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THE EARTH'S CRUST The whole earth is made of rocks & minerals. I Inside the earth there is a liquid core of molten rock and on the outside there is a hard.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EARTH'S CRUST The whole earth is made of rocks & minerals. I Inside the earth there is a liquid core of molten rock and on the outside there is a hard."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EARTH'S CRUST The whole earth is made of rocks & minerals. I Inside the earth there is a liquid core of molten rock and on the outside there is a hard crust. If you compare the earth to an egg, the shell on an egg is like the crust on the earth. The crust is made up of rocks and minerals. Much of the crust is covered by water, sand, soil and ice. Below the loose layer of soil, sand & crumbled rocks found on Earth is bedrock, which is a solid rock.

2 Earth % The Crust makes up less than 1% of the Earth’s mass (0.4%) It is made of oxygen, magnesium aluminum, silicon calcium, sodium potassium, iron. There are 8 elements that make up 99% of the Earth’s crust. The continents are about 35 km thick and the ocean floors are about 7 lm thick. The Mantle is the solid casing of the Earth and is about 2900 km thick. It makes up about 70% of the Earth’s mass (68.1%). It is made up of silicon, oxygen, aluminum and iron. The Core is mainly made of iron and nickel and makes up about 30% of the Earth’s mass (31.5%). The Outer Core is 2200 km thick and is liquid and the Inner core is 1270 km thick and is solid.

3 Study Guide Study Tips Be able to identify the rock based on the rocky fact. Be able to name all the rock types based on the silly sentences Study the facts from the opening paragraphs

4 GneissSchistQuartzite MarbleSlatePhyllite Silly Sentence (6) Girls share quarters. Many share Popcorn.

5 BrecciaShaleLimestone Coal SandstoneRock Salt (Halite) Conglomerate Silly Sentence (7) Boys share lollipop candy, sometimes cherry red

6 Examples (5) Granite ObsidianScoria Basalt Perlite Silly sentence Goats only sing baby poems

7 I am the sedimentary rock that is often sold in pet stores

8 sandstone

9 This rock is the most common extrusive igneous rock. Forms from the cooling of basaltic lava

10 basalt

11 This rock is the most abundant intrusive igneous rock. Often used in making countertops

12 granite

13 This sedimentary rock forms in river basins and turns into slate when heated

14 shale

15 This metamorphic rock is non foliated and forms from sandstone. Contains a great amount of quartz

16 quartzite

17 This metamorphic rock forms from very fine mica. It is sometimes lustrous and wrinkled

18 phyllite

19 I am a rock that forms from the shells of clams and oysters.

20 limestone

21 I am a rock that is found in potting soil

22 perlite

23 I am the metamorphic rock that is often confused with gneiss

24 schist

25 I am the rock that forms from plants as they decay

26 coal

27 I am the rock that forms from the heating of limestone

28 marble

29 I am the rock that is sold in the store named Bath and Body Works

30 pumice

31 I am a sedimentary rock that has particles with sharp edges

32 breccia

33 I am a sedimentary rock who has particles with rounded edges

34 conglomerate

35 I am a rocky mineral also found in the seasoning of potato chips

36 halite

37 I am a foliated metamorphic rock who is often confused with schist

38 gneiss

39 I am a shiny rock often sold in souvenir shops

40 obsidian

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