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2OTH ANNUAL FORENSIC RIGHT AND TREATMENT CONFERENCE November 27, 2012 Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "2OTH ANNUAL FORENSIC RIGHT AND TREATMENT CONFERENCE November 27, 2012 Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 2OTH ANNUAL FORENSIC RIGHT AND TREATMENT CONFERENCE November 27, 2012 Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator

2 Winter 2011  Began process of developing MHFA for Public Safety  First meeting to develop MHFA in County Spring 2011  First MHFA class  NAMI and local MH Providers began looking at how they could help with the development of MHFA in Blair County Summer 2011  Sequential Intercept Mapping for Blair County  Blair County CJAB made MHFA part of their strategic plan  First Public Safety MHFA class  Began marketing MHFA for a local instructor certification class Fall 2011  Developed and implemented plan for local instructor training  Developed MH Specialized Police Training Steering Committee 201120122013

3 Winter 2012  Began filling instructor’s class with local residents  Held first meeting of MH Specialized Training Steering Committee  Applied for local grant to offset costs Spring 2012  Instructor’s training (March 2012)  First class offered by new instructors  Developed plan for training public safety, business and public Summer 2012  Set up quarterly meeting with local instructors  Classes offered in community and courthouse Fall 2012  Offered three Public Safety Courses  Created a MHFA Steering Committee  Offered 7 general public courses  Began working with local Chamber of Commerce

4  Cost - $3,000 vs. $1,150 per student  Less travel and time away from family and work  Less personal disruption of instructors  Built a stronger core of local instructors  Class cohesiveness  Offered local resource material  Created opportunity for media coverage

5 *Lost 2 instructors due to work and moving Each instructor is required to teach at least one FREE community based course a year Total Number of Instructors (19 ) Juvenile & Adult Parole (3) Intellectual Disabilities (1) Other Counties (9) Law Enforcement (3) Nami (2) Mental Health (11)

6  Buy In from law enforcement, business and community  Keeping costs of training at a minimum  Sponsorships – Free advertisement  Keeping instructors involved  Educating the Public and Subgroups “Cultural Change”  Marketing  Sustainability  Class time of 12 hours is too long  Getting media involved

7  Relationships – Relationships – Relationships  Communications make it face to face  Written information that applies to the audience you are addressing  “What's in it for Me?”  Pre-existing relationships  Who are your stakeholders in community?

8  County Commissioners  President Judge  Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB)  Regional hospital  Mental Health agencies  Local and state Law enforcement and public safety  Emergency Management  Chamber of Commerce  Local businesses  Media  Community “EVERYONE!”

9  Vinnie the Used Car Salesman – talk to everyone  Create a Steering Committee  Break population down into subcategories and even smaller groups ◦ Public Safety (Police, Corrections, 911) ◦ First Responders ◦ Faith Based ◦ Businesses ◦ Local communities  Shotgun approach does not work  Develop material that is local and based on specific audiences  Use local media and invite them to trainings  Local calendar of events  Keep a sense of humor  Debrief after every class  Each person trained in MHFA becomes a marketer for the program

10  Over 250 individuals  50 Public Safety personnel  45 Blair County Courthouse staff (includes some from all departments and all of Adult Parole)  133 from the general public  25 from Penn State Altoona Campus

11  Beginning 2013 will be offering at least quarterly the 8-hour MHFA training to Public Safety personnel.  Offer monthly Community based MHFA trainings.  Develop a strategic plan to increase outreach to the various population subgroups.  Develop instructor certification for Children, Public Safety and Rural MHFA.  Develop additional business sponsorships to keep costs low.  Attempt to create partnerships with media, businesses and civic organizations.  Continue with quarterly instructors meetings.  Improve the Steering Committee’s ability to supply technical assistance to instructors.  Seek possible funding grants.


13 Contact information Jim Hudack Blair County MH/ID/EI Administrator (814)693-3023 ext. 1480

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