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The Word Within the Word

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1 The Word Within the Word
List 11

2 List 11 Stem 1 Stem: -i Definition: plural Examples fungi- plural of fungus octopi- plural of octopus

3 List 11 Stem 2 Stem: jus Definition: law Examples justice- upholding of the law justify- prove to be lawful

4 List 11 Stem 3 Stem: lum Definition: light Examples luminary- object that gives light illuminate- light up

5 List 11 Stem 4 Stem: ann Definition: year Examples annual- once a year anniversary- yearly celebration of past event

6 List 11 Stem 5 Stem: apo Definition: away or up Examples apostasy- give up a belief apogee- the highest point away from an object

7 List 11 Stem 6 Stem: sen Definition: old Examples senile- impairments resulting from old age senior- older of a group

8 List 11 Review Stems 1-6 i- plural ann-year jus- law apo- away or up lum- light sen-old

9 List 11 Stem 7 Stem- sol Definition- alone Examples solitary- alone soliloquy- speech given alone

10 List 11 Stem 8 Stem- bas Definition- low Examples bass- lowest voice basic- lowest level of training

11 List 11 Stem 9 Stem- rogat Definition- ask Examples interrogate- ask questions supererogate- to do more than is asked of you

12 List 11 Stem 10 Stem- parl Definition- speak Examples parliament- legislature that speaks for the people parlor- a room for speaking to and entertaining guests

13 List 11 Stem 11 Stem- potent Definition- power Examples omnipotent- all powerful potential- existing power not yet in use

14 List 11 Stem 12 Stem- surg Definition- rise Examples insurgence- rise up against surge- to rise suddenly

15 List 11 Review Stems 7-12 sol- alone parl- speak bas- low potent- power rogat- ask surg- rise

16 List 11 Stem 13 Stem- log Definition- word or reason Examples logic- using reason neologism- a new word or expression

17 List 11 Stem 14 Stem- gram Definition- writing Examples grammar- the rules of writing telegram- writing transmitted by telegraph

18 List 11 Stem 15 Stem- cant Definition- sing Examples cantata- singing, usually of a sacred text descant- singing over the melody

19 List 11 Stem 16 Stem- reg Definition- rule Examples regulation- rules to be followed regiment- rule of systematic order

20 List 11 Stem 17 Stem- pro Definition- forward Examples progress- to go forward program- the order in which something moves forward

21 List 11 Stem 18 Stem- gyn Definition- woman Examples misogyny- hatred of women gynephobia- fear of women

22 List 11 Review Stems 13-18 reg- rule log- word or reason pro- forward gram- writing gyn- woman cant- sing

23 List 11 Stem 19 Stem- ag Definition- to do Examples again- to do once more against- to do the opposite

24 List 11 Stem 20 Stem- act Definition- to do Examples action- state of acting or doing activism- to do actions to forward your beliefs

25 List 11 Stem 21 Stem- mob Definition- move Examples mobile- able to move demobilize- stop from moving

26 List 11 Stem 22 Stem- sess Definition- sit Examples session- sit for a period of time obsession- an idea that sits or is fixed in your mind

27 List 11 Stem 23 Stem- fic Definition- make Examples fiction- a made-up story fortification- to make strong

28 List 11 Stem 24 Stem- nounce Definition- tell Examples announce- to tell others denounce- to tell you disagree

29 List 11 Stem 25 Stem- andro Definition- man Examples android- a machine modeled after man androphobia- fear of man

30 List 11 Review Stems 19-25 ag- to do fic- make act- to do nounce- tell mob- move sess- sit andro- man

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