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Charter Goals BECKIE DAVIS & COURTNEY MILLS. Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? S pecific M easurable A mbitious & A ttainable R elevant & R esults-oriented T ime-bound.

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Presentation on theme: "Charter Goals BECKIE DAVIS & COURTNEY MILLS. Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? S pecific M easurable A mbitious & A ttainable R elevant & R esults-oriented T ime-bound."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? S pecific M easurable A mbitious & A ttainable R elevant & R esults-oriented T ime-bound

3 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? To assist South Carolina in reaching academic excellence.

4 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? To meet or exceed a “B” overall ESEA grade each year.

5 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? The percentage of students who exceed their previous year’s performance gains on MAP and PASS will equal or exceed 75%.

6 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? At least 80% of students will meet their math targeted individual growth scores from the MAP test.

7 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? To foster academic excellence and student achievement through meaningful inquiry- based learning experiences. Objectives: 100% of students who are not meeting benchmarks will utilize available resources until they are able to demonstrate an increased understanding. Students will demonstrate an increased use of individual learning strategies.

8 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? 89% of second-year students will pass HSAP. Year 1 – 81% Year 2 – 83% Year 3 – 85% Year 4 – 87% Year 5 – 89%

9 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? Each graduate will demonstrate personal, social and civic responsibility. Objectives: Accept responsibility for one’s own actions. Know career options and the academic and technical requirements needed for employment and economic independence. Learn to solve disagreements, reduce conflict and prevent violence. Participate in school and community activities. Understand the principles of democracy, equality, freedom, law and justice.

10 Is the goal S.M.A.R.T.? 80% of students will achieve mastery in at least 80% of the course objectives. Mastery will be measured by lesson and unit assessments.

11 Has the goal been met? GOAL:  HSAP meet state average. MEASURE/METRIC:  HSAP TARGET:  HSAP passing rate will increase 3% yearly until state average is met. OUTCOME & EXPLANATION:  Exceeded target in ELA. Did not meet target in Math.

12 Has the goal been met? GOAL:  100% of students who are unable to meet course work benchmarks on the Dominie assessment will be provided with an intervention plan. MEASURE/METRIC:  MAP TARGET:  100% of students that scored “not met” on MAP assessments. OUTCOME & EXPLANATION:  100% of students received RTI interventions. The school was unable to purchase the Dominie program. However, other programs were used to successfully increase reading scores. A summer enrichment program was implemented for students to receive additional help.

13 Has the goal been met? GOAL:  89% of second year students will pass HSAP. MEASURE/METRIC:  HSAP TARGET:  Year 1 – 81% of second year students will pass HSAP. OUTCOME & EXPLANATION:  89.3% of second year students passed both the ELA and Math portions of HSAP.  7.1% passed one portion of HSAP.  3.6% passed none.

14 Has the goal been met? GOAL:  To assist students in reaching academic excellence as evidenced by individual student learning gains. MEASURE/METRIC:  MAP TARGET:  6-8 th grade students OUTCOME & EXPLANATION:  57.5% of PASS students met or exceeded their target scores for MAP.  78.1% of EOC students met or exceeded their target scores for MAP.  68.3% of HSAP students met or exceeded their target scores for MAP.

15 Has the goal been met? GOAL:  Students will develop independence, responsibility, and time management skills. MEASURE/METRIC:  Students will set goals and objectives for learning and will periodically evaluate their progress with the guidance counselor. TARGET:  50% of students will demonstrate independence and time management skills in successfully scheduling their own academic day.  55% of students will take responsibility for their personal education plan. OUTCOME & EXPLANATION:  75% of students demonstrated time management skills and successfully scheduled their own academic day meeting the attendance requirement and work submitted requirement.

16 Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals

17 Baseline Data Target Outcome How are you going to get there? GOAL

18 Avoid VAGUE Terminology VAGUE Terminology:  Academic excellence  Individual learning  Higher-level thinking  Communicate effectively  Demonstrate responsibility  Meet or exceed state average  Master standards  Meet AYP (outdated)

19 Avoid ACTION-BASED Terminology ACTION-BASED Terminology: (These belong in the strategies, not in the goal itself)  Provide opportunities  Utilize best practices  Participate in  Receive instruction  Optimize learning  Professional development  Analyze result

20 Sample Terminology  Overall Grade of B on Federal Accountability System  Four-Year On-Time Graduation Rate of 76%  85% of students scoring Met or Exemplary on State ELA assessment  Mean score of 80 on the Biology End-of Course Exam  Meeting the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) for Math Proficiency in the “all students” group and every subgroup  95% of parents satisfied with the learning environment, as reported on State Report Card  93% of students meet growth target identified by MAP from Fall to Spring, annually

21 Charter Amendment Process 1. Develop a DRAFT of proposed changes.  Include all applicable stakeholders (School staff, Board, etc.) 2. Submit draft for feedback.  For changes to goals ONLY, submit to Courtney Mills. 3. Revise request per feedback from the District, if necessary. 4. Complete Charter Amendment Request Form  Available at > Departments > Compliance  Submit to Dana Reed.  Will be taken to District Board for consideration/approval.

22 Questions? Beckie Davis   803-734-8050 Courtney Mills   803-734-0525

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