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Morphology 3 Ling400.

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1 Morphology 3 Ling400

2 correction sing/sang: alternation is/was: suppletion

3 Language Types Analytic (or Isolating) Languages
one word = one morpheme Example: Chinese Synthetic Languages one word may consist of multiple morphemes

4 Synthetic Languages (subtypes)
Agglutinating Languages Example: Turkish, Japanese John-ga Bill-o mi-ta. John-subj Bill-obj see-PAST Fusional Languages (not easy to identify each morpheme --- bound morphemes are “fused” to the stem) Example: Spanish (see text) Polysynthetic Languages One sentence can consist of “one word” Example: Sora (spoken in India)

5 Turkish data

6 Turkish data

7 Turkish data Answers: a. [deniz] ‘ocean’ [de] ‘in’ [im] ‘my’
[ev] ‘house’ [e] ‘to [in] ‘of’ [el] ‘hand’ [den] ‘from [imiz] ‘our’ [diS] ‘tooth’ [dZIk] ‘little’ [ler] (plural) b. noun + ‘little’ + plural + determiner + preposition (postposition to be exact) c. [eldZIklerimizin]

8 Cebuano

9 Cebuano Questions: State the rule (in words, precisely) for deriving language names from the names of ethnic group. What type of affixation is this? Answers: Insert [in] before the first vowel Affixation (infixing and prefixing)

10 Morphophonemic Rule Plural morpheme in English
books [bUks], baths [bQTs], bat [bQts] lids [lIdz], pins [pInz], days [dez] judges [dZ√dZ´z], wishes [wIS´z], kisses [kIs´z]

11 Morphophonimic Rule Plural morpheme in English - Generalization
[´] after sibilant Otherwise: [s] after [-voice], [z] after [+voice] Rules: (1) suffix /z/ to any noun for plurality (2) Insert [´] before the /z/ if the noun ends in a sibilant (3) /z/  [-voice] / [-voice] ___

12 Morphophonemic Rule This is a phonological process but is
morphologically conditioned. It is sometimes referred to as a morphophonemic rule/process. Why? The rule applies only when /z/ indicates plurality: peace [pis] vs. peas [piz] race [®eIs] vs. rays [®eIz] rice [®AIs ] vs. ryes [®AIz ]

13 Analysis of English words
How many morphemes? denationalization

14 Analysis of English words
5 morphemes structure? N de-nation-al-iza-tion whole word: N

15 N V Adj pref N suf suf suf de- nation al ize tion

16 Analysis of English words
Simplification -- How many morphemes? Simpl(e)-fy-cation 3 Similar example: modifi(y) - cation N V N suf suf simpli fi cation

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