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Making End-of-Life Decisions: Helping Your Family and Yourself [Add name of presenter and organization]

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Presentation on theme: "Making End-of-Life Decisions: Helping Your Family and Yourself [Add name of presenter and organization]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making End-of-Life Decisions: Helping Your Family and Yourself [Add name of presenter and organization]

2 Why Think about the End of Life? It is an important part of life

3 Why Think about it Now?  Illness or injury can happen any time  If you can’t speak, who will speak for you?  Will they know what you would want?  Or will they worry about doing the right thing? Only you can give them the gift of peace of mind

4 How Can You Help Your Family?  LEARN about your choices  TALK about your decisions  WRITE down your plans

5 Learn about Your Choices  Advance directives  Life-sustaining treatments  Hospice and palliative care  Long term care  Coping with loss

6 Talk about Your Decisions  Who will make decisions for your health care if you cannot?  What medical treatments would you like to have or not have at the end of life?  Where would you want to be cared for?

7 Write Down Your Plans  Use advance directive forms  Living will – what you want or don’t want  Medical power of attorney – who you want to make decisions  Give copies to your family and doctors  And remember - talk to people about your plans

8 To Learn More, Call…  Call the national Compassionate Care HelpLine /Linea Cuidando con Cariño  1-877-658-8896  Caring Connections HelpLine  1-800-658-8898

9 To Learn More, Visit…  Caring Connections web site   Partnership for Parents web site for parents with a seriously ill child  Spanish/Español:  English/Inglés:

10 To Ask for Help, Call Us Today  [list local resources and how to reach you]

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