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We will cover.. Space Race Rocketry Space Shuttle Program Forces in Rocketry Parts of a Rocket Building Soda Bottle Rockets.

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Presentation on theme: "We will cover.. Space Race Rocketry Space Shuttle Program Forces in Rocketry Parts of a Rocket Building Soda Bottle Rockets."— Presentation transcript:


2 We will cover.. Space Race Rocketry Space Shuttle Program Forces in Rocketry Parts of a Rocket Building Soda Bottle Rockets

3 This unit will also cover.. Rocketry

4 This unit will also cover.. Space Shuttle Program

5 This unit will also cover.. Forces in Rocketry

6 This unit will also cover.. Parts of a Rocket

7 This unit will also cover.. Building Soda Bottle Rockets

8 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

9 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

10 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

11 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

12 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

13 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

14 This unit will also cover.. The International Space Station Main Asteroid Belt Craters on Earth Tour Meteorites and NEO’s Torino Scale Impact Craters Identifying the Gas Giants Density of Planets Focus on Jupiter and its Moons Focus on Saturn and its Moons

15 RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very important and should be recorded in your science journal. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate..

17 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent.

18 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent. -Skip a line between topics

19 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent. -Skip a line between topics -Don’t skip pages

20 -Nice neat notes that are legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent. -Skip a line between topics -Don’t skip pages -Make visuals clear and well drawn.


22 RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very important and should be recorded in your science journal. BLACK SLIDE: Pay attention, follow directions, complete projects as described and answer required questions neatly. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

23 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

24 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow “Hoot, Hoot” “Good Luck!” Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

25 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conservations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

26 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conservations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

27 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conservations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

28 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conservations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

29 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

30 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

31 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

32 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

33 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

34 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

35 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

36 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

37 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations during work time. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy




41 New Area of Focus: Main Asteroid Belt. New Area of Focus: Main Asteroid Belt. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


43 Jupiter

44 Mars Earth Venus Mercury SUN

45 Jupiter Mars Earth Venus Mercury SUN Asteroid Belt




49 Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets. Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

50 Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets. Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun but are too small to be considered planets. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy



53 Vesta Asteroid


55 Ceres Asteroid (Largest in Asteroid Belt)

56 May contain more freshwater than earth

57 Ceres Asteroid (Largest in Asteroid Belt) May contain more freshwater than earth Rocky Core?

58 Ceres Asteroid (Largest in Asteroid Belt) May contain more freshwater than earth

59 .

60 .

61 .


63 .

64 Video Link! Ceres and Dawn Mission CvHbM CvHbM

65 Link! (Optional) Teacher plays Asteroids: An arcade classic –

66 Meteorite: Space matter that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space. Meteorite: Space matter that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy




70 Willamette Meteorite

71 Found in Oregon 1902, –Believed to have landed in snow during ice age and then traveled as there was no impact crater.


73 Activity! Visiting some craters on earth using Google Earth. – –Meteor Crater (Barringer Creater) Arizona. –Pingualuit Crater, Canada –Lake Manicouagan, Canada –Wolf Creek Crater, Australia

74 Meteor Crater, Arizona –50,000 years old.


76 Pingualuit Crater, Canada –1.4 million years old.

77 Lake Manicouagan, Canada –212 million years old. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

78 Clearwater Lakes, Quebec, Canada. –290 million years old. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

79 Serra da Cangalha Crater, Brazil


81 Central Uplift

82 Roter Kamm Crater in Namibia –5 million years old. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

83 Wolf Creek Crater, Australia –Less than 300,000 years old.

84 Chicxulub Crater –65 million years ago.


86 K-T mass extinction event Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

87 K-T mass extinction event Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

88 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago.


90 –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

91 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

92 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

93 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

94 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

95 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

96 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. K-T Mass Extinction Event –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

97 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. K-T Mass Extinction Event –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

98 A layer of Iridium can be found across the globe in rock layers around 65 million years ago. K-T Mass Extinction Event –Iridium is found on Meteorites.

