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Work The displacement of an object in a parallel direction to an applied force. F d W=Force x displacement Work is measured in Joules (J) which comes from.

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1 Work The displacement of an object in a parallel direction to an applied force. F d W=Force x displacement Work is measured in Joules (J) which comes from a Newton-meter (Nm). The fundamental units that make up a Joule are kgm 2 /s 2 W=Fd Work is a scalar quantity. The force and displacement must be in parallel directions.

2 Vertical Work F W F=W for a mass lifted at constant velocity Vertical Work: Work=(weight)(Δh) d=change in height=final height –initial height hihi hfhf d

3 d F No work is accomplished by force F in this situation.

4 Work Also defined as a transfer of energy. Also defined as a transfer of energy. Whenever work is accomplished, energy of some type is transferred. Whenever work is accomplished, energy of some type is transferred.

5 Work by various components F f d W F =Fd Work accomplished by force, F moving a distance d W f = -fd Work accomplished by friction through a distance, d. Constant velocity Net work is zero Wnet=Fnet(d)=(F-f)d=Fd-fd=W F -W f =0 Acceleration Wnet=Fnet(d)=mad=(F-f)d=W F -W f

6 F d Work is positive when the force and displacement are in the same direction. F d Work is negative when the force and displacement are in opposite directions. Positive work: Work is accomplished by the force. Energy in transferred into the system Negative work: Work is accomplished on the force. Energy is transferred out of the system

7 Work is the area under a force-displacement graph. Work is the area under a force-displacement graph.

8 Power Power is the rate of doing work. Power is the rate of doing work. Power is the rate of energy transfer. Power is the rate of energy transfer. Power =Work/time  P= W/t Power =Work/time  P= W/t Power = (F)(d)/t = F(d/t) Power = (F)(d)/t = F(d/t) Power = Force x velocity  P=Fv Power = Force x velocity  P=Fv v = average velocity (v f +v i )/2 v = average velocity (v f +v i )/2 P  (N)(m)/s= (J)/(s)=(kgm 2 /s 3 ) = Watt P  (N)(m)/s= (J)/(s)=(kgm 2 /s 3 ) = Watt Power is measured in Watts, abbreviated W. Power is measured in Watts, abbreviated W. 1 horsepower = 746 Watts (1 hp =746 W) 1 horsepower = 746 Watts (1 hp =746 W)

9 Work in Various Directions d

10 Situation 1 d An object pulled at an angle on a level horizontal surface. F FxFx W=(Fcosθ)d W=F x d The applied force F and d are not in a parallel direction. F x =Fcosθ

11 Situation 2 x W h θ Given: W, x, θ h=xtanθ Work=Wh=Wxtanθ

12 Situation 3 x F d θ Given: F, x, θ d=x/cosθ W=Fd

13 Situation 4 F d θ Given: F, d, θ F !! =Fcosθ W=F || d=Fdcosθ or θ x x=dcosθ W=Fx W=Fdcosθ F ||

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