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Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs © John Stevenson, 2012.

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1 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs © John Stevenson, 2012

2 Pentateuch Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Historical Books Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Poetic Books Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon Prophetic Books Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

3 Book Pain & sufferingJob Song of Solomon Ecclesiastes Psalms Proverbs Theme Prayer & Worship Conduct Meaning & significance Love Why do bad things happen to good people? Question How do I approach God? How shall I live? Why am I here? How shall I love?

4 The Book of Wisdom

5 Title of the book The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel (Proverbs 1:1). lv;m' From the root word

6 Proverbs 1:2-4 2 To know wisdom and instruction, To discern the sayings of understanding, 3 To receive instruction in wise behavior, Righteousness, justice and equity; 4 To give prudence to the naive, To the youth knowledge and discretion,

7 Proverbs 1:5-6 5 A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel, 6 To understand a proverb and a figure, The words of the wise and their riddles.

8 Exodus 28:2-3 2 "And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. 3 "And you shall speak to all the skillful persons whom I have endowed with the spirit of wisdom, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister as priest to Me.

9 Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. A Fear that Drives Away A Fear that Drives Away A Fear that brings Wonder A Fear that brings Wonder

10 Psalms Book of Worship Proverbs Book of Wisdom Speaks to our SpiritSpeaks to our Intellect Life in the prayer closet Life out in the street Teach us how to be holy before God Teach us how to practice holiness before men Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind Love your neighbor as yourself

11 The Nature of Wisdom Literature Stands apart from God’s covenants. –No mention made of Moses or Israel. The Nature of its Inspired Message –Utilizes observation of nature instead of “thus says the Lord.” God spoke in various ways (Heb. 1:1) MosesTheophanies Prophets Sages Spiritual communications Insightful observations

12 Proverbs 24:30-31 I passed by the field of the sluggard And by the vineyard of the man lacking sense, 31 And behold, it was completely overgrown with thistles; Its surface was covered with nettles, And its stone wall was broken down.

13 Proverbs 24:32-34 When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction. 33 “A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest,” 34 Then your poverty will come as a robber And your want like an armed man.

14 1-9 Appeal to Wisdom Proverbs of Solomon 10-24 Proverbs of Hezekiah One Verse MaximsLarger Couplets Good Woman 25-293031 Words of Agur Words of King Lemuel

15 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 11 I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths. 12 When you walk, your steps will not be impeded; And if you run, you will not stumble. (Proverbs 4:11-12).

16 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 13 Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life. 14 Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not proceed in the way of evil men. (Proverbs 4:13-14).

17 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 15 Avoid it, do not pass by it; Turn away from it and pass on. 16 For they cannot sleep unless they do evil; And they are robbed of sleep unless they make someone stumble. (Proverbs 4:15- 16).

18 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 17 For they eat the bread of wickedness, And drink the wine of violence. 18 But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day. 19 The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know over what they stumble. (Proverbs 4:17-19).

19 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst of your heart. (Proverbs 4:20-21).

20 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom 22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their whole body. 23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:22-23).

21 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work 2 Ill-gotten gains do not profit, But righteousness delivers from death. 3 The LORD will not allow the righteous to hunger, But He will thrust aside the craving of the wicked. 4 Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverbs 10:2-4).

22 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely, But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully. (Proverbs 10:5).

23 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, So is the lazy one to those who send him.(Proverbs 10:26).

24 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men. (Proverbs 10:29).

25 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work –Skilled work will lead to success –Diligent work will lead to success The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns, But the path of the upright is a highway. (Proverbs 15:19)

26 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work –Skilled work will lead to success –Diligent work will lead to success Go to the ant, O sluggard Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Officer, or ruler; Prepares her food in the summer, And gathers her provisions in the harvest. (Proverbs 6:6-8)

27 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work Principles of Business and Finance 27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it. 28 Do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give it," When you have it with you. (Proverbs 3:27-28).

28 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work Principles of Business and Finance He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf. (Proverbs 11:28).

29 Themes in the Proverbs The way of Wisdom Principles of Work Principles of Business and Finance Principles of Spiritual Speech For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down. (Proverbs 26:20).

30 Proverbs 22:10-14 10 Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, Even strife and dishonor will cease. 11 He who loves purity of heart And whose speech is gracious, the king is his friend. 12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the treacherous man. 13 The sluggard says, "There is a lion outside; I shall be slain in the streets!" 14 The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; He who is cursed of the LORD will fall into it.

31 Proverbs 13:1-3 1 A wise son accepts his father's discipline, But a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. 2 From the fruit of a man's mouth he enjoys good, But the desire of the treacherous is violence. 3 The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

32 The Excellent Wife Proverbs 31:10-31 She conducts her affairs in such a way as to instill trust on the part of her husband (31:11) She is both hard-working and efficient She is not afraid to engage in business Praise is given both to her husband as well as to her

33 Lessons from the Proverbs The Universal need for Wisdom The Universal Arena of Wisdom What is Wise is also what is Good Principles rather than Promises A real view of the real world Christians are called to be street-smart

34 Job The righteous suffers Ecclesiastes A lack of meaning to life Song of Songs Irrationality of love Proverbs A Basic approach to life Exceptions

35 The Question of Life

36 Note: English equivalent dates are only close approximations

37 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon Introduction to four themes

38 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God There is profit in seeing God as the giver of all of the seasons of life 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon Introduction to four themes There is a monotony to life Life is a gift from God To everything there is a season This is a call to live purposefully We are called to enjoy the journey

