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TGDC Meeting, July 2011 IEEE P.1622 Update John P. Wack Computer Scientist, Software and Systems Division, ITL

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Presentation on theme: "TGDC Meeting, July 2011 IEEE P.1622 Update John P. Wack Computer Scientist, Software and Systems Division, ITL"— Presentation transcript:

1 TGDC Meeting, July 2011 IEEE P.1622 Update John P. Wack Computer Scientist, Software and Systems Division, ITL

2 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 2 Outline Common Data Format review P.1622 overview OASIS EML Current status UOCAVA blank ballot distribution draft standard

3 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 3 Common Data Format (CDF) An extensible markup language (XML)-based format designed around the needs of elections Used to communicate between voting devices, e.g.; To export from a VRDB to an ePollbook To export ballot configurations from an EMS to voting devices To export voted ballots from voting stations to the EMS To export tabulated results from an EMS Obviously, all must use the exact same CDF

4 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 4 Request from EAC EAC interested in interoperability: An interoperable CDF could help automate testing, better constrain testing costs Could open market to more manufacturers Could expand certification model to components Requested TGDC/NIST to develop CDF to assist Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) for electronic blank ballot delivery Requested that TGDC reference a comprehensive CDF standard in VVSG 2.0, e.g., a private sector standard

5 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 5 IEEE P.1622 Main goal: specify a standard or set of standards for a common data format for election systems Revitalized in 2010 with NIST involvement, NIST now vice-chair, editor of standard, secretary Sponsoring Society: IEEE Computer Society/Standards Activities Board (C/SAB) OASIS EML is now basis for the new standard Work underway on UOCAVA blank ballot distribution standard Comprehensive standard to follow to target other aspects of elections

6 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 6 IEEE P.1622 Membership Manufacturers: Dominion ES&S Hart Oracle Scytl Independent software consultants State, local election officials Academic researchers US Government (NIST, EAC, FVAP)

7 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 7 OASIS EML OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) EML (Election Markup Language) XML-based, comprehensive, global framework Has seen increasing use since previous P.1622, manufacturer support from Dominion, ES&S, Hart, Scytl, others International framework, scoped to address U.S. election environment Current version 7 modified extensively to support UOCAVA electronic blank ballot distribution and PEW’s VIP (Voting Information Project)

8 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 8 Work within P.1622 and OASIS, keep both aligned Game plan is to produce use cases for slices of election data, following a comprehensive strategy, e.g.; UOCAVA blank ballot distribution Voter registration database export Election reporting Produce two standards: UOCAVA blank ballot distribution – built from UOCAVA use case Comprehensive – built from remaining use cases NIST may develop UML reference implementations to facilitate adoption, testing NIST/IEEE/OASIS Strategy

9 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 9 Current Status UOCAVA blank ballot distribution standard received unanimous approval from working group Now in IEEE internal review, then out for ballot in August, 2011 Work beginning on next use cases: VRDB export Auditing and tabulation Aiming for comprehensive standard in 2012

10 TGDC Meeting, July 2011Page 10 To assist FVAP and states in distribution of electronic blank ballots to overseas voters Provides a CDF for: VRDB exports of registration info for import into ballot distribution systems (BDS) VRDB/EMS exports of ballot data for import into BDS Facilitates constructing ballots prior to election or dynamically by a BDS VRDB/BDS exports for tracking ballots as required by MOVE Act Draft Standard for Electronic Distribution of Blank Ballots

11 TGDC Meeting, July 2011 Discussion/Questions Page 11

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