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HS 115 Unit Four Seminar Amber Krasny, MBA, CPC, CMRS.

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Presentation on theme: "HS 115 Unit Four Seminar Amber Krasny, MBA, CPC, CMRS."— Presentation transcript:

1 HS 115 Unit Four Seminar Amber Krasny, MBA, CPC, CMRS

2 Agenda Week Four Topics Introduction to Week Five – EXCEL Questions

3 Question from Week Three How do you center a table on a page? Please type your answer now.

4 Center a Table To center a table on a page: Select the entire table On the Table Tools Layout ribbon, click on Properties On the Properties window, click the Table tab, and choose center alignment Click the OK button to complete the change.

5 Unit E Objectives Set document margins Divide a document into sections Insert page breaks Format columns Insert page numbers Add and edit headers and footers Insert a table Insert clip art

6 Setting Margins What are the default settings for margins in a blank Word document? Where can you access these settings?

7 Setting Margins The default settings are 1 ” on each margin. On the Page Layout Ribbon, click on Margins. You can choose one of the options on the drop down, or create custom margins. You can also set margins by using the ruler ▫How many of you prefer to use the ruler to set margins? ▫Why?

8 Setting Document Margins Ruler shows location of top margin Top margin Ruler shows location of left margin Right margin Left margin

9 Section Breaks On the Healthy Kids newsletter, you followed steps to insert section breaks. Why?

10 Section Breaks Changing page layout settings for a section ▫Each section in a document can have different page layout settings  Margins, page orientation, paper size, headers and footers, page numbering, vertical alignment, etc. To apply page layout settings to an individual section, make sure to click the Apply to list arrow in the Page Setup dialog box, and then click This section.

11 Section 1 is formatted in one column Section 2 is formatted in two columns Continuous section break Section Breaks

12 Inserting Page Breaks Question: How can you tell if a “manual page break” has been entered on a page?

13 Inserting Page Breaks Manual page break Text that follows break is forced to next page

14 Formatting columns One way to ensure your column text is easy to read is to control hyphenation. Question: How do you set document hyphenation automatically?

15 Hyphenating an entire document To hyphenate a document automatically, click the Hyphenation button in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab ▫A narrower hyphenation zone results in more hyphenated words and a cleaner look to columns.

16 Field Codes To automatically number the pages of a document, one must enter a page number field. A field is a code that serves as a placeholder for data that changes in a document. Why use a field code, versus numbering the pages yourself?

17 Field Codes By using field codes, such as Page Number, you will ensure that your page numbering will change as your document changes. In Office 2007, you have more options readily available for positioning and formatting Page Numbers.

18 Quick Parts When you choose the Quick Parts function, it allows you insert other types of field codes, such as: ▫Date ▫Time Question: Are the date and time fields updated each time you open the document? ▫If your answer is yes, could this feature ever become a problem on your documentation?

19 Quick Parts No, probably not, because this date and time is tied to the current date and time on the computer that is opening the file. This does not change the creation/modification dates as set in your file properties.

20 Search for clips using the ClipArt task pane Search using a keyword Results of a clip search Choose type of clips to search Choose clip collections to search

21 Clip Art Question: Why would you want to limit the media type when searching for clip art?

22 Clip Art Question: Why would you want to limit the media type when searching for clip art? Some users may not have the necessary programs to access the videos or animations. In Seminar, we cannot add animation to our slides, as it does not work with our system.

23 Wrap text around the graphic text wrapping style ▫Apply a text wrapping style ▫Click the Text Wrapping button in the Arrange group on the Picture Tools Format tab Floating graphic Faded image shows graphic being dragged Sizing handle Inserting Clip Art

24 Unit 4 Assignments What are your assignments for this week? Unit E – p. Word 106-123 Independent Challenge 1 – p. Word 128 Change from previous units ▫Do not complete the Advanced Feature bullets ▫Do complete the steps after the bullets Independent Challenge 2 – p. Word 129 Independent Challenge 3, p. Word 130-131. ▫Be sure to include the Advanced Challenge Exercise.

25 Unit 5 -- Welcome to Excel! Excel – an electronic spreadsheet program. Question: How many have used Excel, and feel comfortable with the program?

26 Unit Five Outcomes Consider and propose a rationale for proficiency in spreadsheet design and use. Explain the ramifications of electronic document use in the medical setting. Examine the different elements of a spreadsheet environment. Enter and edit a simple formula. Utilize predefined worksheet functions in order to perform complex calculations. Demonstrate the ability to assess value and make appropriate choices in electronic spreadsheet creation through progressive skill level assessments.

27 Unit Five Assignments You will notice that you seem to move faster through Excel, and there are some differences to your assignments. You will upload an assignment this week, that you will continue using for Unit A, p. Excel 2-17 Unit B, p. Excel 26-30 ▫Creating a complex formula ▫Inserting a function ▫Typing a function Independent Challenge 1 – p. Excel 20 Independent Challenge 2 – p. Excel 21 ▫Complete all parts

28 Questions? Any Questions, please stay on with me If not, see you next time.

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