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Sustainability at DESY
Challenges and Opportunities Helmut Dosch, DESY CERN/ERF/ESS Workshop „Sustainable Science“ October 2013
DESY. DESY – Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron - founded 1959 –
Hamburg Member of Helmholtz Association Mission: Development, construction, operation and scientific exploitation of accelerators Provide access and services for national and international users Internationally used, nationally funded Research Institute Research Infrastructures: PETRA III, FLASH (II), XFEL, TIER-2, Testbeams Zeuthen Sites: Hamburg and Zeuthen Base-Budget: MEuro Funding source: 90% federal, 10% state Staff: ~1900 FTE in Hamburg and Zeuthen Users: ~3000 (1500 from abroad) from 45 nations
New High Brilliance X-ray Sources Research Labs/ Inhouse
DESY. Light Sources New High Brilliance X-ray Sources Research Labs/ Inhouse Application Labs PETRA III FLASH CFEL
Science is energy intensive
e.g. facilities at DESY have power input 23 MW Annual consumption of 160 GWh mainly provided by fossil sources Releasing roughly 70 kt CO2 per year ~ energy consumption of German city with inhabitants Future developments of energy prices? How climate neutral/sustainable should research centres be? => Strategic question of energy supply/management US-town of 100‘000 people EU-town of 100‘000 people DESY 160 GWh source: T. Parker, Science Mag.
(Natural) Science is energy intensive
Residential area Universities Laboratories (bio/chem/phys) ~300 kWh/(m2a) ~150 kWh/(m2a) Beside the international nature DESY and other RIs have in common. It is also the nature of basic science, that it is very energy intensive While Residential Areas consuming annualy 40 kWh/m2, Universities have an consumption of 150 kWh/m2 and finally Labs consuming more than times energy as in residential areas LHC in CERN consumes 400 GWh Data centres / Computing centres consume 1,5% of the world energy Question of energy supply is for us of strategic importance: 1st energy is an big cost factor for DESY and we don‘t know how the energy prices develop in the long run, 2nd questions ourself how climate neutral/sustainable should a research centre be? 100 German Universities spend ~3 bn € for energy costs ~40 kWh/(m2a)
Motivation large research infrastructures are energy intensive
synchrotron radiation sources, neutron sources, X-Ray lasers, high magnetic field facilities DESY (w/o XFEL): 16 MW Power, 160 GWh/year: about 70 kt CO2/year XFEL (17,5 GeV): ~ 10 MW Power future development of energy prices, volatility ? how climate neutral/sustainable should research centers be? =>Question of energy supply and use is of strategic relevance General Mission/Guiding Principles (recently adopted by DESY): Our behaviour follows social, ecological and ethical standards. As far as the structure of our research is concerned, we commit ourselves to the development of sustainable concepts. We advocate the responsible handling of natural resources.
Pillars of sustainability concept
Improve sustainable management of facilities & campus Focus on sustainable energy management with goal to include mid-term and long-term sustainability aspects as integral elements into all business processes Reduce consumption, increase efficiencies, recover waste heat, smarter energy management Campus buildings and mobility also play a major role develop “sustainability culture for research” Strategic Research in Advanced Materials for Renewable Energies Interdisciplinary research effort in Helmholtz association: Materials Science Joint effort between research fields “Matter”, “Energy” and “Key Technologies” DESY: in-situ high precision analysis of materials performance on a molecular level New Strategic Partnership between European RIs and MENA region Building Bridges between Europe and MENA Science & Energy Cooperation
DESY. On the way to a sustainable facility management
Fazit: Ansätze entwickelt Überblick über Sparpotentiale Task force eingesetzt Fehlt: Gesamtkonzept, Ziele, Ressourcen PILLAR I Improving sustainable management
Sustainable Management of facilities & campus
Impetus/stimulus through one-week workshop with Leuphana University in February 2013 ~20 master students of sustainability management Four topics to investigate Concept to create an evaluation instrument for sustainability-oriented construction and conversion of existing buildings Actual condition analysis of the energy management system at DESY and its further development for future requirements Development of a sustainable DESY mobility concept Communication as an instrument to establish a sustainability culture at DESY Campus/Building Culture/Communication Energy efficiency Mobility Leuphana Univ = Nachhaltigkeits-Uni Kontakt DESY Leuphana 20 Stundenten bei DESY (u.a. Georg Barfuss, jetzt bei AUDI Zulieferer, Vortrag am CERN) Input material Abschlussbereicht zu jedem der 4 Felder: Kurzfassung nachfolgend: Renommierter Studiengang: Prof. Stefan Schaltegger (CH) Org. Hans-Christian Heinke (ehem. Leuphana Student) Oliver Oppel (Sustainability manager) spricht auch bei Genf.
