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4.2 Old Kingdom. 1. 2 Kingdoms – Upper - south - Lower - north.

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1 4.2 Old Kingdom

2 1. 2 Kingdoms – Upper - south - Lower - north

3 2. Narmer – also know as Menes -“Wearer of both crowns” - “Lord of two lands” - King of Upper Egypt

4 - 3100BC conquered lower Egypt - married a princess of Lower Egypt - united - combined crowns - Upper – white - lower – red - capital in Memphis - between Upper and Lower Egypt

5 3. 2600BC – – Old Kingdom begins - lasts almost 500 yrs. - cities were centers of religion and government - kings - priests - government officials - artisans

6 - most Egyptians lived on banks of Nile - rich lived in wood and brick houses

7 - farmers lived in villages on estates - houses - sun baked mud bricks - one room - built on high grounds - worked fields - cattle - built monuments - dug ditches - repaired roads

8 4. Pharaoh -means “great house” -ruler, priest, & god -center of Egyptian life -owned all the land -quarries, mines, water -in charge of -building or repairing irrigation canals -building granaries -selecting government officials -taxes & building permits -Egyptians believed that the strength & unity of their country came from a strong ruler

9 5. Egyptian Religion (Polytheistic) Anubis was the god of embalming. Also performed Opening of the Mouth ceremony during the mummification process. Re, Ra, Amon-Ra Sun god Life and death was symbolized by the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

10 Osiris god and judge of the dead (underworld). The symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Provider of fertility and prosperity to the living. Isis wife of Osiris. Ruled over the dead together.

11 Egyptian Gods

12 - used embalming - believed soul could not live without the body - 1 st for pharaohs later for everyone - 7 step process for mummy

13 Mummification Steps 1.Announcement of Death 2.Embalming the Body 3.Removal of Brain 4.Removal of Internal Organs 5.Drying Out Process 6.Wrapping of the Body 7.Final Procession Total process took about 70 days

14 Imset protected the liver. He had the head of a human. Ha'py watched over the lungs. He had the head of a baboon. Duamutef looked after the stomach. He had the head of a jackal. Qebehsenuef looked over the intestines. He had the head of a falcon.

15 6. Pyramids 1 st pyramid at Saqqara. Step pyramid built for King Djozer

16 -designed to protect the pharaohs body -floods -animals -robbers -built on the west bank of the Nile -called “Houses of Eternity” -pharaohs possessions were placed in the tomb for use in the after life

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