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Student Engagement Tony Frontier, PhD Cardinal Stritch University EMOTIONALBEHAVIORALCOGNITIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Engagement Tony Frontier, PhD Cardinal Stritch University EMOTIONALBEHAVIORALCOGNITIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Engagement Tony Frontier, PhD Cardinal Stritch University EMOTIONALBEHAVIORALCOGNITIVE

2 EMOTIONAL ENGAGEMENT Student sense of support and belonging

3 Cognitive Engagement Motivational goals, relevance, and self-regulated learning

4 Behavioral Engagement On-task academic behavior and student conduct

5 Middle School Engagement N=383 All Students Items with highest % of Strongly Agree/Agree responses SA/A If I work hard I can do well in my classes.95% It is important to work hard in school.95% When I’m in school, I follow this school’s rules.89% Items with lowest % of Strongly Agree/Agree responsesSA/A Sometimes I like doing my schoolwork so much that time passes by very quickly. 33% I like talking to my teaches about what I’m learning about in school. 35% I enjoy my schoolwork.37% Tosa Middle Schools

6 Middle School Engagement Correlates to Grades Items with the highest correlation to grades. Tosa Middle Schools Highest Correlates to GradesCorrelation My assignments completed and turned in on time..62 I am proud of my schoolwork..44 I am good at math..40 Adults in this school are proud of me..34 My teachers would say that I participate in class..29

7 Middle School Engagement Gender There were statistically significant differences between males and females on many items. Tosa Middle Schools Items with Largest Gender Gap by % Strongly Agree/AgreeF/M I enjoy my schoolwork.44%/30% I do my best work in school when my teacher encourages me to do so. 86%/74% I enjoy my classes in this school.67%/57%

8 Middle School Engagement Grade level Significant differences across grades 6 through 8.* *Items differences across grades are very stable relative to comparison middle schools. Tosa Middle Schools Items with Largest Grade Level Gap by % Strongly Agree/Agree6th / 8th If there were no grades in this school I would still do my schoolwork. 63%/39% I know an adult I could talk to if I had a personal problem.83%/70% I enjoy my classes in this school.70%/60%

9 Middle School Engagement Race Across the MS survey, there were significant differences on about 1/3 of the items between white and African-American students. Tosa Middle Schools Items with Largest White/African-American Gap by % Strongly Agree/Agree AA/White When I’m in this school I follow this school’s rules74%/92% I am good at math60%/77% I am proud of my schoolwork70%/85% My classmates care about me70%/81% Adults in this school are proud of me70%/81%

10 Differences by Type of Engagement Cognitive Engagement Emotional Engagement Behavioral Engagement Gender; F,M *** Grade; Level - 6,7,8 *** Race; White-Af. Amer. ** * Means statistically significant different in mean score for each composite item. Group in bold had higher score for each item. Tosa Middle Schools

11 Some Similarities and Differences African-American/White Items with Similar DistributionsItems with Differences in Distributions My classes are interesting to meGrades In my classes I need to think creativelyI am good at math I enjoy my schoolwork I think what I learn in my classes will help me be successful in life Aspirations to attend college Parent expectations to attend college

12 Survey items with the strongest POSITIVE relationship to reported grades % responses B / W 1. Attended class with all assignments complete.Often 36% / 65% 2.I am motivated to work by a desire to get good grades.A/SA 85% / 91% I place a high value on learning.A/SA 79% / 84% 4. I feel good about who I am as a student.A/SA 79% / 79% 5. I put forth a great deal of effort in my schoolwork.SA 37% / 49% 6. I have the skills and abilities to complete my schoolwork. coll+ 87% / 87% 7. I put forth a great deal of effort in my work.A/SA 70% / 71% 8. I value the reward of schooling.6+ 19% / 32% 9. How often do you ask/answer questions in class?Most 12% / 10% 10. How often have you eaten breakfast in the morning?A/SA 67% / 65% High School

13 Survey items with the strongest POSITIVE relationship to reported grades Correlation 1. Attended class with all assignments complete..52 2.I am motivated to work by a desire to get good grades..48 3. I place a high value on learning..47 4. I feel good about who I am as a student..42 5. I put forth a great deal of effort in my schoolwork..42 6. I have the skills and abilities to complete my schoolwork..41 7. I put forth a great deal of effort in my work..41 8. I value the rewards of schooling..41 9. How often do you ask/answer questions in class?.35 10. How often have you eaten breakfast in the morning?.32 Tosa High Schools

14 Survey items with the strongest NEGATIVE relationship to reported grades Correlation 1. How often have you: attended class with no assignments -.44 2. How often have you picked on or bullied another student? -.19 3. In how many of your classes do you put forth very little effort? -.18 4. How much time do you spend each week talking on a cell phone? -.19 5. How important to you: working for pay? -.12 Tosa High Schools Data



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