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MEDIA HIT HIGHLIGHTS JULY 2015. BY THE NUMBERS  In July, NAHU received more than 764 press hits.  In June, NAHU received more than 690 press hits. 

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2 BY THE NUMBERS  In July, NAHU received more than 764 press hits.  In June, NAHU received more than 690 press hits.  So far in 2015, NAHU has received 4,224 press hits.  In 2014, NAHU received more than 7,600 press hits.

3 PRINT MEDIA IN JULY "We service clients from all over the state of Texas, and I can tell you that there are a handful of counties that we are limited to just a few carriers with high premiums for plans that offer co- pays and lower deductibles," says [Justin] Holland, of Texas State Financial & Health, members of the San Antonio Association of Health Underwriters.” “GOLDMANN TO LEAD NAHU — Don Goldmann, vice president of Word & Brown General Agency, will be president of the National Association of Health Underwriters.” “The Medical Information Bureau (MIB) “consumer report file” is used only for people who have serious health conditions, so chances are yours doesn’t reveal much, explains Janet Trautwein, CEO National Association of Health Underwriters. When you apply for life, disability, or long tem care insurance, you’re required to report whether you have any conditions that could shorten your life.” “Thomas Harte, owner of Landmark Benefits in New Hampshire, told the Senate Health subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security that the Affordable Care Act makes healthcare more expensive for small business owners.” For example, because the ACA bases the price of coverage on age, it is considerably cheaper to hire a younger person. Harte said that hiring a single, 25-year-old worker would cost $385.57 per month for their insurance premium versus $1,046.44 for a single, 60-year-old. “The website offers ongoing editorial coverage, new agent profiles and an Incubator Blog with advice from an advisory board of insurance veterans, including Janet Trautwein, executive vice president and CEO of National Association of Health Underwriters. It also presents unique sponsorship opportunities.” “Kelly Fristoe, an underwriter in Wichita Falls with Financial Partners, said on Friday the change will cause problems, especially for those with individual plans who might be hospitalized late December and carries over into January. He said the PPO-to-HMO change will happen overnight from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1. Let's just say you happen to be in the hospital Dec. 27 and you fell taking your Christmas lights down and you have a busted something and you're waiting to have surgery. You're already admitted to the hospital and you have PPO coverage,”

4 SOUND BYTES IN JULY Regarding the announcement of the 2016 Covered California rates, what does this mean? “California AHU’s Vice President of Public Affairs, Craig Gussin, said, “It means, in a perfect world, the rates are going up by 4%. But, let’s wait to see what the rates actually are because they gave us rates based on the bronze and silver plan. I have no idea what the gold and platinum will cost since those are the most expensive plans and more beneficial.”“California AHU’s Vice President of Public Affairs, Craig Gussin, said, “It means, in a perfect world, the rates are going up by 4%. But, let’s wait to see what the rates actually are because they gave us rates based on the bronze and silver plan. I have no idea what the gold and platinum will cost since those are the most expensive plans and more beneficial.” Will the Affordable Care Act remain affordable? “Health insurance companies finance America’s healthcare. If the cost of healthcare goes up, then the cost of insurance goes up. It’s great that the rates are going up by 4% statewide and by 3% in San Diego. But, last year, I remember the rates being a lot different when the actual numbers came out, depending on your age and the plan you have. Nothing will happen until November when open enrollment starts so wait until the numbers come out, work with your insurance agent and figure out what plan works for you.”“Health insurance companies finance America’s healthcare. If the cost of healthcare goes up, then the cost of insurance goes up. It’s great that the rates are going up by 4% statewide and by 3% in San Diego. But, last year, I remember the rates being a lot different when the actual numbers came out, depending on your age and the plan you have. Nothing will happen until November when open enrollment starts so wait until the numbers come out, work with your insurance agent and figure out what plan works for you.”


6 JULY UPDATE: SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN  Since its launch in January, NAHU's new social media campaign has tremendously increased our social media presence, numbers and viewership on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We are excited to share July's analytics indicating the campaign's great progress.July's analytics  Twitter:  In July, NAHU’s profile was visited 2,195 times.  NAHU gained more than 381 new followers.  NAHU’s tweets were seen on average 1,400 times per day.  Our tweeted links were checked 287 times – a more than 20 percent increase since June.  Facebook:  NAHU’s posts reach, on average, 1,254 unique individuals each day – a more than 70 percent increase since June.  NAHU’s page was visited 225 times.  Campaigns:  Since we started posting them, links to NAHU’s platinum summit page have been clicked more than 60 times.

7 IMPORTANCE OF MEDIA COVERAGE  We often send these clips to policymakers to alert them of the issues we are facing. The more high-profile media coverage we received, the more attention policymakers will pay to our issues.  Media placement means an increased understanding of the issues in the public, both inside and outside the industry.  Media attention increases NAHU name recognition and branding.  We do not pay for our media placements. All coverage received by our members is free business promotion, which promotes NAHU members as subject-matter experts.  Good information and solid sound bytes provided by an NAHU member means other reporters will want to use that member as a resource.

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