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Steven McDonald May 4-9 2008 TRIUMF Site Report CANADA’S NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Owned and operated as a joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven McDonald May 4-9 2008 TRIUMF Site Report CANADA’S NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Owned and operated as a joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven McDonald HEPiX @CERN May 4-9 2008 TRIUMF Site Report CANADA’S NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada LABORATOIRE NATIONAL CANADIEN POUR LA RECHERCHE EN PHYSIQUE NUCLÉAIRE ET EN PHYSIQUE DES PARTICULES Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada

2 2 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 ATLAS - update Email - growth - spam/virus rejection - performance Server & Desktop Support Virtualization of Services Audio Video Conferencing Calendaring

3 3 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 ATLAS - Update Personnel TRIUMF Tier1 Center Staff 1 Hardware Technician hired Dec 1st 2007 Brings total to 9 staff dedicated to ATLAS Tier1 Center ATLAS Research Staff 2 Research Scientists positions filled starting this summer 1 Post-doc position filled starting this summer 1 Post-doc position expected to be open later this year

4 4 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Atlas update cont... DDN Storage: Highly performant, fault tolerant 1/ 260 disk failure (156TB) August - December 5 / 960 disk failures (716TB) since December All failures were the 750GB sata2 drives Networking 10GbE drivers on dCache nodes had some intermittent problems under high load with lots of streams. Firmware revisions from vendor corrected this problem in Feb. NETXEN 10GbE Cards. Worker Nodes - 4 of the 120 blade servers had voltage regulator problems dCache pool nodes (~14) memory upgraded to 12GB per node IBM Support - overall excellent so far - some issues/delays when having to deal with IBM support for partners Force10 / DDN - do not like to be contacted directly, but must go through IBM some “routing” problems to these vendors. Year20082009 CPU (kSI2k) Disk (TB usable) Tape (TB) 1304 716 554 2046 1418 1077 560TB of 1TB disks added in Dec brings a total of 716TB Commitments

5 5 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Atlas continued... ORACLE RAC Status Currently a two node RAC Starting to see swap (hosting TAG Data - not officially) planning to upgrade memory to 10GB RFP will go out this Fall to acquire 2009 commitments Additional 700TB disk Additional 520TB tape Additonal 750 kSI2k 2 maybe 3 more nodes for Oracle RAC + DB storage

6 6 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Atlas Tier1 Network Added 1Gbps T1-T1 BNL with transit capabilities to CERN Added 1 Gbps T1-T1 lightpath to SARA All T0 T1 T2 ATLAS lightpaths completed - BGP failover tested T0 CERN T1 BNL T1 SARA NIKEF T2 Toronto T2 Alberta T2 Victoria T2 McGill T2 SFU TRIUMF

7 7 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 lhcopn network fail-overs Tier0-Tier1 Network tests performed in April verified all fail-over paths for TRIUMF performed as expected. CERN BNL SARA 5Gbps path 1Gbps path

8 8 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 E-Mail - growth Email volume - 60k per day 50k identified as spam or containing viruses Move to implementing Milters (Mail Filters) to allows earlier spam rejection TRIUMF does not impose quotas on e-mail services @$(#*$%!!! 1300 users Now at ~ 10GBytes/month

9 9 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Email-performance Several issues have arisen Many users with large mail folders 100’s of MBytes some even in GB’s Storage growing 10Gbytes/month MBX format makes Backups difficult - High system loads due to file IO to large files Mailbox format changed from MBX to MIX format Hybrid mailbox format - cross b/w single file per mailbox folder and single file per message, breaks a file up into 4MB chunks Significant improvement in access speed and backup times Messages/folderMBXMIX 7872518.7 sec0.4 sec 248761.6 sec0.16 sec

10 10 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Email Milters

11 11 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Servers & Desktops Windows Now Supporting Vista MS office 2007 Domain consolidation in progress (from re-organization) Linux Scientific Linux 5 (servers & desktops) on new systems Still a couple of SL3 servers should be gone by years end ATLAS SL4 (worker nodes) SL3 (some services)

12 12 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Virtualization Moving from single service / server model to larger memory servers and several virtual machines / server SL5 XEN Virtual machines (Para virtualization) on Dell 1950’s, smtp (outgoing), DNS/DHCP, Plone, NIS, Elog, Docushare (Document Management), CUPS printing, LTSP, MySQL - All now virtual services Issues that still needs to be addressed is automatic failover of VM’s - requires shared centralized storage. TRIUMF ATLAS VMware - top bdii, site bdii, monbox, oracle enterprise mgmr, dcache upgrade tests

13 13 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Remote Teaching TRIUMF is offering an accredited Nuclear Structure course to graduate students across Canada Now in its second year - Byron Jennings 9 students this year 3 local, 6 remote as far as Ontario - Guelph & McMasters Universities Students Participate via H323, VRVS or Evo

14 14 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Video Conferencing Demands for AV conferencing & meeting rooms is increasing New room renovated - $25k fully equipped with AV and furnishings 4 rooms + Auditorium full equipped Projectors 1-3 per room EVO/VRVS Polycom H323 Digital Presenters web accessible Speaker Phone 2 Additional Rooms Projectors Speaker phone EVO via personal laptops $25k full Equipped with AV equipment + furnishings

15 15 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 Calendaring Bedework - Requirements Shared calendar Web interface Thunderbird integration Caldev Support Free/Busy Support Invitation notification Also looked at Sun Cal server Zimbra (yahoo) Apple iCal Sharepoint Citadel

16 16 S. McDonald, TRIUMF HEPiX CERN, May 4-9 2008 4004 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 2A3 Tel: 604 222-1047 Fax: 604 222-1074 Thank you

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