99 K-T Mass Extinction Event –65 million years ago. –Marks the end of the Mesozoic Era


101 Very few if any people were injured because Tunguska is incredibly remote. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

102 Tunguska event (1908). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

103 Tunguska event (1908). –A (comet or meteorite) exploded just above the surface of the earth causing a massive explosion. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

104 Tunguska event (1908). –A (comet or meteorite) exploded just above the surface of the earth causing a massive explosion. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy See 9 min Video: Carl Sagan (Tunguska) m/watch?v=irVof7adq4s Tunguska Event, Learn more: http://science.nasa.go v/science- news/science-at- nasa/2008/30jun_tun guska/ http://science.nasa.go v/science- news/science-at- nasa/2008/30jun_tun guska/

105 Video Link! Meteorite Impact caught on tape. –Is it real or fake? You decide. –

106 Video Link! Meteorite Impact caught on tape. –Is it real or fake? You decide. Answer… –

107 Video Link! Meteorite Impact caught on tape. –Is it real or fake? You decide. Answer… –

108 Meteoroid: Small (dust size to coin) piece of matter that hits the earth's atmosphere and (burns up). Meteoroid: Small (dust size to coin) piece of matter that hits the earth's atmosphere and (burns up). Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

109 Video Link! (Optional) –Meteoroids and soft music. –

110 The moon has been bombarded by meteorites for billions of years.




114 Meteorites are usually made of iron.

115 What’s wrong with calling this a shooting star?

116 –It’s not a star. It’s a meteoroid burning up from the friction in the atmosphere.

117 Which is an asteroid, meteorite, and meteoroid?







124 NEO’s: Near Earth Objects NEO’s: Near Earth Objects - Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

125 NEO’s: Near Earth Objects NEO’s: Near Earth Objects (Comets and asteroids that come very close to Earth.) (Comets and asteroids that come very close to Earth.) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

126 The Torino Scale

127 –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs).

128 The Torino Scale –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Combining probability statistics and known damage potentials into a single threat value.

129 The Torino Scale –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Combining probability statistics and known damage potentials into a single threat value.

130 The Torino Scale –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Combining probability statistics and known damage potentials into a single threat value.

131 The Torino Scale –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Combining probability statistics and known damage potentials into a single threat value.

132 The Torino Scale –A scale for categorizing the impact hazard associated with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Combining probability statistics and known damage potentials into a single threat value.






138 Torino Scale 8-10 8A collision is certain, capable of causing localized destruction for an impact over land or possibly a tsunami if close offshore. 9A collision is certain, capable of causing unprecedented regional devastation for a land impact or the threat of a major tsunami for an ocean impact. 10A collision is certain, capable of causing global climatic catastrophe that may threaten the future of civilization as we know it, whether impacting on land or ocean. Such events occur on average once per 100,000 years, or less often

139 Torino Scale 8-10 8A collision is certain, capable of causing localized destruction for an impact over land or possibly a tsunami if close offshore. 9A collision is certain, capable of causing unprecedented regional devastation for a land impact or the threat of a major tsunami for an ocean impact. 10A collision is certain, capable of causing global climatic catastrophe that may threaten the future of civilization as we know it, whether impacting on land or ocean. Such events occur on average once per 100,000 years, or less often “Remember, 99.5% of all things that have ever lived have gone extinct.”

140 Meteor Crater –51,000 years ago.

141 Meteor Crater –51,000 years ago.

142 The Torino Scale –Identify the threat on the Torino scale.

143 The Torino Scale –A very small object with very low probability of impact on planet earth.

144 The Torino Scale –A very small object with very low probability of impact on planet earth.

145 The Torino Scale –A very small object with very low probability of impact on planet earth.

146 The Torino Scale –A 1 km size object with medium probability of impact.

147 The Torino Scale –A 1 km size object with medium probability of impact.

148 The Torino Scale –A 1 km size object with medium probability of impact.

149 The Torino Scale –A 1 km size object with medium probability of impact. Threat Level ? (Medium) More data please

150 The Torino Scale –A 5 km size object with a very high probability of impact.

151 The Torino Scale –A 5 km size object with a very high probability of impact. Threat Level 10

152 The Torino Scale –A 5 km size object with a very high probability of impact. Threat Level 10

153 The Torino Scale –A 5 km size object with a very high probability of impact. Threat Level 10

154 The Torino Scale –A 5 km size object with a very high probability of impact. Threat Level 10

155 Video: Shoemaker Levy Comet Impact on Jupiter (1994) –

156 Reading! Asteroid QQ47 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


158 This Solar System Basics and the Sun lesson is just one small part of the Astronomy Topics Unit. This unit includes… A five part 2,800 Slide PowerPoint Presentation / unit roadmap full of activities, review questions, games, video links, materials list, and much more. A 13 bundled homework package, modified version, 7 pages of unit notes, 4 PowerPoint Review Games of 100+ slides each, videos, rubrics, and much more that all chronologically follow the unit slideshow. This is a fantastic unit for any Earth Science Class.

159 Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks again for your interest in this curriculum. Sincerely, Ryan Murphy M.Ed

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