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Open Past: Digital Projects from Government Libraries Finance Canada Statistics Canada Library of Parliament June 1, 2012.

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1 Open Past: Digital Projects from Government Libraries Finance Canada Statistics Canada Library of Parliament June 1, 2012

2 CLA Conference 2012 “Share your thoughts with fellow delegates and CLA members while attending the conference. The twitter hashtag is #CLAOTT2012 or you can blog or "Facebook" from CLA 2012 in Ottawa. Go to the CLA website, the CLA from Away links.”

3 Overview  Introductions  Finance Canada  Statistics Canada  Library of Parliament  Questions

4 Finance Canada Digitizing the Federal Budget Eileen Bays-Coutts Iona Henderson June 1, 2012

5 Library Digitization Goals  To increase Web access to and discoverability of federal budget publications  To address service delivery issues  Pilot: To assess digitization, repository, and metadata requirements.

6 Pilot Phase  March 2010, digitized the 1952 to 1994 Speech, Plan, and Budget in Brief publications.  Used in-house photocopier and casual staff.  Publications scanned to PDF and files optimized using Adobe Acrobat Pro OCR and tagging processes.

7 Pilot Continued  Sample of OCR coding errors underlying PDFs: I am honoured, Madam Speaker, to have the opportunity to present to Parliament the first b 6' dget of this new decade. It is a b U dget which sets new directions for the economy ~ directions which willensure both energy security and economic securit ' y for Canadians in the years ahead. It would b ~ no service to this House, nor to Q anadians, to deny that there is a deeply troubling air of uncertainty and anxiety around the world and, I am sure, in the hearts and minds of Canadians; we have inherited many difficulties from the decade of the 70s. But I t would be just as wrong to deny that the decade of the 80s provides extraordinary oppo. rtunities for Canada and Canadians.

8 Pilot Continued  Results: Low cost Crawlable and searchable files 3% to 5% OCR error rate.  Conclusion – error rate unacceptable.

9 Project Phase  Goal to produce CLF2 compliant, 99.5% error-free OCR text  Work competitively outsourced in 2010/11 to Terra Reproductions  Same scope as Pilot phase.

10 Project Continued  Full specs were provided to the company including generic metadata; metadata to be enhanced later.  Results: error rate of 0.5% or lower But discovered some gaps

11 Getting to the Web Add: 1968 to 1994 Enhance user experience 2007 to 2012 1995 to 2006

12 Inspiration

13 Getting to the Web Continued  Additional metadata added to files  Prime Minister  Finance Minister  Parliament number  Political party  Became our filtering criteria + the year

14 Getting to the Web Continued  JQuery used for sorting functionality  Some browser issues with display so custom style sheets developed  Clean up of 1995 – 1999 PDFs on FIN

15 Final Product!

16 Going Forward  Fill gaps in collections  Enhance metadata  Improve layout and functionality  Add additional PDF documents from years 1994 – 2011  Improve accessibility of PDFs

17 Thank you   

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