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 Introduction  Plan and achievements for 2013/14  Challenges  Future strategies to overcome challenges 1.

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Presentation on theme: " Introduction  Plan and achievements for 2013/14  Challenges  Future strategies to overcome challenges 1."— Presentation transcript:

1  Introduction  Plan and achievements for 2013/14  Challenges  Future strategies to overcome challenges 1

2  MNRT is one of the economic ministries  Responsible for conservation of natural and cultural resources as well as development of tourism Vision  Conserved natural and cultural resources for the benefit of Tanzanians and the world while leading in contribution to the economy 2

3  Sustainable conservation of natural and cultural resources and development of tourism for the wellbeing of the nation through: Development of appropriate policies, strategies and guidelines Formulation and enforcement of laws and regulation Monitoring and evaluation of implementation of policies and laws 3

4  Policy formulation, review and monitoring  Regulation and control of utilization of forests, bees, wildlife and antiquity resources and tourism products  Development and promotion of tourism natural and cultural resources  Revenue collection 4

5 Revenue Estimates Vs Actual Collection Estimates - TZS 140,898,037,078  Divisions - TZS 84,450,309,557  Collection Fund & Selous Game Reserve (retention funds) - TZS 56,447,727,521 (>17% compared to 2012/2013 (TZS 72,070,519,734) Actual - TZS 73,279,269,426  Divisions - TZS 45,814,317,919 (63% of estimates)  Collection Funds & Selous Game Reserve - TZS 27,464,951,508 (37%) collected and retained 5

6  Approved expenditure - TZS 75,681,745,000 for Rec and Dev. Recurrent Expenditure - TAS 64,033,579,000  PE - TZS 25,739,948,000  OC - TZS 38,293,631,000 Development Expenditure - TZS 11,648,166,000  Local - TZS 1,000,000,000  Foreign - TZS 10,648,166,000 6

7  Recurrent budget - TZS 44,793,601,144 ( = 59% of the approved recurrent budget)  Development expenditure - TZS 2,456,338,943 (= 21% of the approved Annual Development expenditure) 7

8  Wildlife Improved human resources capacity 3 WMA in final stages of establishment Conducted 185,446 patrol man in problem animals areas & in PAs Reviewed policy and regulations Paid membership Fees to the relevant organizations to which MNRT is a party to Establishment of TAWA 8

9 Forest and Beekeeping Increased awareness and coverage of Forest Beekeeping Reviewed Forestry Policy Training on appropriate beekeeping technologies and commercial tree growing Paid membership Fees to the relevant organizations to which MNRT is a party to 9

10  Tourism No. of international tourists arrivals increased from 1,077,058 in 2012 to 1,095,884 in 2013 Tourism receipts from USD 1,712.75 Million in 2012 to USD 1,806.3 Million in 2013 Increased No. of promotions held in national & international markets 10

11  Tourism cont... Increased No. of promotion events for Tourism products & services in Domestic & international markets Conducted Hotel Inspection exercise in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Coastal and Iringa Regions 11

12  Antiquities  Increased awareness on cultural heritage resources at Isimila, Iringa  Initiated National Inventory on Liberation Heritage Resources in Mtwara  Paid membership Fees to the relevant organizations to which MNRT is a party to 12

13  Other cross-cutting Issues Staff living with HIV were supported Capacity building (training, recruitment, provision of working facilities) Compliance to the Ministry laws and operational regulation Updated communication and information systems 13

14 Persistent illegal harvesting and unsustainable utilization of natural resources products Foreign funds for development budget were not released on time Land use conflicts due to human activities Low participation of local community in conservation & Mgt of natural & cultural resources Conflict of interest among stakeholders Inadequate working facilities 14

15 Capacity building i.e recruitment, training & working gears Collaboration btn Ministry & stakeholders i.e Priv. Sector & NGOs, & civil society in Mgt of natural and cultural resources Collaboration to ensure land use planning & resource zone management plan at all levels  . 15

16 Strengthening relationship with State Organs to fight illegal off take & trafficking of wildlife Strengthen collaboration with DPs in supporting Natural, Cultural & Tourism Resources Mgt Create awareness to local communities adjacent to protected areas 16

17 Thank You for your Kind Attention !! 17

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