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House Keeping Tomomitsu BABA. Announcement (1) n please send PPT files to n please hand your transparencies to John, SICU n Did you already.

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Presentation on theme: "House Keeping Tomomitsu BABA. Announcement (1) n please send PPT files to n please hand your transparencies to John, SICU n Did you already."— Presentation transcript:

1 House Keeping Tomomitsu BABA

2 Announcement (1) n please send PPT files to n please hand your transparencies to John, SICU n Did you already join ? –If not, please contact to n Please help to make AI3 Projects FAQ –FAQ-swg (chaired by

3 Announcement (2) n Do you have some problems in operation or news to be announced?

4 The Next Meeting n Researchers and Operators Meeting –progress report and operation problems –every 3 month –fix the next meeting date and PC n AI3 Regular Meeting –Political matter and coordination issues with other entities –every 3 month –fix the next meeting date and PC

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