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The Manager Method: Why Every Manager Needs a Checklist Shane Armstrong Director of Franchise Operations and Support.

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Presentation on theme: "The Manager Method: Why Every Manager Needs a Checklist Shane Armstrong Director of Franchise Operations and Support."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Manager Method: Why Every Manager Needs a Checklist Shane Armstrong Director of Franchise Operations and Support


4 How many managers are in attendance? o General Managers o Sales Managers o Operations Managers o Fitness Managers o Regional Managers o District Managers Owners?

5 Why are you here?

6 o Hotel room wasn’t ready for check in. o Temporary cloud cover at the pool. o You are “killing time” between poker tournaments. o You are being forced to attend a session and this one seemed like one you could catch up on sleep from last night.

7 Why are you really here?

8 o Challenges staying on task. o Challenges completing projects. o Wondering what you should really be doing throughout your day. o Looking to create a routine. o Validation that you are doing the “right things” and doing them well.


10 Have you ever felt like that?

11 Good news. I have. You’re not the only one.

12 Pulled in too many directions Not enough time in my day Unexpected events occurred Member or associate needs Time management troubles

13 Practice makes perfect. Routines help with time management. Checklists keep you on task.

14 Even the Best Laid Plans Can Fall Apart Quickly

15 Reduce these Moments.


17 So how do I earn my badge? o Two ways Understand and except that things happen. Set yourself up for success.

18 Well that is great Shane…. but where do I start? Start Here

19 The 4 Steps to Successful Management…..

20 Step 1 o Realizing you have a problem.

21 o Organization o Prioritization o Execution o Adaptation 4 Steps to Successful Task Management

22 Organization o Create good habits. Establish a routine. Set expectations for yourself. Lead by example. It’s not just about you. o Reduce multitasking. It happens, but try to minimize. Manage your time.

23 Prioritization o What are the essential tasks for the day? Those should probably be first on the list. o What time(s) of the day is best for dedicated admin duties? o Build time into your schedule for unaccomplished tasks. We set ourselves up for success, but life happens sometimes.

24 Execution Task List Checklist Daily or Weekly Routine Sheet Scrum Board Digital Companion

25 Adaptation o Recognize that change does happen. o Be Flexible, but stay organized.

26 What tools can I use to elevate my effectiveness, efficiency and organization?

27 Let’s start with the basics….

28 Task List….

29 Task List

30 Check List….

31 Daily or Weekly Routine Sheet….

32 Scrum Board….


34 Digital Companion….



37 Questions?

38 So which tool is the best tool? o Honestly? I don’t know. Each person will relate/respond differently. o Sample several to find your fit. o But whatever you do, do something.

39 BEST PRACTICE: Often times we focus on the daily routine, but overlook the long term task. o Two examples: Associate turnover. Associate succession. Have a plan and add it to your monthly/quarterly checklist.

40 QUARTERLY PLANNERS Are you using one? Do you know about them? One stop shop. Tried-and-True.





45 Just remember…. o Organize o Prioritize o Execute o Adapt

46 Questions? Shane Armstrong Director, Franchise Operations and Support

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