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EMPLOYER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM AUSTRALIA by Amanda Stokes Assistant Director, Employer & Industry Engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM AUSTRALIA by Amanda Stokes Assistant Director, Employer & Industry Engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPLOYER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM AUSTRALIA by Amanda Stokes Assistant Director, Employer & Industry Engagement

2 Overview Why? Engagement Activities Supportive Employers Employer Recognition Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC) Communications

3 WHY??? Volunteer for part-time service in the Navy, Army and Air Force Skills and expertise to deliver capability Strong support of employers, families and the community Availability when called for service Employer Engagement

4 Ideal State Employers Supportive of Reserve Service Reserve Leave Policy No prosecutions under the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 Employer Engagement


6 Activities Networking Events Unit Visits Employer Challenge Days Exercise Executive Stretch Exercise Boss Lift Engagement Activities

7 Employer Engagement

8 Networking Events Relatively new initiative Established networks Military Setting Potentially employs Reservists Engagement Activities

9 Unit Visits Smaller Events Employers of Reservists Held at local military establishment Parade nights Engagement Activities

10 Employer Engagement

11 Employer Challenge Days / Exercise Executive Stretch Insight into ADF Training Opportunity to Participate Informative and adventurous Challenging and enjoyable Safe and controlled environment Engagement Activities

12 Exercise Boss Lift Insight into ADF Operations and Major Exercises Longer Activity Domestic or Overseas See working Reservists Engagement Activities

13 Employer Engagement

14 Supportive Employer Program Publicly pledge support Logo Exchange Link on DRS website Resource for Engagement Activities Supportive Employers

15 Statement of Support “Thousands of Reservists, who are members of the Navy, Army and Air Force, have served in Australia and overseas in recent years. When called upon, these men and women serve alongside their colleagues in the Permanent Forces with courage and dedication, and often at considerable personal sacrifice. We admire their commitment and are determined to support all employees in the Reserve.” Supportive Employers


17 Logo Exchange Supportive Employers

18 Supportive Employer Logo Supportive Employers

19 Leave Policies Supportive Employers Strong and open relationship Private Sector Guidelines Public Sector Guidelines MOUs

20 Guidelines Supportive Employers Four weeks paid leave Additional two weeks for recruit training Scope for additional leave for service

21 Employer Support Awards Formally recognise employers Nominated by Reservist No financial or commercial gain Important to say ‘Thank You’ Employer Recognition

22 Award Type Four Awards –Small Private –Medium Private –Large Private –Public Sector Three Levels –Regional (if applicable) –State –National Employer Recognition


24 Defence Reserves Support Council Established by Government to promote the benefits of Reserve Service Advisory body Link between Reservists and other interested parties Normally Employers and Key members of the community DRSC

25 Three Tiers DRSC National Executive DRSC National Council DRSC State/Territory Councils –Regional Committees (if applicable) DRSC


27 Positive Media Coverage Media is an important part of the Engagement Program Provides stories of interest Highlights benefits of employing a Reservist Informs employers and the general community Communications

28 Products Regional/community newspapers Regional television Service newspapers Company/Employer/Industry magazines or newsletter Employer profiles Short videos Communications

29 Print Communications

30 Videos Communications


32 Contacts and Information Defence Reserves Support Website Email Brochures and USBs with information in relation to Employer Engagement, Employer Support Payments and the Office of Reserve Service Protection (Employment Protection) are available.

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