Photon Science DESY-HZG
DESY. New Buildings Construction PETRA III N. FLASH II CFEL „Femto“ Photon Science DESY-HZG “Nano“ European XFEL MPI-SD CSSB „Bio“ PETRA III E. DORIS Shutdown, Constructions, Appointments Folien bereits da Ddd Mission reference: Balance: HERA, DORIS shutdown HEP: LHC, Belle II FS: Operation, Res. CFEL, CSSB, NanoLab: selected topics M: Enhance ARD Potential: 5. Challenges Role of RIS: stop infighting SF-HEP: joint effort, HGF Mission in RIS ! Operation of facilities: XFEL, … CHyN UHH
I. Building/Campus more than 50 buildings on campus, some of them 50 years old started energetic renovation of building structure (through stimulus funds) over last years – four buildings completed ~50% savings in energy, expect 200k€/a savings in energy cost– reduction of 600t/a CO2 Orientation to sustainable energy standards for new buildings – use evaluation instruments BNB Bewertungssystem “Nachhaltiges Bauen” (Evaluation scheme sustainable construction) Bauabteilung DESY richtet sich jetzt künftig an den BNB aus
II. Energy efficiency Electrical energy: 156 GWh – dominated by accelerators (difficult to improve) Existing energy consumption data only on highly aggregated level set up an energy management system What are detailed electrical power / heat consumption levels at various facilities/ buildings/labs/offices? How do they compare to benchmarks ? Are there clear drivers/issues identifiable to improve/optimize efficiencies/gain savings on demand or supply side? Setting goals for 2020 develop action plans Energy Consumption in GWh (2012) MKK Daten: 10 MW von 18 MW gehen als Abwärme id Umwelt Abhilfe: Abwärme nutzen
Improve waste heat re-usal at DESY
Concrete Project: Cryogenic waste heat utilization for DESY and EU.XFEL Study shows good potential for using waste heat of a cryogenic plant for heat utilization 1 cryo street 2 cryo streets heat extraction (30-35 deg) 4,6 GWh/a 7,0 GWh/a cost savings1) €/a €/a payback period 2) 2,6 a 1,7 a cash value after 10 years 3) € € Reduction of CO2-Emission 4) 1.087 t-CO2/a 1.669 t-CO2/a See Jensen Vortrag Basierend auf einer Masterarbeit bei MKK: TUHH (Frau Eva Leister) Ggf. mit Wärmepumpe auf höhere T-Niveau setzen ! price for district heating: 0,05 €/kWh investment costs: € adequate target rate: 10 % district heating: 238 g-CO2/kWh See talk by J.-P. Jensen Thu, 24 October Parallel B2
Cold water ring Concrete project: improve cold water ring (T=8C) at DESY (“Fernkältering”) ~4 MW refrigeration power for cooling building, IT, power supplies, … Ring connect nearly all refrigerator plants on campus, improve efficiencies, eliminate decentralized, isolated solutions Reduce installed power from 13.6MW to 9.6MW, increase average efficiencies from 50% to 60% IT cooling 2 dezentrale Kühler einsparen Isolierte Lösongen rausschemisenn
Study on SMES to regulate the grid control
With increased installation of (intermittent) renewables, grid regulation and frequency control becomes more important study superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) as potential primary regulator at short time-scales for RIs Advantage: Efficient and rapidly cycling energy storage Cryo-plants already available at most labs Simulate a SMES for grid control at DESY with 40 MW primary controlling power and 25 MWh capacity Netz-Glättung Regulierungsbörse: Reg.Lesitung zur Verfüugng stehen: Freq, Spitzen glätten. Neuer Markt SMES = neue Technologie Mit 5 Henry Spulen: 40 MW SMES, Capazität 1MW Regelleistung = EUR/Woche D Bedarf: Regelleistung: 600 MW SC HERA Magnete RIs could be testbed to advance sustainable technologies See talk by H.-J. Eckholdt Parallel A4
III. Sustainable Mobility Concept
