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The Multi-modal Literacy Narrative of Lindsay Garwood By: Lindsay Garwood Bowling Green State University- Bowling Green, Ohio Fall 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Multi-modal Literacy Narrative of Lindsay Garwood By: Lindsay Garwood Bowling Green State University- Bowling Green, Ohio Fall 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Multi-modal Literacy Narrative of Lindsay Garwood By: Lindsay Garwood Bowling Green State University- Bowling Green, Ohio Fall 2013

3 What is culture?

4 The dictionary definition of culture  Culture: “: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time; -a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc. ; -a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)”

5 The cultures I belong to  Small town culture  Independent family culture

6 My identity: effective interactions

7 Cultural similarities and differences  “I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground” –T.D. Jakes (Similarity)  “We’ve has so many lifetimes and different cultures and different religions and different points of view and different wars and different loves and different children” –Shirley MacLaine (Difference)

8 Who I am and what I bring to my cultural tables  CNrWNCg8 CNrWNCg8  QzjfU3o QzjfU3o

9 I am a woman  nxqEVKlk nxqEVKlk 

10 What I learn from others

11 How I see myself as a global citizen  I am a global citizen. I use technologies that people around the world use everyday and that makes me a global citizen. In addition, I stray away from the traditional notion that there are geographical and political divisions as a result of citizenship. With that being said, I am a global citizen. Finally, I have friends from various parts of the world and when I connect with them, I am using my global citizenship to communicate and keep in touch with them. I AM A GLOBAL CITIZEN.

12 My intercultural sensitivity

13 I am extremely blessed  “I am so happy. And the real kind of happy. I have everything I need and more. I am so blessed.” –Unknown quotes  post/7750846596/i-am-blessed-everything- happens-for-a-reason post/7750846596/i-am-blessed-everything- happens-for-a-reason

14 My world view

15 References "Culture." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. "Cultures Quotes - BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Google Image Result for Culture." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Google Maps." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Helen Reddy - 'I Am Woman' (Live) 1975 - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "I Am So Blessed Quotes." Quotes and Sayings - Search Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Life is A Beautiful Struggle - I am blessed. Everything happens for a reason...” Life is A Beautiful Struggle - Page 1 of 6. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Matthew West - Hello, My Name Is (Lyrics) - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Sojourner Truth Speech of 1851, "Ain't I a Woman" - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. "Who Am I lyrics - Casting Crowns - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.

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