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Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics ADVISER Tiago António Queirós Jacinto CLASS 2 Barbosa M.,

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics ADVISER Tiago António Queirós Jacinto CLASS 2 Barbosa M.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics ADVISER Tiago António Queirós Jacinto CLASS 2 Barbosa M., Barbosa T., Brito T., Campos J., Carvalho L., Carvalho R., Costa A., Dias J., Dória M., Maciel C., Mosca A., Pires C., Silva F., Viana D. - Introduction to Medicine I2009/2010

2 Many respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD can be now diagnosed and also monitored using spirometry Introduction Research questions and aims Methods Expected results It analyses how well you can breathe Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

3 Respiratory diseases can be monitored using spirometry FEV1 is the amount of air breath out during the first second Reference formulas convert the values of FEV1 to a percentage whose optimal range is between 80 and 120 Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

4 There are several reference formulas The evolution, changes in society, as well as interpersonal differences (ethnicity, age, etc.) are not taken into account Most formulas are now obsolete Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

5 Explore the use of different reference values Analyze the reference values of FEV1 in asthmatics Interpret the cause of some misdiagnosis Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

6 Target population: asthmatic patients from the Allergology Department of Hospital de São João chosen randomly Criteria of selection: consecutive asthmatic patients performing spirometry in the Allergology Department of Hospital de São João STUDY DESIGN Observational Retrospective Transversal Analytical Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

7 DATA COLLECTION METHODS Acute database provided by the Allergology Department of Hospital de São João ATS/ERS Task Force 2005: Standardisation of lung function testing - Standardisation of spirometry Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

8 Significant differences among the results obtained by these equations in patients with asthma This fact can be in the origin of misdiagnosis and errors in therapy due to different conclusions drawn when these values are compared to the optimal range of 80/120 Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

9 Arnall DA, Kanuho V, Interpreter C, Nelson AG, Coast JR, Eisenmann JC, Enright PL (2009) Spirometry reference values for Navajo children ages 6-14 years. Physical Therapy Department, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. Doherty D.E. (2008) A review of the role of FEV1 in the COPD paradigm. National Lung Health Education Program, University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Drumond SC, Fontes MJ, de Assis I, Duarte MA. (2009) Comparison of three sets of reference equations for spirometry in children and adolescents with distinct body mass indices. Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Enright, P. Testing your lungs: spirometry. Accessed 15 October 2009, at: Hardie GE, Brown JK, Gold WM (2007) Adrenergic responsiveness: FEV1 and symptom differences in Whites and African Americans with mild asthma. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, USA. Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

10 Miller, M. (2007). Interactive course on Spirometry Training. ERS School Courses 2007. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Patouchas D, Efremidis G, Karkoulias K, Zoumbos N, Goumas P, Spiropoulos K. (2008) Lung function measurements in traditional bakers. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonology, University Hospital of Rio-Patras, Patras, Greece. Schneider A, Gindner L, Tilemann L, Schermer T, Dinant GJ, Meyer FJ, Szecsenyi J. (2009) Diagnostic accuracy of spirometry in primary care, Institute of General Practice, Technische Universität München, München, Germany. Silverman RA, Flaster E, Enright PL, Simonson SG (2007) FEV1 performance among patients with acute asthma: results from a multicenter clinical trial. Department of Emergency Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, North-Shore-LIJMC Health Care System, New Hyde Park, USA. Vilozni D, Livnat G, Dabbah H, Elias N, Hakim F, Bentur L (2009), The potential use of spirometry during methacholine challenge test in young children with respiratory symptoms, Pediatric Pulmonary Unit, Meyer Children's Hospital, Rambam Medical Center, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Analysis of the percent predicted values of FEV1 using different reference value in asthmatics

11 ADVISER Tiago António Queirós Jacinto CLASS 2 Barbosa M., Barbosa T., Brito T., Campos J., Carvalho L., Carvalho R., Costa A., Dias J., Dória M., Maciel C., Mosca A., Pires C., Silva F., Viana D. - Introduction to Medicine I2009/2010

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