help our customers successfully deal with these and other issues. I would like an opportunity to share some examples with you. If you are interested in learning how we have helped other Vice Presidents solve some very challenging issues, please call me at and I will provide you with more information. In lieu of your call, I’ll plan a follow-up call on Friday morning, October 16th . Sincerely, Norma LaVallee Solution Selling® 2007 © Solution Selling, Inc. All rights reserved
Pain Sheet® - Situational Fluency Prompter®: Template
Job Title & Industry: Offering: Increased Production Costs - How much have your production costs increased? ($5M Company Was $2.8M – now $3.6M up $800,000 = 20%) Vice President - Operations Lean Business Solutions REASONS IMPACT CAPABILITIES Is it because; Today…? Is this (pain) causing…? What if…; Would it help if…? A Increasing Material Costs How much of the $800,000 increase is related to material costs? ($480,000 / 60%) What is your current scrap costs? ($96,000) How empowered are your employees to solve problems – on a scale of 1-10 (3) How much of the $96,000 could be reduced if (repeat capabilities). When: Who: What: Operating Equipment Your operators Would be empowered to apply problem solving tools and best practices designed to produce defect free quality parts so that materials costs are lowered. B Increased Labor Costs How much of the remaining $320,000 / 40% makes up Labor Costs? ($240,000 / 80%) How much of the $240,000 is attributed to inefficiencies related to labor costs? ($120,000 / 50%) (Overtime? / Additional Shift? / Temporary Help / Sorting/Inspections / Healthcare? How much of this is due to Increased Sales?) How much of the $120,000 could be reduced if (repeat capability). Systems and processes fail to identify and remove constraints Would apply measurable process improvement techniques to create both information and material flow so as to maximize the capacity of the workforce. C Poor Equipment Utilization (= to $80,000 Loss) How do you measure equipment utilization? (Machine time availability vs. machine time run) What is your current equipment utilization rate? 70%) (Explanation: 8 hrs. = 480 minutes of available machine run time – minus 60 min. of planned down time (lunch/breaks, etc) = 420 min. of available runtime X 70% utilization = 294 min. of actual run time – leaving 126 minutes – over 2 hours of unutilized capacity. How much of the 126 minutes could be utilized if (repeat capability). Equipment is not used efficiently Your Operators Could apply time saving techniques, have easy access to required tools, and follow standard procedures so that equipment capacity is maximized. D © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
MMTC Sales Process Map: (Draft 9/16/09)
Buying Process What HELP is available? Define needs/wants & requirements Evaluate options Select solutions and evaluate risk Resolve issues and finalize contracts Implement and evaluate success Sales Process Steps Plan Execute Implement Plan IM Analyze Develop Prove Negotiate Close Implement Sales Process Activities Conduct territory / account and/or opportunity planning Identify potential opportunity Conduct pre-call planning and research Participation and follow-up of Learn About & Seminars Develop Partner Relationships Lead Follow-up Identify potential beneficiary Establish trust and credibility Stimulate interest Identify perceived pain Conduct plant tour Confirm and prioritize pain Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admitted pain of Sponsor Create or reengineer vision for sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Negotiate access to power Confirm dialogue and agree upon next steps Diagnose admit-ted pain of Power Create or reengineer vision for power sponsor Gain agreement to explore further Determine evaluation criteria Propose a plan of next steps Confirm dialogue and agree upon plan of next steps Begin execution of next steps Present preliminary solution Prove capabilities (Oper, Trans, Fin) Conduct review of proposal Issue proposal Ask for the business Receive verbal approval Prepare for final negotiations Reach final agreement Get necessary documents signed Implement solution Complete implementation approach Measure success criteria Identify potential new opportunities Obtain referrals Verifiable Outcomes Territory / Acct / Opportunity Plan developed Evaluations & Lead Tracking Lead Letter agreed upon Sponsor Letter agreed upon Evaluation Plan modified or agreed upon Verbal approval received Ts and Cs agreed upon Documents signed Implementation Plan completed Key Takeaways Definitions of Activities, Outcomes, Roles, sales tools and Probability will be provided later in the workshop, just highlight them for now Note that sales process includes activities outside of sales execution (planning & implementing) Sales aids are tools to help advance an opportunity (all sales aids are not used all the