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Spatiotemporal Information Processing No.1 History of computer and relationship between Virtual Reality and Spatiotemporal Information Processing Kazuhiko.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatiotemporal Information Processing No.1 History of computer and relationship between Virtual Reality and Spatiotemporal Information Processing Kazuhiko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatiotemporal Information Processing No.1 History of computer and relationship between Virtual Reality and Spatiotemporal Information Processing Kazuhiko HAMAMOTO Dept. of Information Media Technology, School of Information and Telecommunication Eng., Tokai University, Japan

2 Contents  Syllabus  What is “Spatiotemporal Information Processing” ?  What is “Virtual Reality” ? Progress of computer and change of its interface Virtual Reality and its 3 components

3 Syllabus - Theme and Keywords-  Theme Format and Processing of Spatiotemporal Information and its application  Keywords Virtual Reality Wearable Computer Telexistence

4 Syllabus -abstract-  History of computer and relationship with Virtual Reality as human interface  Technique to process spatiotemporal information in computer How to get the information What is the format ?  A concept or an outlook on information processing which might be changed by the spatiotemporal Information processing technique. What will come when the real space could be used as information space

5 What is “Spatiotemporal Information Processing” ?  As traditional information processing 4-D information processing in a computer Interface : keyboard and mouse Acquisition, save, processing (retrieval, recognition, etc.)  By New modality of devices Interface : VR, wearable computer Change of the role of computer

6 1 st Computer in the world  ENIAC, 1946, Feb. (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator)  ENIAC was conceived and designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania

7 Moore’s Law  computers will either double in power at the same price or halve in cost for the same power every 18 months. rapid progress of computer ENIAC 1946 -> Now..?!

8 History of Computer is different from … 1946 2010 1903 2010 1946

9 Moore’s Law  computers will either double in power at the same price or halve in cost for the same power every 18 months. rapid progress of computer ENIAC 1946 -> Now..?! change of the information which can be dealt with computer

10 Question : progress of computer  Please fill in the blanks. year Memory order Kind of information Interface devices 1980 K byte 1990 M byte 2000 G byte 2000 -- T byte character image movie space keyboard keyboard, mouse and pen tablet keyboard, mouse and pen tablet The five senses

11 Space processing …?  Advanced computer will be able to deal with “space”.  What interface devices are appropriate ?  What is needed for space processing ? Keyboard Mouse Tablet Display (CRT or LCD) Five senses Interface Position sensing system Small I/O devices (e.g. wearable computer)

12 Virtual Reality  To access the space which computer deals with by human sense  Ordinary behavior of person is used as interface to computer. Virtual Reality

13 What is the meaning of “Virtual” ? ~ What is a common word ? ~ Virtual Virtual money VirtualClassroom Virtual President

14 Question  Please fill in the blanks Virtual antonym synonym nominal, supposed imaginaryreal

15 Meaning of “Virtual”  Existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact or form

16 Previous examples, again Virtual money Virtual classroom Virtual President

17 What is the meaning of “Reality” ?  “Reality” in VR is NOT universal truth.  “Reality” exists around us and can be felt through our five senses.  The feeling is NOT recognition of an object, itself.  A phenomenon of an object can be recognized through five senses.  The world recognized by people is a kind of virtual world by the sense organs  Appropriate combination of input to five senses can let people believe their own presence in a virtual space

18 Example of human sense  Human vision sense We can feel “electromagnetic wave” whose wavelength is from 400nm to 750nm  Human hearing sense We can feel “air vibrations” whose frequency is less than 20kHz We cannot feel all range of color or sound

19 Definition of “Virtual Reality”  What is not actual, but has the same essence as actual thing  The world where we can access by the five senses and human behavior can be used as human interface directly  First proponent of “Virtual Reality” is J.Lanier, USA, in 1987

20 3 elements of Virtual Reality  3D Environment 3D virtual space is “natural” for human senses.  Real-Time Interaction Real time response of computer to action of person  Autonomy Virtual space exists even if people (user) doesn’t exist.

21  Sensing system Detection of motion (head, eyeball, trunk, upper limbs and lower limbs) in real 3D space and input to computer  Simulation system Creation of virtual space, and calculation of motion of virtual objects and real-virtual matching  Display system (Realistic display) Display of not only visual but aural, tactile and olfactory information, and stimulus of sense organs 3 components for Virtual Reality

22 The relationship among 3 components Person real spacevirtual space Simulation system Display system Sensing system computer

23 Virtual Reality in Spatiotemporal information processing  VR can present “Human Interface” which lets people recognize space information as “real space” Various human sense modalities are used. Presence and real-time interaction is realized.  “Mass communication path” between user and computer is realized by VR  VR can change the role of a computer.

24 What is “Spatiotemporal Information Processing” ?  As traditional information processing 4-D information processing in a computer Interface : keyboard and mouse Acquisition, save, processing (retrieval, recognition, etc.)  By New modality of devices Interface : VR, wearable computer Change of the role of computer  From “AI : Artificial Intelligence” to IA : Intelligence Amplification”

25 question answer Conventional Information Processing (AI) Mass-communication Path (VR) Information processing unit by effective combination of Computer and user Information Processing by New modality (IA) What is “Spatiotemporal Information Processing” ?

26  Spatiotemporal Information Processing is realized by New Modality (=VR) Mass-communication path between computer and user can be realized. Computer power is added to human power. More large human power is produced. Information in the brain is output to computer. The result is returned to the brain. This process can create “Intelligence”. What is “Spatiotemporal Information Processing” ?

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