39 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God There is profit in seeing God as the giver of all of the seasons of life 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon Introduction to four themes There is a monotony to life Part of this enjoyment is found in the “one another principles”

40 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God There is profit in seeing God as the giver of all of the seasons of life Instead of being fearful, enjoy life while it lasts because it is a gift from God 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon Introduction to four themes There is a monotony to life There is an emptiness in wisdom

41 The Preacher gives four reasons why it is better not to be alone 4:94:104:114:12 Two are better than one because… They have good results in their labor They can pick up one another in trouble They can warm one another in the cold They can hold up one another in adversity WorkFallingColdAdversity

42 1-234-56-910-12 All of life is emptiness, but man ought to enjoy goodness because it is from God There is profit in seeing God as the giver of all of the seasons of life Instead of being fearful, enjoy life while it lasts because it is a gift from God Man sees life as a struggle, but God gave life to be enjoyed Because of the emptiness of this life, man ought to fear the Lord and follow His word 2 nd Sermon 3 rd Sermon 4 th Sermon 5 th Sermon 1 st Sermon Introduction to four themes There is a monotony to life There is an emptiness in wisdom There is a futility in wealth There is a certainty of death

43 Read through Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 and seek to pick out and explain the imagery that is used throughout this passage.

44 Ecclesiastes 12:1-2 Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no delight in them”; 2 before the sun and the light, the moon and the stars are darkened, and clouds return after the rain;

45 Ecclesiastes 12:3-4 …in the day that the watchmen of the house tremble, and mighty men stoop, the grinding ones stand idle because they are few, and those who look through windows grow dim; 4 and the doors on the street are shut as the sound of the grinding mill is low, and one will arise at the sound of the bird, and all the daughters of song will sing softly.

46 Ecclesiastes 12:5 Furthermore, men are afraid of a high place and of terrors on the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags himself along, and the caperberry is ineffective. For man goes to his eternal home while mourners go about in the street.

47 Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 Remember Him before the silver cord is broken and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; 7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

48 Remember the Lord because… You aren’t getting any Younger.You aren’t getting any Younger. God has designed you to be Empty without Him.God has designed you to be Empty without Him. Now is the Time to Prepare for Eternity.Now is the Time to Prepare for Eternity.


50 SONG OF SONGS The Love Song of the Scriptures

51 Interpretations of the Book Allegorical Interpretation: Entire book is seen as an allegory of the Lord’s love for His people Israel.Allegorical Interpretation: Entire book is seen as an allegory of the Lord’s love for His people Israel. Cultic Interpretation: Cultic poems for use in marriage ritual.Cultic Interpretation: Cultic poems for use in marriage ritual. Shepherd Interpretation: Views Solomon as the villain.Shepherd Interpretation: Views Solomon as the villain. Typical Interpretation: Type of the churchTypical Interpretation: Type of the church Natural or Literal InterpretationNatural or Literal Interpretation

52 Cast of Characters Solomon: Shelomoh “Peaceful”Solomon: Shelomoh “Peaceful” Shulamith: Feminine of ShelomohShulamith: Feminine of Shelomoh

53 Romance & Honeymoon (Chapters 1-4) Happily ever after (Chapters 7-8) Marital Problems (Chapters 5-6)

54 The Story behind the Song The story begins

55 Song of Songs 1:5 "I am black but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, Like the tents of Kedar, Like the curtains of Solomon.

56 Song of Songs 1:6 "Do not stare at me because I am swarthy, For the sun has burned me. My mother's sons were angry with me; They made me caretaker of the vineyards, But I have not taken care of my own vineyard.”

57 The Story behind the Song The story begins Boy meets girl

58 Song of Songs 1:7 Tell me, O you whom my soul loves, Where do you pasture your flock, Where do you make it lie down at noon? For why should I be like one who veils herself Beside the flocks of your companions?

59 The Story behind the Song The story begins Boy meets girl He promises to return He returns, not as a shepherd, but as the reigning king Solomon takes his bride to Jerusalem A temporary separation (Chapters 5-6)

60 Observations from the Book The name of Yahweh is not mentioned The book is never quoted in the New Testament Jews would not permit their young people to read this book

61 “I advise and counsel everyone who is not yet rid of the vexations of the flesh and blood and has not ceased to feel the passion of his bodily nature, to refrain completely from reading this little book and the things that will be said about it.”

62 While the king was at his table, My perfume gave forth its fragrance. (Song 1:12). Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume (John 12:3)

63 You are a garden spring, A well of fresh water, And streams flowing from Lebanon (Song 4:15). He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, “From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38)

64 I was asleep but my heart was awake. A voice! My beloved was knocking: ‘ “Open to me, my sister, my darling, My dove, my perfect one! (Song 5:2). Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me (Revelation 3:20).

65 Read through the following passages and seek to pick out and explain the imagery. Song of Songs 5:9-16 Song of Songs 6:1-7

66 Song of Songs 8:6 Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The very flame of the LORD.

67 Song of Songs 8:7 Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it; If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, It would be utterly despised.

68 Lessons from the Song of Songs God is concerned with all of lifeGod is concerned with all of life God is concerned with our sexualityGod is concerned with our sexuality All of life reflects our relationship with GodAll of life reflects our relationship with God The Scriptures contain love songsThe Scriptures contain love songs We are a part of a sacred romanceWe are a part of a sacred romance


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