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High Jump Fundamentals

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1 High Jump Fundamentals
Danielle Dobias OPRF

2 Jumping Styles Prior to The Fosbury Flop, the technique used to get over the bar was a straddle or scissor technique. The flop was highlighted at the 1968 Olympics when Dick Fosbury used it to win the gold medal. The biggest difference between the two jumping styles was that with the flop, the jumper goes over the bar upside down, facing the sky. This allows the jumper to bend their back which lowers the center of mass. The straddle technique can be quite useful as a training tool which I will touch on later.

3 Identifying a High Jumper
Tall and thin Ability to dunk; preferably off one foot Fearless Good body control Body awareness Basketball players/Gymnasts/Divers

4 Two types of jumpers Speed jumper Long legs Over 6 feet tall
Thin; low muscle tone Fast Stays tall at take-off Power jumper Under 6 feet tall Muscular Powerful Slow Gets low at take-off

5 Determining take-off foot
Tell the athlete to stand with feet together and close their eyes. Stand behind him/her and push them hard enough that they need to take a step forward. The foot they step forward with is the stronger foot therefore determining the takeoff foot.

6 Finding a Mark Have jumper start at their take-off spot just inside the near standard and approximately an arms length out from the bar Set a cone 20 feet to the right of the standard and 65 feet back to act as a target for the athlete to run towards Run a “reverse-J” back toward what their real starting point would be. Count off 10 steps as they stride away from the bar at an easy sprint and mark their 10th step Do this several times and mark the 10th step each time to find the average mark of the tenth step Use a bungee and have the athlete take a few jumps with full approach Pay close attention to approach and make adjustments to the mark You will see things the athletes cannot and they will feel things you cannot, so make sure to talk through each potential mark before making changes

7 Elements of the Jump Straightaway
The jumper should be very tall while running the straightaway First five or so steps in approach should be a bounds

8 Problems with Straightaway
Jumper stands tall at their mark and as soon as they begin their approach they hunch over Solution #1 Add slight backbends to jumpers pre-jump routine If jumper hunches during approach work blow a whistle and have them start approach over Problem #2 In the last step of the straightaway the jumper crosses the outside foot over the inside foot which leads them cut straight into the bar Solution #2 Work on softening the curve; may need to move it out or in depending on how the jumper is transitioning into the turn Consider starting with opposite foot taking the first step and adding/removing a step

9 Problems with Straightaway
The jumper stares at the bar for the entire approach; takes off at the middle of the bar, which forces them to clear over the highest side of the bar instead of the middle of the bar which is lowest Solution #3 Jumper should look straight ahead during the straightaway and at the farthest end of the bar once curve is initiated

10 Elements of the Jump Curve
Momentum must be developed through the straightaway Cutting and stepping out will decrease the momentum gained during the straightaway The athlete should begin an inward lean at first step into the curve Outside arm works across body to prepare for rotation Inside arm reacts and pushes elbow backward Force on feet should be pushing out and not down. This allows the jumper to maintain traction while leaning into the bar Jumper should make eye contact with far standard once they transition from the straightaway to the curve

11 Problems with Curve Problem #1 Solution #1
Athlete cuts in or steps out when beginning the curve Solution #1 Use cones to guide the athlete through the curve Rub chalk on bottom of spikes to show the imprint of the feet throughout the approach Practice shorter approaches so curve is more of the focus

12 Elements of the Jump Penultimate Step
The penultimate step is the last step before the plant. It is critical to the athlete’s ability to get as vertical as possible. The sooner the take-off leg is planted, the better position the athlete will be in to attain maximum vertical velocity. While the athlete is pushing into the penultimate step, both arms should be pulling back behind the body.

13 Problems with Penultimate
Jumper is dragging his trail leg after inside foot is planted Solution #1 Athlete may need to move mark up slightly or increase/decrease speed

14 Elements of the Jump Take-off Step Slight lowering of hips
Your takeoff step should occur in front of your body’s center of mass, which will help in creating a vertical lift The knee of your inside leg should explode up and stay up until back starts to pass over the bar Jumper should have outside arm begin to cross the body as the elbow of inside arm is driving back which will assist in rotation The knee lift will also help begin the rotation of your body so that your back will face the bar at clearance. Once your plant foot is in contact with the ground the athletes body should move from a lean to more of a vertical stance. This rotation will occur if the momentum is kept on the curve The athlete should be jumping straight upward

15 Problems with Take-off
Athlete is leaning into the bar after plant Solution #1 Instruct athlete to get upright after making initial contact Problem #2 Athlete is pounding plant foot into the ground before take-off Solution #2 Heel should strike first and roll through the foot off the heel and off the toe

16 Elements of the Jump In Flight Goal is to clear the bar
Body must rotate in two ways Horizontally to get parallel to the bar To the side so that the back is facing the bar As the athlete approaches the bar the body needs to arch so the hips are high as possible Once the head begins to tilt back, feet and knees should be close together and not splayed over the bar. As the hips clear the bar, chin should begin to tuck to help lift legs into a straight up position. Athlete’s upper back should make contact with the pit Adapted from:

17 Problems with In-Flight
Athlete is riding the bar and knocking it off with their back. Solution #1 Athlete needs to arch their back more in air Problem #2 Athlete is not getting hips up over bar Solution #2 Hold knee drive longer

18 Problems with In-Flight
Ineffective bar clearance Solution #3 Athlete needs to keep knees together when in-flight to slow down the rotation which allows the athlete more time to unarch. The timing of the unarch is critical to the leg and foot clearance of the bar.

19 Training Plyometrics Core Yoga Spin workouts Pool workouts Basketball
50 meter sprints Towel runs Box jumps Hurdle Work

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