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GEO Architecture and Data Committee Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot Products, Sensors, Models Access Services WG WG Points of Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "GEO Architecture and Data Committee Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot Products, Sensors, Models Access Services WG WG Points of Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO Architecture and Data Committee Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot Products, Sensors, Models Access Services WG WG Points of Contact: Terence Van Zyl, MERAKA Institute Hervé Caumont, OGC IP Team / ERDAS December 3rd, 2008

2 Access WG Charter The Access WG provides coordination and guidance to achieve interoperable Access Services to products, sensors and models. This relies on the AIP-2 participant's offerings (their proposed contributions to the pilot). By doing so, the Access WG contributes with other WG to enable a Global EO System of Systems, through scenarios and use cases definition.

3 AIP-2 Participants with a focus on Access Services

4 Data Product Access 23 Primary responses: CIESIN, CNES, EPA, ESA, GEO-Ukraine, ICAN, ICT4EO, IP3, ISPRA, JAXA, Mines Paris Tech, NASA World Wind, NOAA IOOS, NOAA NCDC GOSIC, NOAA NCDC NEXRAD, NOAA NCDC NIDIS, NOAA NCDC NOMADS, NOAA/NASA GOES-R and GMU CSISS, Northrop Grumman, SURA/NIMSAT/GoMOOS, Spot Image, USGS, Washington Univ St. Louis 15 Contributing responses: ACRF, Caribbean Flood Team, ERDAS, ESIP AQ Cluster, ESRI, ESRI Canada, NOAA SNAAP

5 Data Product Access Topics Services: WMS, WCS and WFS Encodings Formats : NetCDF/CF, KML, GML, JPEG2000, PNGs, GeoTIFF, MrSID, Geolocated JPEGs, CADRG, CIB, Shapefile EO Data: Radar, Optical, Weather, Precipitation, TRMM flash flood potential ALOS Imagery: Panchromatic, Near IR, SAR High-frequency radar in situ oceanographic data Coastal Web Atlas holdings Multistandard platform (MapServer, ArcIms Server, SDE, etc) SPIDR web services IP3 ENM Species Distribution Analysis service SoDa W*S is already a Special Argmt Broker Service to access OGC Web services, THREDDS/OpenDAP, GBIF

6 Sensors and Models Access 7 Primary responses: GEO-Ukraine, ICT4EO, IP3, NOAA IOOS, Northrop Grumman, Spot Image, SURA/NIMSAT/GoMOOS 5 Contributing responses: Caribbean Flood Team, Compusult, NASA World Wind, NOAA NCDC NEXRAD, Noblis

7 Sensors and Models Access Topics Sensor Web Enablement: SOS, SPS, SAS, SensorML, O&M EO-1, TRMM, Envisat, SRTM, MODIS, RADAR, RT weather, fire Weather, fire, flood areas and index Flood model outputs Bluesky Smoke model Model Web CALPUFF and WRF model outputs

8 Goal, audience, and usage of the 'Use cases' Use Cases are provided to model the interactions of a (sub)system under study with its environment (actors, being some kind of user interface or other systems) –Co-authored by systems analysts and end users –A starting point for tests design Use Cases are developed by the AIP Transverse Technology WG Scenarios are developed by the AIP Community WG Both support AI Pilot storyboards, to test & demonstrate interoperability amongst online persistent systems and services –Running a scenario over several systems –Activating systems functions as described in the use cases

9 Basic set of use cases / capture persistent access Accessing a product Accessing a model Accessing a sensor for observations Accessing a rendered output from a product or model Ordering a product Invoking the disaster charter for access to products Subscribing to a sensor alert Commanding a sensor

10 Accessing a Product Description: –Access to various web resident services including WFS, WCS, OpenDAP; encodings; CRSs Lead: –Hervé Caumont Status: –Started was agreed during WG Telecon will be posted on WG Website (this week)

11 Accessing a Model Description: –Access to a web resident services that fronts a model Lead –Glenn Rutledge Status –Started

12 Accessing rendered output from a product or model Description: –Access to a map portrayal service for products or models visualization Lead: –No lead Status –Not started

13 Accessing a Sensor for Observations Description: –Access to a web resident sensor fronted by a web service supporting OGC-SOS Lead –Luis Bermudez Status –Started

14 Subscribing to a Sensor Alert Description: –Access to a web resident sensor fronted by a web service supporting OGC-SAS for the purpose of receiving alerts Lead: –No Lead Status: –Not started

15 Commanding a Sensor Description: –Access to a web resident sensor fronted by a web service supporting OGC-SPS for the purpose influencing future observations Lead –Terence van Zyl Status –Started

16 Ordering a Product Description: –Access a product through the tasking of a specific sensor/platform Lead –No Lead Status –Proposed as additional use case

17 Invoking the Disaster Charter Description: –Use case to describe how in the case of a disaster to speed up the process of access to the charter Lead –No lead Status –Proposed as additional use case

18 Template for writing Access Use Cases

19 How to populate the initial Use Cases When writing, keep focus on the subsystem under study (the Web Coverage Service, the Sensor Alert subscription service…) –Give awaited inputs and provided outputs –Document for modularity Use verbs / action (server receives request for a single band geoTIFF…, server sends…) Consider the cumulated / consolidated Use Cases view, and document the right modularity and uniqueness of each Use Case

20 Simple example

21 Status General WG Tasks being completed –Arrive at a set of generic principles that underpin all persistent access –Provide through a Google form a way for outsiders to capture experience, issues, etc… relating to use cases –Arrive at a set of measures that will describe our success and the effectiveness of use cases –Do a self evaluation –Cycle through and refine Use Cases definitions

22 Invitation to Contribute The Process Being Followed per Use Case –Identify a use case that captures persistent access –Invite people to contribute and comment on use cases –Refine/Populate the use cases to support interoperability testing of components and services within the AI Pilot –Capture comments –Continue cycling through this process refining each iteration

23 Invitation to contribute

24 Contact Information Getting to the Access WG Web page: – –Menu entry access-services-working-groupaccess-services-working-group Subscribing to the Access WG Mailing List: – Access WG weekly telecons to discuss issues arising and new use cases that need to be addressed –Announcements through Access WG mailing list

25 Thank you

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