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Site Characterization GUJRAT Pakistan Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Islamabad, Pakistan GECAFS Indo-Gangetic Plains BFP Grant Meeting 13-15.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Characterization GUJRAT Pakistan Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Islamabad, Pakistan GECAFS Indo-Gangetic Plains BFP Grant Meeting 13-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Characterization GUJRAT Pakistan Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Islamabad, Pakistan GECAFS Indo-Gangetic Plains BFP Grant Meeting 13-15 December, 2005, Kathmandu, NEPAL. Kashif Majeed Salik

2 Reasons of Selection District Gujrat has both irrigated and rainfed cultivated areas thus impact of GEC on food and water can be assessed on both areas. Being less productive, as compared to other districts of Punjab, food security in Gujrat would be more vulnerable to GEC. Variety of cropping systems like sugarcane- wheat, rice-wheat and mixed cropping due to irrigated and rainfed agriculture. Topography in Gujrat varies from plain to sub- mountainous range.

3 Gujrat Mandi Bahawaldin

4 Gujrat at a Glance

5 Area: 3192 Latitude: 32.19 0 N to 33.30 0 N, Longitude: 73.31 0 E to 74.28 0 E. Altitude: 219 m Gujrat topography is divided into four parts: 1. Sub-mountainous Zone : Foot-hills of the Himalayas. Numerous Rain streams deposit sand & silt. Rainfed Agriculture. 2. The Central Plateau of Bar : Clayey soils of reddish color extends to the western border of district. Irrigated by Upper Jehlum Cannal. 3. Old River Beds : Comprises of River Chenab and Jehlum beds. 4. The Fringes of the District : Comprises of Jehlum and Chenab Valleys. Gujrat Topography

6 Infrastructural Development of Gujrat Electrification (Villages) Roads (km/1000 km)

7 Infrastructure Development of Gujrat Drinking Water Supply Sub-Soil Water Qualilty Continue…

8 Gujrat Demography Tehsil Area ( Pop. Density / Urban Pop. (%) Rural Pop. (%) Av. Hous ehold Size Tot.Pop (millions) Gujrat1463747. Kharian1154675.621.578.56.40.78 Sarai Alamgir 575304.821. Total3192641.627.772.36.62.05

9 Av. Household Income and Expenditure, and % of Expenditure on Food Items Area Average H.H Income (Rs.) Av. Household Expenditure (Rs.) % of Expenses on Food & Beverage Punjab6846.6623347.87 Punjab Urban 9206.5804039.07 Punjab Rural 5909.4551552.96

10 Percentage of Employed Population by Sectors in Gujrat SectorsAll AreasRuralUrban Agriculture, Forestry, & Fishing 29.540.76.3 Wholesale &Retail Trade, Resturant & Hotels. 10.16.318.0 Others*60.453.075.7 * Others Includes: Services, Construction, Transport, Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying.

11 Climate of Gujrat (1961-90) Temperature (C o) Rainfall (mm)

12 Agriculture in Gujrat

13 Total Farm Area 187.63 Cultivated Area 171.06 (91.2%) Net Sown 162.19 (94.8%) Current Fallow 8.87 (5.2%) Uncultivated Area 16.57 (8.8%) Waterlogged 1.78 (10.8%) Forest 0.75 (4.5%) Others 8.82 (53.2%) Unculturable 5.23 (31.5%) Cultivated and Uncultivated Area in Gujrat in (000 Ha)

14 Canal 12.19 (13.9%) Total Cultivated Area 171.06 Total Cultivated with Irrigation Facilities 87.51(51.6%) Canal & T,W 14.66 (16.8%) T.Well 59.73 (68.3%) Other 0.93 (1.2%) Not Irrigated 1.25 (1.4%) Cultivated Area with no Irrigation Facility 82.30 (48.1%) Flooded 3.25 (3.9%) Rainfed 79.05 (96.1%) * Other Include: Tank/Bandat, Spring/Rodkohi, Unspecified source Cultivated Area Classified by Mode of Irrigation in (000 ha)

15 Number and Area of Farms in Gujrat (by Size of Farms) Total Farm Area: 187.36 (000 ha) Total Number of Farms: 57118

16 Land Use Intensity and Cropping Intensity in Gujrat Size of Farm Total Farm Area (000 ha) Land Use Intensity (%) Cropping Intensity (%) Small78.5895155 Medium95.4189140 Large13.3784109 Total187.3691146

17 Percentage distribution of Tenure Classification of farms in Gujrat Size of Farm TotalOwner Owner- Cum Tenant Tenant Small1009532 Medium10087103 Large100964- Total1009442

18 Share of Different Crops in Total Cropped Area (%) in Gujrat Total Cropped Area 249.4 (000ha)

19 Use of Fertilizers, Manures & Plant Protection Measures (%) in Gujrat Size of Farm Total Farms Fertilizer & Manures FertilizersManures Plant Protection Measures NumberPercent of Total Farm Area Small111328639131 Medium288071650123 Large100233261417 Total141138842122

20 Livestock Population in Gujrat TypeNumber of Livestock (Heads in thousands) Total Farm Household Non-Farm Household Livestock Holders others Cattle91.7378.5013.23- Buffaloes333.51268.4965.02- Goats121.1483.4125.3712.36 Sheep9.075.872.910.283 Camels0.880.710.140.025 Horses6.344.560.930.859 Mules1.050.270.490.286 Donkeys53.0440.529.243.29

21 Farm Reporting Use of Important Owned Agri. Machinery in Gujrat Size of Farm Tot. Farms Tractor T.Well/ Pump Thresh er DrillOther Numbers Small111328214082931107564197 Medium288073480827921261117343 Large1003318328224114100 Total14113859381690034571795640

22 Area, Production, and Yield Comparison District Gujrat and Punjab Crops Area in Gujrat (000 ha) Production in Gujrat (000Tons) Yield in Gujrat (Tons/ha) For Compariso n Yield in Punjab (Tons/ha) Wheat131.1223.91.72.5 Rice34.453.31.5 Sugarcane3.6135.437.645.1 Maize2. Pulses7. Tabacoo0.


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