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Managing your time Setting goals and How do you learn best?

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Presentation on theme: "Managing your time Setting goals and How do you learn best?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing your time Setting goals and How do you learn best?
Student Learning Services Procrastination getting my stuff done TM time management Hyper link to U tube clip on Procrastination to open session

2 Aims To learn how to manage your time
To identify your goals for this year To identify your learning style Introduce common time management planning tools, eg. calendar, weekly study planner, diary

3 So, what’s the big deal about managing time?
Ask class - Can we manage time? NO we need to manage our time - prioritise

4 Q. Can we really manage time?
Q. What successful time management Habits or routines do you already use? Q. So, how should you view full time study? Ask class - Can we manage time? NO we need to manage our time - prioritise QI Psychological – reduced motivation, stress, loss of direction, starting late or not at all, self doubt, missing deadlines. Personal cost – study time spilling over into personal commitments/priorities Professional work/student – unreliable reputation Q2. Outside: Planning to plan [EARLY], keep it simple, keep it flexible [works for your situation, free-up space], multi-task simple tasks Inside: Adjust attitude to being in control of your self management and NOT its victim. Q. 3 Treat full time study like a full time job, with regular bouts of overtime.

5 Big Rocks U TUBE LINK to Big Rocks

6 Is your time management driven by urgency ?
Recognise if you are doing the urgent stuff, at the expense of the important.

7 Time Matrix I 2 3 4 Urgent Less Urgent Focus on Now Focus on Later
2 3  4 Urgent Less Urgent Focus on Now Focus on Later Stop before going on Group work for next 2 slides Aim: - Through problem solving students to decide which action belongs to which 4 quadrant - as above - Understand that quadrant 2 is the ideal place to be working is - in control Students divide into groups Each group given an A3 blank quadrant and an envelope of laminated phrases of either slide 8 or slide 9 There are enough laminated words for both workshops to use Quadrant 9, but only enough for one class to use Slide 8. (Slide 8 is more student related) The slide not used in the activity can be discussed as whole group to show examples. Group to decide on which quadrant the strips of words belong and place the strip on the on A3 sheet Move around room to encourage discussion/debate After completed move to either Slide 8 or 9 and discuss whether their choices match the slide’s Encourage discussion re reasons for choice Emphasize that quadrant 2 is the ideal place to be working in - in control What are the effects of continually being in quadrant 1, 3 and 4?

8 Time Matrix – Activities From website:
Urgent Less Urgent 1 Crisis Pressing problems Deadline driven projects, meetings Immediately productive activities STRESSED Preparation Prevention Planning Building relationships True creation Empowerment IN CONTROL Focus on Now Focus on Later 3 Interruptions some phone calls, texts Some meetings, some reports Many popular activities FRUSTRATED Trivia, busywork Some phone calls Time wasters Junk mail “Escape” activities, BORED PROCRASTINATION 4 Quadrant 1 and 3 Driven by panic –REACTING TO THINGS Quadrant 2 Driven by planning and crisis prevention – THINKING AHEAD Quadrant 4 Driven by timewasters - PROCRASTINATION

9 Time Matrix – Activities From website:
Urgent Less Urgent 1 Personal Issues Crisis/Personal emergency Dead-line assignments, projects due All night study cramming Tests/exams due STRESSED Planning assignments Attending class Preparing for tests, practising examples Building relationships Having time out -social, family, recreation) Preventing crisis IN CONTROL Focus on Now Focus on Later 3 Interruptions some phone calls, texts, and personal social media Visitors/mates who want to hang out Always being asked to help friends with their work, fix things , child minding ….. FRUSTRATED Trivia, busywork eg housework Some Texting Time wasters Partying “Escape” activities, shopping etc BORED PROCRASTINATION 4 Can also give out blank strips and students can add own suggestions and place accordingly Quadrant 1 and 3 Driven by panic –REACTING TO THINGS Quadrant 2 Driven by planning and crisis prevention – THINKING AHEAD Quadrant 4 Driven by timewasters - PROCRASTINATION

10 So where does ‘FACEBOOK’ ‘TWITTER’ and other social media fit In?
Note : Some classes use Facebook as a medium to communicate course information

11 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
The 5 P’s… Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. BEFORE NEXT SLIDE: We discussed some successful time management habits earlier, and some tools for planning came up in that discussion. EITHER: Here are some more… OR: Discuss some other tools that could be useful to help you plan your time.

12 Try this… Rewards for achieving study goals and / or Consequences
for not achieving study goals Discussion: Which works better for you – rewards or consequences? Please give some examples.

Dates 11-17 Feb 18-24 Feb 25-2 Mar 3-9 Mar etc Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Topic A .. 15% Test Essay 35% Exam 50% Topic B … Essay 20% Report 30% Essay 50% Topic C … Seminar 25% Essay 25% Report 25% Topic … Topic E … Topic F … You could use a wall planner (can get free if a member of Student Association) or buy from the Warehouse Stationery. OR there are calendars on Word that you can put on your desktop. In word, under ‘New’ choose calendar.

14 No. of hrs for study each week = 19
PERSONAL TIMETABLING HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY am am am am am am pm pm apm apm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm No. of hrs for study each week = 19 1. Class timetable ∆ Commitments (family, shopping ∆ Meals/travel ∆ Study (hmwk, library , assignments ∆ Employment (if any) ∆ Revision (major tests and exams ∆

HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 5.00 – 6.00am 6.00 – 7.00am 7.00 – 8.00am 8.00 – 9.00am 9.00 – 10.00am 10.00 – 11.00am 11.00 – 12pm Work 12.00 – 1.00pm 1.00 – 2.00pm 2.00 – 3.00pm 3.00 – 4.00pm 4.00 – 5.00pm 5.00 – 6.00pm 6.00 – 7.00pm 7.00 –8.00pm 8.00 – 9.00pm 9.00 – 10.00pm 10.00 – 11.00pm 11.00 – 12.00am Using a blank timetable block out your different classes Add definite commitments eg work, - refer to guide Identify when and where you can study, do assignments, prepare for tests, write up reports Remember the BIG ROCKS

16 Goal Setting Write 1 or 2 short term time management goal(s) to achieve by the end of this course. Make sure your goals are SMART. Specific Measureable Achieveable Realistic Time framed

17 What is your learning style?
Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinaesthetic Knowing your learning preferences helps to know how best you learn. Introduce Learning Styles Stress that there is no one best learning style The purpose: to become better aware of different learning styles to gain an indication of which style they prefer to understand how they use these preferences Give out handouts - do this individually Explain how to complete grid at top left Ask for preferences - discuss the group’s preferences Complete Learning ideas activity on page 2 of handout - thinking of their own learning at Wintec Students to discuss how they learn best as a whole group

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