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Presentation on theme: "Mgt 485 CHAPTER 11 ORGANIZING INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mgt 485-11-2 Due Monday, March 29th Case Study Question(s) Due Monday, March 29th  Dan Simson: Project Mgr.  Discuss the cultural dimension(s) of time (e.g. temporal forces, past vs. future orientation, sequential vs. synchronous, orientation and value) and how they apply to this case  Discuss the organizational and strategic impacts, focusing on Dan Simson’s responsibilities to maximize his organization’s effectiveness (Profitabity, developing Human Resources, increasing market exposure)  Make and justify a recommendation as to how Dan Simson can be effective in this environment

3 Mgt 485-11-3

4 Mgt 485-11-4 Organizational Consequence of Internationalization Aircraft Cameras Electronics Computers Telecommunications Aerospace Autos Synthetic fibers Cement Steel Clothing Packaged goods High Low High Pressure for Local Responsiveness Pressure for Globalization

5 Mgt 485-11-5 Goals and Strategy EnvironmentSize Culture Technology Structure 1. Formalization 2. Specialization 3. Standardization 4. Hierarchy of Authority 5. Complexity 6. Centralization 7. Professionalism 8. Personnel Ratios

6 Mgt 485-11-6 Initial Division Structure Used for Initial Entry into International Markets  Exporting  Common first choice for manufacturers of technologically advanced products  Firm can charge premium price due to little competition  Subsidiary  A common for handling finance-related businesses or other operations that require an on-site presence from the start

7 Mgt 485-11-7 Subsidiaries During the Early Stage of Internationalization Home Office Departments Overseas Subsidiaries CEO ProductionMarketingFinancePersonnel V.P. International Operations FranceJapanEgyptAustraliaArgentina

8 Mgt 485-11-8 International Division Structure  Advantages  Takes burden off the CEO  Receives top management attention  Promotes overall unified approach  Develops internationally experienced managers  Disadvantages  Separating domestic and international managers may cause differing objectives  Home office may not be able to allocate resources globally, thereby penalizing growth

9 Mgt 485-11-9 An International Division Structure Home Office Departments Operating Divisions CEO ProductionMarketingFinancePersonnel Domestic Division Domestic Division Domestic Division Domestic Division International Division AustraliaJapanItaly Office Operations Marketing Government Relations

10 Mgt 485-11-10 Global Product Division  Advantages  Helps to manage diversity  Able to cater to local needs  Marketing, production, and finance can be co- ordinated on a product-by-product global basis  Disadvantages  Duplication of facilities and staff personnel  Managers may pursue attractive short-term sites instead of long-term sites  Managers spend to much time trying to tap local instead of international markets Domestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups

11 Mgt 485-11-11 A Global Product Division Structure CEO ProductionMarketin g FinancePersonnel South Americ a AfricaEurop e AustraliaFar East Product Division A Product Division B Product Division C Product Division D Product Division E Productio n MarketingFinancePersonnel Great Britain France Germany Italy Netherlands

12 Mgt 485-11-12 Global Area Division  Advantages  Reduces cost per unit  Caters to local markets  Makes rapid decisions to accommodate environmental changes  Disadvantages  Difficulty reconciling a product emphasis with geographic orientation  Ignores new research and development by division groups Based on geographic rather than product orientation

13 Mgt 485-11-13 A Global Area Division Structure Home Office Departments Operating Divisions CEO ProductionMarketingFinancePersonnel North America South America EuropeAsiaAfrica Great Britain France Germany Italy Netherlands

14 Mgt 485-11-14 Global Functional Division  Advantages  Emphasizes functional expertise  Tight centralized control  Relatively lean managerial staff  Disadvantages  Difficulty co-ordinating manufacturing and marketing  Difficulty managing multiple product lines  Only CEO can be held accountable for profits Worldwide operations based primarily on function and secondarily on product

15 Mgt 485-11-15 A Global Functional Structure CEO ProductionMarketingFinance Domestic Production Product A Product B Product C Product D Foreign Production Product A Product B Product C Product D Domestic Production Product A Product B Product C Product D Foreign Production Product A Product B Product C Product D

16 Mgt 485-11-16 Mixed Organization Structures  Advantages  Allows organization to create the specific type of design to meet its needs  Disadvantages  Complexity increases  Difficulty arises in co-ordinating personnel Combines global product, area, and functional divisions to supplement its primary structure with a secondary one, and perhaps a tertiary (third) one

17 Mgt 485-11-17 A Multinational Matrix Structure CEO ProductionMarketingFinancePersonnel Manager, Industrial Goods North America Manager, Industrial Goods Europe North AmericaIndustrial GoodsEurope

18 Mgt 485-11-18 Meeting the Challenges of Globalization  Synergy - (2 + 2 = 5)  whole is greater than the sum of its parts  Organizational Synergy  Pooling knowledge across regions  Sharing resources to meet world-wide needs  Pooling purchases for greater negotiating power  Coordinating strategies to become more efficient  Vertically integrating to be more cost effective  Creating new businesses

19 Mgt 485-11-19 Strategies:  Mutual adjustment  Use of direct, technically skilled supervisors  Use of integrative leadership  Technical training provided in-house  Use of standard milestones in work design  Flexible design standards Organizing for Product Integration

20 Mgt 485-11-20 Information Technology Key Questions:  Which information systems are needed?  Are investments are worthwhile?  How does technology fit into management’s strategic thinking ?  How should users and specialists connect within the company?  How do you design systems to improve organizational performance?

21 Mgt 485-11-21 Organizational Characteristics 3 most critical for international operations  Formalization  The use of defined structures used in decision making, communicating, and controlling  Objective - written descriptions  Subjective -informal controls  Specialization  The assigning of individuals to specific, well-defined tasks  Horizontal specialization  Vertical specialization  Centralization  Management system in which important decisions are made at the top

22 Mgt 485-11-22 Symptoms of Structural Deficiency  Decisions are delayed or lacking in quality  Organization does not respond innovatively to a changing environment  Too much conflict from departments being at cross purposes is evident

23 Mgt 485-11-23 Relate “Structure” to “Culture”  How do cultural dimensions affect structural dimensions?  Are some structures inherently more effective in some cultures? Use Hofstede (p. 119-122) & Trompenaar’s (p. 126) Option for additional 30 Points


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