time) Transition Points Now that we’ve seen a sample of the workshop output, let’s review the benefits of a sales process Roles (examples) Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Sales Pre-sales Marketing Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Pre-sales Sales mgt. Subj Expert Sales Sales mgt. Sales Sales mgt. Sales support Services Sales Sales Tools T/A/O Plan Account Profile Pain Chain® Key Players List S.A. Prompter Value Proposition Reference Story Bus. Dev. Letter Bus. Dev. Prompter Waste Walk Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Sponsor Letter Trans. Planner/BPS 9 Block Model® Pain Sheet® S. A. Prompter Power S. Letter Evaluation Plan Evaluation Plan Transition Letter Implement. Plan Value Analysis Success Criteria /A3 Negotiating Worksheet Get-Give List Implementation Plan Success Criteria A3 Reference Story Post project debrief Sales Management System 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 100% © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Pain Chain® Template : Backyard Products
President: Thomas Van Der Meulen Pain: Declining Profits (fall to spring) Reason A: Increased Production Costs Reason B: Seasonal/Cyclical Sales VP Operations: Kirk Utemark Pain: Increased Production Costs Reason A: Increasing Cost of Returns - Material Defects Reason B: Changeover Inefficiencies Reason C: Standardized Work assembly ctrs) Director of Logistics: Larana Richter Pain: Increasing Cost of Returns - Material Defects Reason A: Lack of Product Quality (wood warping) Reason B: Equipment Availability Quality Manager: Mr. Shed Pain: Lack of Product Quality – (wood warping) Reason A: Uncontrolled Environment – (Manufacturer to customer) Reason B: Wood Quality (from supplier) © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Account Profile: Template
Company: Backyard Products – Monroe, MI Parent Company = Handy Home and Heartland Industries Added 140 jobs in However, the current workforce is approximately 100 EE’s throughout US. Offerings: Wooden Sheds, Play Sets, Gazebo’s & Assembly Services of Products Market analysis: Possible quality issues due to recall notices on web search for company. In 2006, they combined two companies into 1 facility located in Monroe to manufacture and assemble products. Financials: The VP of Operations on the phone with NKL stated the president mentioned they are bleeding money. Competition: Two major competitors – They either assembly of product or manufacture product, but not both, Executive profiles: The VP of Operations stated they are very process oriented. The president has a strong finance background from Norway. He has been with organization for approximately 3 years. Both Kirk (VP Op) and Laurna (Dir. Of Logistics) are APICS certified. Potential critical business issues: 30 branch offices throughout the US that do installations. – Biggest problem in branches is standardized work. Two people attend MMTC learn abouts, six sigma and quality. © Solution Selling, Inc. • 2007
Business Development Prompters
Business Development Prompter: New Opportunity This is Tom Bastin with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but we have been working with machining organizations for the last 20 years. A common trend we are hearing lately from other owners is their frustration (difficulty) with low profits [resulting from high production costs. We have been able to help our customers address this issue. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Menu Approach (See Business Development Letter) This is Norma LaVallee with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but we have been working with Tool & Die Manufactures for the last 20 years. The top three issues or concerns we are hearing (lately) from other presidents are: (1) reduced sales , (2) increased foreign competition and (3) decreased market share . [We’ve helped companies like: (1) Franklin Fastners, (2) Atlas Tool and (3) Vicount Ind. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Referral Approach This is Mr. Bryan Beechnut with MMTC. You and I haven’t spoken before, but Tom Jones, VP of Manufacturing at Genesee Packaging suggested that I give you a call. We were able to help her/him address his difficulty with machine downtime and excess inventory resulting from poor planning, inventory management, forecasting. Would you like to know how? Business Development Prompter: Multiple Contact Approach This is Bob Lyscas with MMTC. You might recall my last contact via phone where we described how we have been working with Stamping organizations for the last 20 years. We cited a common trend with Production Managers is their frustration (difficulty) with press downtime resulting from long changeovers. We have been able to help our customers address this issue. Would you like to know how? Solution Selling® 2007 © Solution Selling, Inc. All rights reserved
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