Carbon-footprint: Mobility at DESY (~2000 employees) causes 11,5 kt CO2/year 2,5 ktCO2/a Commuting 8 ktCO2/a Travel (99% flights) 1 ktCO2/a on-campus mobility Develop environmentally and socially responsible management of mobility of people and goods, taking into account economic factors Goals contribute to the reduction of mobility-related CO2 emissions image building / legitimacy employee acceptance Untergeordnete Rolle
III. Sustainable Mobility Concept
Discussed actions: Bicycles Public transportation “job ticket” Travel Incentives to use train instead of plane CO2 compensation of flights CERN Best practice Fahrräder mehr Symbol
CO2 Footprint DESY In total ~70 kt CO2/a
Self commitment by DESY (in cooperation with city of Hamburg) Goal: Annual reduction by 3-5 kt CO2 New lighthouse projects under discussions: Green IT Block heat and power plant … 3-5 kt Reduktion: Selbstverpflichtung DESY Blockheizkrafrwerk: Studie da, derzeit zuwenig Manpower, um es umzusetzen, später nach XFEL Green IT: Wasserkühlung statt Luftkühlung; einspeisung
DESY. On the way to a sustainable facility management
Fazit: Ansätze entwickelt Überblick über Sparpotentiale Task force eingesetzt Fehlt: Gesamtkonzept, Ziele, Ressourcen PILLAR II Research in sustainable technologies
PETRA III. 1nmrad Advanced Materials for … IT Health Renewable Energy
Transport 50 mm Human Hair 1nmrad PETRA III beam
PETRA III. Novel Instrumentation …
DESY User Operation 2012 Facility PETRA III 2010 2011 2012 Proposals
80% Open Access, Peer Review 20% Inhouse Research, Industrial Use, Maintainance Facility Proposed Hours Accepted Hours Superscription Factor DORIS III 89048 67000 1,3 PETRA III 83000 32880 2,5 (rising) FLASH 8640 2196 3,9 PETRA III 2010 2011 2012 Proposals 77 433 614 Transport Energy Key Technologies Schlüsseltechnologien Health creating awareness among our users promoting strategic research Schlüsseltechnologien Environment X-Ray Technologies
European XFEL 2,5 km Eine Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera für die Nanowelt
X-Ray Laser Femto-Flashes 2,5 km Ultrarelativistic Electrons
nm Friction and Lubrication in Nanospace
What is a liquid in a Nanoslit ? Science Friction: „Supralubrication“ XFEL nm Micro gear Schmierung eine sehr bedeutende Technolgoie: Heute: Schmierung um 3% verbessern: pro sec 1 Million $ Gewinn Vision: Oberflächen so designen, dass keine Reibungsverluste auftreten: Supraschmierung wie man Supraleitung kennt (reibungsfreier Transport von Elektronenpaaren) severe ecological/economic issue annual loss by friction/wear: 2-7% GNP Germany: 40 Bio €/y
O2 Catalytic Reactions CO2, N CO, NO
Dissocation of O2 induces strong molecular Motions O2 CO, NO Fritz Haber Institut der MPG, Berlin Ultimativ : Wie läuft eine chemische Reaktion in Realzeit ab ? Anfangs und Endprodukte bekannt? Welche Kurzzeit-Zwischen Produkte entstehen während der Reaktion ? Beispiel für die Bedeutung solcher Zwischenprodukte an der Katalytischen Reaktion: komplexe zeitliches Ineinandergreifen von chemischen Reaktionen und physikalischen Oberflächen-Prozessen, die sich auf einer sehr schnellen Zeitskala abspielen und die Effizienz des Prozesses massgeblich bestimmen. Beispiel: Katalysator im Auto Die Bedeutung der Katalyse für die chemische Industrie ist enorm. Katalytische Oberflächenreaktionen von enormer Bedeutung bei der chemischen Industrie Synthese von Chemikalien (NH32, H2SO4). 90% der chemischen Produktionsprozesse basiert heute auf Katalyse. Das Chemical Institute of Canada gab im 1999 den Wert der durch Katalyse erzeugten Chemikalien weltweit mit 900 Mrd USD an. Und in der Umwelt-Chemie (Emissionskontrolle): CO, SO2 For each particular reaction a specially adapted catalyst is very much in demand. Therefore a computer aided design of catalyst would be a great progress in optimizing the selectivity, yield and performance of the reaction. Although surface reactions have been intensively investigated in the last 20 years, surprisingly little is known about the elementary reaction steps which take place on the atomic length scale of these reactions Homogene K. Versus Heterogene Katalyse Gerhard Ertl, Nobel Chemistry 2007
