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Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire A:B: married around age 30 Could work outside the home #1 The women in Egypt C:D: Were allowed to have only 1 child Were.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire A:B: married around age 30 Could work outside the home #1 The women in Egypt C:D: Were allowed to have only 1 child Were."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

3 A:B: married around age 30 Could work outside the home #1 The women in Egypt C:D: Were allowed to have only 1 child Were not held to the same laws as men

4 B:Some women worked outside the home and they could have separate assets from their husbands

5 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

6 A:B: Bad, shipping was halted Good, it left rich farmland #2 The flooding of the Nile was C:D: Bad, villagers lost their homes Good, farmers got a much needed vacation

7 B: The Nile flooding resulted in rich, fertile farmland

8 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

9 A:B: Wine and whiskey Meat and fowl #3 Ordinary Egyptians ate a diet rich in C:D: Not much of anything – food was scarce Grains, vegetables, and fruits

10 D: Bread and dates were some of their favorites

11 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

12 A:B: monotheistic Based on Catholic theology #4 Religion was primarily C:D: polytheistic A duty – it was really not all that important

13 C: They believed in many different gods-over 700

14 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

15 A:B: Of belief in Osiris Of belief in the afterlife #5 Egyptians performed mummifications because C:D: It was the law of the land They needed to get rid of fabric scraps

16 B: Bodies had to be preserved for the afterlife

17 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

18 A:B: Drsuesstep Wabau #6 Worshiped by Egyptians and Greeks as a god of medicine C:D: Tutankhamen Imhotep

19 D: Imhotep studied and wrote about the human anatomy (also designed step- pyramid)

20 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

21 A:B: The local market ran great sales It was mandated by the Pharaoh #7 Egyptian clothing was made from linen because C:D: It was the most fashionable fabric It ‘s a cool, “breathable ” f abric

22 D. Linen is light and airy- it is hot in Egypt!

23 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

24 Made from stone from The Nile River A:B: Made from leftover pieces of stone from the pyramids #8 The homes of ordinary Egyptians were Made from mud from the Nile River D: Made from the flax that they grew C:

25 C : Home were built from sun- dried mud bricks

26 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

27 A:B: The estate of a nobleman A device used to move water #9 A shaduf is C:D: A simple ox-drawn plow An herb used to cure many illnesses

28 A shaduf is a device used to move water from the canals to the fields B:

29 A:B: It was the only choice they had It was a blessing from Isis #10 Grain was the primary food of ancient Egyptian civilization because C:D: They could use it for many purposes Other foods would upset their stomach

30 C: Grains were used to make many breads, cakes, & beer

31 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

32 A:B: Slept under a ceiling fan Slept in the basement #11 To escape the heat, Egyptians sometimes C:D: Slept on the banks of the Nile River Slept on the roof

33 D. The roof was an extension of the home-they cooked, ate, and slept there

34 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

35 A:B: Decorative, embellished clothing Kilts and Tunics #12 Egyptians took pride in their appearance and generally wore C:D: Pants – they were extremely modest Whatever was on the cover of Vogue- Egypt

36 B: Men wore loincloths and women wore a dress with straps

37 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

38 A:B: Successful, they developed a system of crop rotation Unsuccessful, it was hard to overcome the rainy season #13 Egyptians farmers were extremely C:D: Successful, they developed an irrigation system Unsuccessful, the freezing temperatures weren’t suitable for farming

39 C. They built canals that carried water from the Nile to their fields

40 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

41 A:B: Imhotep held workshops throughout Egypt Each family was issued an anatomy book from the government #14 Egyptians were advanced in their knowledge of the human body because C:D: They studied the body during the mummification process Each school taught an intense anatomy course

42 C: They studied the body during the mummi- fication process

43 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

44 A:B: Medicine The role of women #15 The ancient Egyptian civilization was advanced in the area/areas of C:D: Farming technology A,B, & C

45 D

46 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

47 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

48 Who Wants To Be A Pharoah-naire

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