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Week 9 English II Honors 10-17 through 10-21. October 19, 2011 If you need to FINISH your test, please let me know. I will give you time to do that today.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 9 English II Honors 10-17 through 10-21. October 19, 2011 If you need to FINISH your test, please let me know. I will give you time to do that today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 9 English II Honors 10-17 through 10-21

2 October 19, 2011 If you need to FINISH your test, please let me know. I will give you time to do that today. Take out your TFA portfolios. Make sure you get a RUBRIC from Mrs. Goad at the door.

3 Portfolio Rubric – so you know how I’m grading out of 3 Yes orNoRequirement YesNo List of events is accurate and includes the most important/significant events from this section. YesNo The three quotes are meaningful to this section of the novel. The explanation is clear and demonstrates thoughtful engagement with the text. YesNo Reflection paragraph demonstrates thoughtful engagement on a personal level with the content of the text. Insightful and thoughtful interaction with article is evidenced by depth and/or breadth of comments. Connections are adequate and are explained. YesNoThe three quiz questions are Level 2-3 and have accurate answers provided in an answer key. The questions illuminate important aspects of the text.

4 Total Points Each log is worth 12 points Total for reading logs = 60 (5x12) ________/6 Anticipation Guide ________/10 Character Chart – includes all important main characters and clearly identifies their connections ________/10 Journals/Reflections – all complete; all demonstrate thoughtful engagement with the text ________/10 Literary Elements worksheet – literary elements are all correctly identified ________/4 Chapter Title Worksheet (for Ch. 1-13) – completed with creative titles based upon main idea

5 PERSONAL Assessment of Portfolio Look at these components in your portfolio and give yourself a GRADE on the rubric you received as you entered. – Anticipation Guide – Do you have it completely filled out with examples and support? – Character Chart – Have you included all important characters and their connections? – Journals/Reflections- Have you demonstrated thoughtful engagement with the different prompts? – Literary Elements worksheet – Did you use the slideshow notes and have you correctly identified everything? – Chapter title worksheet – Did you FINISH this? DO NOT put a grade for the reading logs!!

6 Quick Write Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following question. – Have you ever heard of the country Turkmenistan? – If so, what do you know? – If not, where do you think it is and why? – Based on that information, what do you know about that region?

7 Pen Pal Project Groups of 5 – you will be writing to a student in Turkmenistan over the next few months Precautions: – Nothing political, religious, or offensive – NO spelling errors, usage errors, incomplete sentences – Do NOT use your LAST NAME in corresponding Different topics – First one is an introduction You will work on a PB Wiki in your group, then E-mail your compiled “letter” to Mrs. Goad and Mrs. LeCroy

8 Research! NOW, create a chart on that paper using this model: QuestionAnswerSource *Make a list of questions you plan to answer in your research today about TURKMENISTAN. What do you want to know? Remember, this is still our CULTURE unit.* Here is where you will put your answers you discover to your questions. Here is where you will CITE the SOURCE you used. Make sure you have these FOUR items: Author name Title of the Page Website Name Date it was last edited

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