DESY. On the way to a sustainable facility management
Fazit: Ansätze entwickelt Überblick über Sparpotentiale Task force eingesetzt Fehlt: Gesamtkonzept, Ziele, Ressourcen PILLAR III Strategic Cooperations
Energy from the desert Studies by DLR for EUMENA region MED-CSP TRANS-CSP for German gov‘t CLUB OF ROME White Paper 2009 Promising conditions Economic perspective for young MENA population EU committed to support the concept (Mediterranean Solar Plan) Fundamental transformation of the MENA region to a green economy and implementation of the gigantic DESERTEC-concept would require substantial technological and innovative capacities Price reduction for CSP necessary Improved grid connection needed Regulatory and political risks hinder FDI Substantial workforce with necessary skills Grid connection has to be improved Promosing conditions for Concentrating solar power technology To day renewable energies made a rather limited contribution to electricity supply in the region. Today the levelized costs of csp is 2-3 times higher than with fossil-fired energies -> price reduction necessary
A new EU-MENA Partnership on Energy & Science
Renewable Energy Scientific cooperation Direct: Transfer of Energy Indirect through virtual trading EU MENA MENA Partner (e.g. SESAME) e.g. DESY Partnership Enhance S&T cooperation with MENA partners as stimulus for governments to promote renewable energies in MENA Prospect/Vision for EU-MENA: direct physical transfer of solar energy (via high voltage DC transmission lines) – swap knowledge, education and S&T versus energy (“in-kind contribution) European research infrastructures could be “first movers” to receive solar energy from desert Promote “Energy sustainability for European research” & Intellectual sustainability in MENA Central element is scientific cooperation between european research institutes and selectetd partner institutes in the MENA region (access to research infrastructures, fostering scientific exchange
Symposium „Building Bridges“ – 19/20 May2011 DESY - Hamburg
Organizers: DESY, DLR, Egypt ASRT, SESAME-Jordan Scientific cooperation creates trust and acceptance and brings to bear peace-making and stabilizing effects in societies Topics Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Societal and Developmental Challenges Science, Sustainability and Responsibility Solar Energy Projects in MENA and around the world Bridging Solar Energy from MENA to Europe Scientific & Educational Projects in MENA as Anchor Points for Collaboration and Capacity Building Towards a Science / Energy Partnership
250 participants from 30 countries
Representatives from science, Politics, industry, NGOs ~50 participants from MENA
Establish new conference EU-MENA
Follow-Up Conference EWACC2012/Building Bridges in Cyprus December 2012 Establish new conference EU-MENA EWACC2014/Building Bridges Nicosia, Cyprus November 2014 Topics: - Climate change, weather extremes, air pollution and human health - Water availability, food security, hydro-conflicts and human security - Energy supply and demand, policies, challenges - Renewable energy and energy conservation - Opportunities and challenges of EU-MENA scientific cooperation - Future of a common EU-MENA knowledge area (including Cyprus Declaration 2012) Young Scholar Forum 6-9 December
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