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1. What type of voltage is supplied by a rectifier?

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Presentation on theme: "1. What type of voltage is supplied by a rectifier?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What type of voltage is supplied by a rectifier?

2 Pulsating DC voltage.

3 2. What type of voltage is usually required by most electronic equipment?

4 Smooth DC voltage

5 3. What is the purpose of a filter used in a rectifier circuit?

6 To smooth out the pulsating DC voltage.

7 4. What do you call the filter that uses a capacitor as the first component following the rectifier output?

8 Capacitor input filter.

9 5. What does a capacitor oppose?

10 Change in voltage.

11 6. What do you call the filter that uses a coil as the first component following the rectifier output?

12 Choke input filter.

13 7. What does a choke filter oppose?

14 Change in current.

15 8. When is the pi filter with the resistor in it mainly used?

16 Low current applications.

17 9. What is the symbol for pi?


19 10. Which is the most common filter configuration found in power supplies?

20 A pi filter with a coil.

21 11. What is a filter circuit?

22 It is a network of resistors and inductors or capacitors.

23 12. What does “filter” mean in electronics?

24 To filter means to oppose or reject voltages and currents of certain frequencies while also offering little opposition to or passing of voltages and currents of other frequencies.

25 13. What do filter circuits block?

26 Certain frequencies.

27 14. What does an RL circuit contain?

28 Both resistance and inductance.

29 15. What opposes current flow in an RL circuit?

30 Resistance and inductive reactance.

31 16. What is impedance?

32 The total opposition to current flow in RL circuits.

33 17. What do you call a filter circuit that contains resistance and capacitance?

34 An RC filter circuit.

35 18. What is another term for “cut-off frequency”?

36 Half-power point.

37 19. If input frequency decreases in an RL circuit, what happens to voltage across the resistor?

38 Voltage across the resistor increases.

39 20. What is another name for a high-frequency discriminator?

40 A low-pass filter.

41 21. What is a high-pass filter?

42 A filter that passes high frequencies and discriminates or blocks low frequencies.

43 22. What is a low-pass filter?

44 A filter that passes low frequencies and discriminates or blocks the high frequencies.

45 23. How can a capacitor act as a high-pass filter in one instance and as a low-pass filter in another instance?

46 It is determined by the capacitor’s position either across a load or in series with a load.

47 24. What do you call a speaker that produces low-frequency sounds?

48 A woofer.

49 25. What type of speaker is wired across a resistor?

50 A woofer.

51 26. What is a tweeter used for?

52 High-frequency sounds.

53 27. What is the final stage of a power supply?

54 The voltage regulator circuit.

55 28. What is the function of the voltage regulator?

56 It keeps the output voltage at a constant level under varying loads.

57 29. What are some reasons why voltage might vary in a circuit?

58 Input line voltage may vary; load on the power supply might change; and components could be old.

59 30. What is the simplest type of voltage regulator?

60 A series regulator.

61 31. Which type of voltage regulator has the regulating device connected in series?

62 A series regulator.

63 32. Which regulator has the regulating device connected in parallel with the load?

64 A shunt regulator.

65 33. In a shunt regulator, how is the regulating device connected?

66 In parallel with the load.

67 34. In a shunt regulator, what is the voltage across the RV plus the voltage across RS equal to?

68 The total DC voltage from the filter.

69 35. What is the only adjustment that can be made in a shunt resistor?

70 Adjustment to the variable resistor.

71 36. What happens to the voltage drop across RS when there is an increase in current through RS?

72 The voltage drop across RS will increase.

73 37. What type of diode is used as an automatic regulating device?

74 A zener diode.

75 38. Why is a zener diode used instead of a variable resistor in most regulators?

76 Because the input voltage of a variable resistor will fluctuate too rapidly to be controlled by hand.

77 39. What voltage level does a zener diode maintain?

78 A constant voltage level as long as the zener continues to conduct.

79 40. What is the output of a zener diode?

80 Zener voltage.

81 41. What is the purpose of a voltage divider?

82 It makes it possible to obtain more than one voltage from a single power source.

83 42. What is the simplest form of a voltage divider?

84 A simple series-parallel circuit.

85 43. What is a voltage divider composed of?

86 A simple series-parallel circuit with a number of resistors in series with a power source.

87 44. What formula do you use to determine amps when you know the resistance and voltage?

88 Ohm’s Law I = E/R

89 45. What is a no-load condition?

90 A condition when no load or energy using device is connected to the voltage divider.

91 46. What changes the output of a voltage divider?

92 Connecting a load to a voltage divider changes the output.

93 47. What is the purpose of a bleeder resistor when equipment is turned off.

94 To provide a discharge path for the filter capacitor voltage.

95 48. What is bleeder current in a voltage divider?

96 The small amount of current in a voltage divider that flows through the bleeder resistor and aids in voltage regulation.

97 49. What type of voltages can be obtained from a single voltage divider?

98 Both positive and negative voltage.

99 50. What happens to total output voltage when a load is connected to a voltage divider?

100 The voltage decreases.

101 51. What provides the correct amount of voltage and current to operate an electronic system?

102 A power supply.

103 52. What is the most common way of connecting the line voltage to a power supply?

104 By using a standard plug.

105 53. What are the first two functions of the input stage of the power supply?

