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By Estela T. de Guzman NSO Philippines UNCTAD-ITU-UNESCAP Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Information.

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Presentation on theme: "By Estela T. de Guzman NSO Philippines UNCTAD-ITU-UNESCAP Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Estela T. de Guzman NSO Philippines UNCTAD-ITU-UNESCAP Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements in Asia-Pacific 26 -28 July 2005 United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand Compilation of ICT Business Statistics in the Philippines

2 2002 SICT … 2002 SICT … Activity of National Statistics Office in collaboration with Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (now Commission on Information and Communication Technology) and Communication Technology)

3 Outline of Presentation  Survey Background  Objectives  Reference Period  Frame  Items of Data Collected  ICT Framework for Business and Industry  ICT Sectors  Sampling Design

4 Outline of Presentation Some Survey Results % Users of ICT Resources % Users of Network Channels Internet Access Rate of ICT Users Usage of ICT Resources E-Commerce Transactions Type of ICT Workers Barriers to ICT Usage Issues/Problems Future Work

5 Objectives of the 2002 SICT To measure the following: component of ICT resources and their usage diffusion of ICT into businesses and industries e-commerce transactions (e-commerce revenue and e-commerce purchases investments in ICT resources; and availability of ICT workers and compensation paid possible barriers to the adoption of ICT.

6 Reference Period: Frame: 2001 (except employment and compensation data – December 2001) December 2001) Updated 2001 List of Establishments (LE)

7 Items of Data Collected Economic activity or business Types of ICT Resources used Types of Network channels used Capital expenditures on ICT resources Usage of ICT resources Sources of ICT resources Types of ICT workers Compensation by type of ICT worker Percent E-commerce sales to total sales Percent E-commerce purchase to total purchase Barriers to adoption of ICT

8 ICT Framework for Business and Industry ICT Infrastructure E-Commerce Transactions E-Business Processes Machines (computers) Network channels Software ICT workers E-selling E-purchasing Production process Software development ISP Systems design Animation Telecommunication Human resource mgt Financial info system Training R & D, etc.

9 Classification of ICT Industries

10 ICT Sectors (cont’d)



13 ICT Sectors (conc.)

14 Industry Coverage of 2002 SICT

15 Sampling Design Geographic domain Industry domain National ICT producers/ distributors/ service providers: 5-digit PSIC Non-ICT industries: 3-digit PSIC

16 Sampling Design (conc.) ICT producers/ distributors/ service providers Non-ICT industries ATE 20 & 0ver - 100% ATE < 20 - sampling ATE 20 & over – sampling ATE < 20 - out of scope

17 Sample Size Total number of samples = 8,555 ATE 20 and over = 4,897 ATE less than 20 = 3,658

18 Some Results of 2002 SICT 2002 SICT

19 Indicators on Accessibility/Availability of ICT Resources in 2001 (establishments with ATE 20 and over) Indicators

20  % Users of ICT Resources  % Users of ICT Resources – proportion of number of establishments using any or all types of ICT resources to total number of respondents. ICT Resources - machines and knowledge. Machines - computers, network channels and telecommunication equipment. Knowledge - system and application softwares, ICT support services and other components. Indicators Indicators

21  % Users of Network Channels  % Users of Network Channels – proportion of number of users of network channels to total number of ICT users. Network Channels - internet, intranet, extranet, EDI networks, and telecommunication networks.  Internet Access Rate  Internet Access Rate of ICT Users – proportion of internet users to total number of PC/computer users. Indicators con’t Indicators

22 Fig. 1. Percentage ICT Users by Sector: 2001

23 Fig. 2. Percentage Users of Network Channels by Sector: 2001 3,147 Users

24 Fig. 3. Internet Access Rate of ICT Users by Sector: 2001 3,147 ICT Users

25 Fig. 4. Usage of ICT Resources in E-Business Activities: ALL SECTORS 3,147 ICT Users

26 Fig. 5. Usage of ICT Resources in Specialized E-Business Activities

27 * Sector with ICT Industries 3,147 Users Fig. 6. Percent of ICT Users with E-Commerce Revenue by Sector

28 Fig. 7. Distribution of ICT Workers by Sector Total ICT Workers 27,386 * Sector with ICT Industries

29 Why does the digital divide exist? Why the digital divide?

30 Barriers to ICT Usage by Non-Users Barriers Lack of financing Lack of equipment Low priority by management Lack of technical expertise Obsolete machines Not relevant to business Lack of appreciation Lack of telecommunication facilities Lack of information

31 Issues/problems 1. Conceptual definitions computer-mediated network e-commerce revenue e-commerce purchases ICT workers extranet, intranet, WAN, LAN 2. 2.Records not readily available at establishment level, more likely for enterprise. Issues

32 Issues/problems (cont’d) 3. 3.No identified source of expertise 4. 4.Frame deficiency 5. 5.Low response rate Issues

33 Limitations of Data Data presented are for responding establishments only. 3,579 Good Respondents for ATE 20 and over (73% of total samples) Limitations

34 ASEAN E-Readiness Assessment

35 Future Work Another round of ICT is scheduled as a rider to the 2008 Survey of Philippine Business and Industry to be conducted in 2009


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