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ECO Statistical Network Statistical Center of Iran.

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Presentation on theme: "ECO Statistical Network Statistical Center of Iran."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECO Statistical Network Statistical Center of Iran

2 Agenda Problem Definition Problems The Solution Definition The Solution Description Pilot Plan Exhibition of a few examples

3 3 The Problems Static & dispersed web site Manually collection data structure Inconsistent data Different physical frameworks and formats Difficulty in analyze Need to data management Need to management in inconsistent and conflict data Growing volume of data

4 ECO Statistical Network Objectives Design and Implement an Integrated system Data and Information Management Provide a suitable platform to respond for any analytical queries Provide any Interactions with International organization Present variety of reports in differenent formats (pdf, excel) No need to any Special knowledge for users Publish all information and Analysis on a portal

5 A need … Need to all existent data about a special subject Cross-check and transformation of all statistical data to a unified and integrated Template through which all decision-makers needs are satisfied. Integration ECO Member’s Statistics International Organizations’ Statistics Statistical Center Of Iran Decision Makers

6 The ECO Statistical Network collect various information of member countries and International Organizations automatically, and provides an environment for data to be saved for responding to any kind of analytical queries. Definition 6

7 Design and establish the portal of ECO Statistical Network

8 The Portal of ECO Statistical Network

9 ECO Statistical Network is constructed by Database Office Facilities Access to ECO Statistical Network View and Download ECO Publications View the Chart & Figures General Information about ECO member countries Comparable Statistical Information of ECO member countries Using the ECO Statistical Network facilities Abstracts of information analysis, Charts & figures

10 Portal Menus About ECO Statistical Network o About o Benefits o Manual o Problem Solving  About ECO o Brief Introduction o Activities o Objectives

11 Member Countries o General Information o Focal Points Statistical o General Information o Population growth rate o Total labor force o Unemployment rate o GDP at current price o GDP per capita o GDP growth rate o Public sector revenues o Composition of GDP by sectors

12 Portal Icons Publication Upcoming Event ECO Statistical Network Facts & Figures ECO Links Trade & Investment Directorate Samples of Analysis & Time Series

13 Design and Establish ECO Statistical Network Database

14 ETL ECO Data warehouse Reporting Tools OLAP

15 Data Integration(ETL) ExtractTransformLoad Staging DB All these processes are done automatically in Statistical Center Of Iran

16 Data Transformation and Integration Data Extraction from the country member’s folder Checking: existing, name, format Filtering: Is not null, greater than, less than, includes Data calculations: average, absolute value, arctangent, natural logarithm Mail to the country about the problems and error Loading to main Database

17 FTP-Based Data Extraction A ftp-site will be set up Every country member is given a folder, username and password Every country member must upload its data The uploaded data will be automatically extracted and loaded into main database No need to any special Hardware and Software A web browser is enough(IE, Firefox)

18 Integrated ECO Statistical Network Subject = Customer Savings Application Current Accounts Application Loans Application

19 Subject Oriented Operational Systems Operational Systems Savings Shares Loans Insurance Equity Plans Customer Product, Sales Information Customer Product, Sales Information ECO Statistical Network Subject Area

20 Non Volatile Read Load INSERT Read UPDATEDELETE Operational Databases ECO Statistical Network Database

21 Time Variant Data is stored as a series of snapshots, each representing a period of time. DataTime 01/97 02/97 03/97 Data for January Data for February Data for March ECO Statistical Network

22 22 Data Cubes

23 Analysis View data “dimensionally” i.e. Sales by region, by channel, by time period Navigate and explore Ad Hoc analysis “Drill-down” from year to quarter Pivot Select specific members for analysis Interact with high performance Technology optimized for rapid interactive response Easy to export any reports(pdf, excel) Time-series

24 Pilot Plan Data extraction from Categorized as a few segments (Population, Financial Intermediation,…) based on Iran Statistical yearbook Loading to main database Designing and Publishing 6 Data Cubes

25 Time-Series

26 Export to pdf format

27 Export to excel format

28 Variety of Graphs and Charts Pie Charts


30 30 General View of Solution Cnt 1Cnt 2Cnt n SCI Other Organization ECO Countries Users with Special Privileges ETL FTP-Site Main DB ECO Statistical Network Portal Ad-hoc Reporting Analysis

31 31 Exhibition of a few examples 31 Financial Intermediation Cube Storage, Transport Cube

32 Main objectives of ECO Statistical Network Information Dissemination of statistical data of countries, presents the provision of different subjects, meetings, conferences Presents Analytical Processing and Reporting facilities

33 ECO Statistical Network Users: Ordinary Users(Limited Access): Students, Researchers, International Organizations Users with specific permission: High ranking authorities of countries (Presidents, Ministers, Top Decision Makers, Politicians, …)

34 How To Start: Statistical Center of Iran can instruct countries member to Uploading data and statistical indices Using analytical processing and ad-hoc reporting

35 35 Thank You

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