106 To provide a method of coupling the AC line into the power supply and to provide overload protection.

107 54. What can provide overload protection to a power supply?

108 A fuse or circuit breaker.

109 55. How does a fuse provide protection to a circuit?

110 A fuse will melt, opening the circuit, when it is overheated.

111 56. What is the advantage of using a circuit breaker instead of a fuse?

112 A circuit breaker can be reset and used again, but a fuse must be replaced.

113 57. What are the last two functions of the input stage of a power supply?

114 To provide an indication that power is on and to provide a means of turning the power on and off.

115 58. What is the second stage of a power supply?

116 The conversion stage.

117 59. Which substage steps up or steps down AC line voltage?

118 The transformer secondary.

119 60. What is the purpose of the filter substage?

120 The filter substage smooths out the pulsating DC into smooth DC.

121 61. What does the rectifier do in the conversion stage of the power supply?

122 The rectifier receives the voltage from the transformer secondary and converts it to DC voltage.

123 62. What are the three substages in the conversion stage of the power supply?

124 Transformer secondary, rectifier, and filter.

125 63. What is the last stage in the power supply?

126 The output stage.

127 64. What is the basic function of this final stage of the power supply?

128 Maintain a steady DC output.

129 65. What are the three stages in a power supply?

130 Input, conversion, and output.

131 66. What is the symbol for a fuse?


133 67. What is the symbol for a circuit breaker?


135 68. What is the symbol for a standard plug?


137 69. What do you call a non- rotating device used for producing alternating current from a direct current supply?

138 Oscillator.

139 70. Why is the word “non- rotating” used in describing an oscillator?

140 So the word will not be confused with alternator or generator.

141 71. How do you refer to something that moves back and forth in a uniform manner?

142 It is said to oscillate.

143 72. What conditions must exist for something to oscillate?

144 There must be a back and forth motion and the period for the back and forth motion must be the same.

145 73. What are the three essential sections of an oscillator circuit?

146 Feedback, amplifier, and frequency determining device.

147 74. Which section of the oscillator develops the desired AC frequency?

148 The frequency determining device or tank circuit.

149 75. What does the tank circuit contain?

150 A capacitor and an inductor.

151 76. What does the tank circuit have to do to continue oscillating?

152 It has to have a voltage push.

153 77. What is another term for positive feedback in an oscillator?

154 Regenerative feedback.

155 78. What actually does the oscillating in an oscillator?

156 The tank circuit.

157 79. What section of the oscillator amplifies the tank circuit output to a usable level?

158 The amplifier circuit.

159 80. Why does the feedback circuit return part of the oscillation output signal back into the tank circuit?

160 To insure sustained oscillation.

161 81. What part of the oscillator replaces the energy lost in the tank circuit?

162 The feedback circuit.

163 82. What happens if one stage or section of the oscillator fails to function?

164 It totally disables oscillation.

165 83. What do you do when you troubleshoot a circuit?

166 You locate and correct any malfunction in the circuit.

167 84. What is a short circuit?

168 A defect in a circuit that permits current to flow around all or part of the load.

169 85. What has happened to equipment that has malfunctioned?

170 It does not operate normally.

171 86. What do we mean by an open circuit?

172 A circuit that does not provide a complete path for current flow.

173 87. What is a direct short?

174 A condition in a circuit that occurs when a conducting material forms a path directly between the terminals of a source.

175 88. What is a partial short?

176 A condition that exists when a short circuit bypasses only part of the normal load in a circuit.

177 89. What is the function of a fuse in a circuit?

178 A safety device used to protect a circuit and electrical components against excessive amounts of current.

179 90. How are fuses rated?

180 In amperes.

181 91. What has happened to a circuit when a fuse has blown?

182 The circuit opens.

183 92. What instruments can be used in locating shorts?

184 A voltmeter or an ohmmeter.

185 93. What is the first step in using an ohmmeter?

186 Make sure the circuit is de- energized.

187 94. What do we mean by the term “blow fuse”?

188 When a fuse burns out we say it is blown.

189 95. What can cause an open circuit?

190 A blown fuse, dirt on switch contacts, broken wires, or burned out components.

191 96. What normally causes short circuits?

192 Broken or cut insulation wires, loose tools, or loose pieces or wire.

193 97. What is a defective switch?

194 A switch that is not working correctly.

195 98. What is an important safety rule for you to remember when you are working on any type of electronic equipment?

196 Be careful.

197 99. What causes electric shock?

198 Electric current flowing through an individual’s body.

199 100. What is a “hot” wire?

200 A conductor through which current is flowing.

201 101. How can an electric shock kill an individual?

202 By stopping his or her heart, breathing, or both.

203 102. What could cause an individual’s body to have a low resistance to electric shock?

204 If his or her skin is moist or there are cuts on his or her body.

205 103. What is artificial respiration?

206 A mechanical or manual means or inducing breathing in someone when breathing has stopped.

207 104. What is the first thing that you must do if you see someone receive an electric shock?

208 Turn off the high voltage.

209 105. When would you stop administering artificial respiration?

210 When the victim starts to breath or when professional medical assistance arrives.

211 106. Why is it important to have adequate light when you are working on an energized circuit?

212 So you can see clearly to perform your job.

213 107. What should you stand on when you work on energized equipment?

214 A rubber mat, a large piece of canvas or wood.

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